The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 468: Interstellar Cubs Daily 26

Xie Lin handed the grilled kebab to the little boy beside her. He didn't resist as much at first. He took the kebab, but turned his back on her.

Xie Lin didn't care, she just smiled.

It's not that she never thought about the possibility of building her own house, but Naihe's team members don't seem to be able to endure hardships, and compared to Qi Yu's group, it seems that their physical fitness is not very good, so they can only give up.

Suddenly, a rustling voice came, and a pair of eyes appeared at them in the dark night. The little boy was so frightened that his whole body froze, and the other children subconsciously hid behind the adults around him, but he just didn't move.

In the afternoon, Xie Lin was injured because of his temper, and he had no good face all the time, so he had no right to hide behind her.

He was always rejecting her...

But a pair of gentle and powerful hands hugged him, he was protected by Xie Lin in his arms, and he was worried that he would cover his eyes for fear.

His mother had never been so gentle to him and forced him into the show.

And she's just a temporary mom to the show's partner.

His eyes blinked slightly, and a little hot and humid tears were smeared.

Feeling the wetness of her palms, Xie Lin was a little surprised, thinking that he was too scared, so she reassured, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

"Hmm." His voice was muffled.


On the other side, the Qi Yu team also had these situations. A pair of eyes that resembled beasts in the dark night blinked, unable to see the outline clearly, full of oppression.

He Xunian subconsciously leaned closer to the people around him, although Zhou Yingying was the closest to him, he said weakly, "What is this?"

Although he can fight, he can't stand these dense eyes, which is unheard of.

God knows what he is most afraid of.

Qi Yu said with a half-smile, "Didn't you say you can protect the three children?"

He Xunian was stubborn, "Don't you see what these are? When I see it clearly, I can go to a pot."

Lu Yaochen said in a deep voice, "Have you noticed that darkness is surrounding us?"

He Xunian was so startled that he almost jumped up, and couldn't help rubbing his goosebumps with his hands, "Damn it! I remember that this chandelier has a wide range of lighting. How could it be so lit and swallowed?"

He held Zhou Yingying's shoulder with a trill, "Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

But in fact, he kept trying to get closer to her.

The light of the chandelier did not dim, but the scope of the shroud was narrowed, and those eyes were gradually approaching, as if they were swallowed up.

At this time, the live broadcast room also exploded.

[Why do I have a visual sense of ghost movies? ???

[At this time, I had already covered my eyes, and opened my fingers in curiosity]

[Intensive phobia committed, it's terrible]

[To be reasonable, there are so many eyes in the dark night, and they are so close, this sense of substitution is too strong]

Qi Yu was always very calm, and still had time to ask the mermaid cub in his arms, "Are you afraid?"

Mermaid Cub shook his head.

Lu Yaochen was still calm. After all, he had force to stand by. He Xunian was originally quite afraid, but firstly, there were many people, and secondly, no one in the team showed that he was very afraid. He counted it as a face.

What puzzled him most was that none of the three children were afraid.

On the other hand, one of the other team screamed, and the fear was so powerful that they all panicked.

Sometimes I am not afraid of being infected.

Why should you complain, "Brother Qi, do you have a way to solve them quickly?"

It's pitch black and nothing can be done.

Who knows what the **** those are.

Qi Yu was also worried that it would leave a psychological shadow on the little guy for a long time, and the group of things kept approaching, and he didn't want to lose the last light.

There was a pile of wood set up next to him, and he slowly took out an object similar to a lighter. The fire started, and everyone only heard a strange cry, and then the eyes disappeared.

And the chandelier robot has returned to its role.

He Xunian was a little dumbfounded, "Is it that simple?"

Xie Lin has always been paying attention to the situation of the other team, and a fire was immediately set up, and the dense eyes disappeared.

[Wait for an explanation online? ???

???Curiosity scratches your heart???

[I just want to know how the actor knew about it. The actor seemed to have noticed this before, and gave He Xunian a meaningful look]

Qi Yu touched the well-fed belly of the merman cub, and said slowly, "They are a group of alien beasts that can only appear at night. Their bodies look like shadows, so we can only see their eyes."

"Shadow beasts like this kind of cold light, so the light around us was 'devoured' before, and they actually covered the area shrouded in light with their bodies, so we thought that the darkness was actually coming from their bodies.

"Although they like light, they are afraid of fire because their bodies will be ignited. So if they are ignited, they will automatically leave."

After some explanation, the two teams have a general understanding.

They thought of Yun Dao's malicious smile before, and thought that Yun Dao might just want to see them screaming and screaming in fear, and they all turned black.

Especially Shailene's.

???Fuck! How did the actor know! ???

[I just checked, the record of the last appearance of this kind of beast seems to be two hundred years ago, so no one knows about it]

???Emperor Qi with a wealth of knowledge???

Director Yun's voice came through the little robot, and his tone was full of regret, "It's really a pity that you all found a way so quickly."

You must know that when they sent people to explore, they suffered a big loss. Many people were so embarrassed that they were so scared that they almost cried. After all, you can't touch them, your eyes are right next to you, and you can't do anything about them, you just shudder.

Although not life-threatening, the psychological shadow is enormous.

In the end, I still like to bring a lighter, and I found a way by mistake.

Lu Yaochen was a little curious, "Qi Yu, how did you know?"

Qi Yu wrote lightly, "When I was cutting down the tree before, I found that there was a shadow that was wrong, so I took a closer look and found that the cluster of shadows suddenly disappeared, so I checked it by the way."

[I just flipped through the playback, it seems that there is really such a detail]

[It's too careful, I think the next actor can go to decrypt the show, I want to see 100 million details]

???I can do this too! ! ???

He Xunian's eyes were very resentful, "Brother Qi is deliberately keeping it to scare us."

Qi Yu glanced at him lightly, "Be confident and get rid of them."

It seems that you are the only one scared.

Still hiding behind the little girl.

Zhou Yingying rolled his eyes at He Xunian and said bluntly, "Dad He, you can put your hands down, you are still shaking now."

In the end, he murmured in a low voice, "You said to protect me."

???Hahaha laughed me to death???

[He has always been so cowardly and never let me down]

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