The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 471: Interstellar Cubs Daily 29

She is still very short now, so He Xunian bent down to listen to her.

When I heard her ask, she didn't hide it, "I was forced to read a book when I was a child, and the recipe fell out of the book."

"I was more playful at the time. I divided the labor and brought ingredients with my nearby friends, and secretly cooked in the woods. Later, when my grandfather came, we ran away with the pot."

In fact, he was really young at that time. The older one was only ten years old. He was only six years old at the time.

Although there are intelligent robots, they only bring ordinary **** pots and make fires to cook, just like what is written in the book.

Children always have a desire to explore.

He found this recipe at the time, and he made up the ingredients. Everyone prepared a portion to eat, but he thought it was extraordinarily delicious, so he threw the rice directly into the black pot. I just found the rice to be extra sweet.

I lived with my grandfather at the time, and the grove was planted by my grandfather. It seemed that someone had set the woods on fire before, so my grandfather smelled the smell of smoke and rushed over, but after seeing the food they made, it was rare that there were no boards. face.

He Xunian fell into memory. He had always been rough before, but it was a little uncomfortable to be quiet now.

Luo Ci blinked and didn't bother anymore. She was only reminded of some memories because of the smell.

There are many things that I liked when I was a child, but when I grow up, they are different, and I can no longer find the feeling of the past.

There is a slight sadness.

Qi Yu was a little unhappy in his heart, he didn't like her being so close to others.

Especially when the other party bent over to speak to her, her eyes were fixed on He Xunian, and there was even a ray of emotion that didn't fit her age, like she was missing something.

even more unhappy.

He just thought that his urge to control had flared up again, barely suppressing his emotions, and after everyone had finished breakfast, he said, "Let's go out and search today."

Originally, there were only three adults, and the show itself was about how the group's parents and children got along, so there was no way to leave one person at home to take care of the three children.

The three cubs were walking side by side with small backpacks.

Zhou Yingying held the arm of the mermaid cub, intimately, still biting her ears and whispering.

Of course, more is Zhou Yingying talking, Luo Ci listening.

Jiang Yan felt that he was being neglected, so from time to time he grabbed Zhou Yingying's little tail on her small backpack and pulled her back.

Originally, he wanted to tug at the rabbit's tail behind Luo Ci's small backpack, but when he stretched out his little hand, he felt a chill hit him. He followed the source and met the actor's eyes.

The slender eyes are like a smile but not a smile, and they seem to be gentle and humble, but Jiang Yan is a little frightened and does not dare to provoke Luo Ci.

So Zhou Yingying was always being pulled on a small backpack, and she was also annoyed, so she ran to pull his backpack, and the lonely person was a mermaid.

Luo Ci glanced at them silently, and was relieved.

She is also not good at dealing with children. Children are somewhat imaginative, and sometimes their brain circuits cannot keep up.

She walked to Qi Yu's side, looked up at him, thought about it, and stretched out a small hand to hold his hand, still in a somewhat laborious posture, and she had to raise her hand high.

Qi Yu paused, holding her as usual, but this time with a little tighter force, wrapping her little hand.

He slowly became dazed in his heart. He had held her before, but at that time, he felt like he was looking at a gadget, with curiosity and interest, but now it seems to be different.

[I love the back of the big one and the small one holding each other, screenshots and screenshots]

[Cub doesn't seem to like being with other children very much, is it because of the experience in the laboratory that I can't fit in?]

[Wu woo distressed, I hope to destroy the laboratory as soon as possible]

The barrage flashed again, and it was an inexplicable brain supplement.

The place where Qi Yu found the mutant eggs in the morning was not far, but this road was not a road, and the surrounding weeds and thorns were overgrown, so he took a machete and forcibly opened a road.

He always looks light, but he seems to be going through fire and water for you, through the rain forest of bullets.

It didn't take long to see the empty nest. There were birds flying around here. They looked a bit like sparrows, but they were five or six times bigger.

Luo Ci felt a little greedy, inexplicably felt that the meat of birds was delicious, more delicious than fish.

She wondered randomly, do mermaids like to eat birds, or is this body rather special.

He loosened his hand from the fragments, turned his small backpack with his head down, and took out a small and exquisite bow from it. This bow does not require much effort, and it has an energy propelling device inside, so children can also try it.

She fiddled around a bit, and had a general understanding of how to use it. Facing the gray-black sparrow flying around, half-squinting one eye, an arrow feather flew out quickly, just hitting the sparrow.

The sapphire-like clear and pure eyes have a sense of sharpness, and the gentle breath is a little tougher, but when she puts down the bow and arrow, she returns to normal, and runs over with small steps, holding the bird in her small hand. His wings fluttered in a showy way, revealing a little bit of tiger teeth that were cunning and cute, a bit like a little devil.

Qi Yu was slightly startled, raised his eyebrows slightly, and walked over. He thought she was just playing with bows and arrows, but he didn't expect to actually hit her.

He Xunian rubbed his eyes several times in shock. My dear, are the cubs so powerful now that they can catch big fish and shoot birds.

[The cub is too strong, he will hunt by himself at such a young age]

[Inexplicably, I feel that the cub has a sassy temperament, but it is too small. If it grows up a little bit, and if it is equipped with elf ears, it will look like a elf shooter.]

【! Poke it! Waiting for the cub to grow up together? 】

Qi Yu rubbed her hair, "You can play by yourself, I'll catch the mutant chicken."

"Yeah!" It was the first time that Luo Ci used a bow and arrow, and she was instantly interested. She was going to shoot a few more, preferably one per person and roasted and eaten.

In fact, this bow and arrow is not only aimed with eyes, but also with mental power, which is trivial to her.

Zhou Yingying saw that she could use bows and arrows, and she was about to become a little fan girl. She also took out bows and arrows and wanted to try, but she was afraid that she would not be able to shoot correctly and hurt her own people, so she looked at Luo Ci eagerly.

Luo Ci blinked, "You try to put your mental power on the arrow feathers and control it to attack those birds."

She knows that Zhou Yingying also has mental power, and he is not weak, with S rank, but children generally don't use mental power very much.

The interstellar fertility rate is low, and cubs, especially those with strong talents, are very precious. Basically, they are afraid of melting when they are in the mouth, and they are afraid of falling when they are held in the palm of the hand.

Zhou Yingying nodded and tried.

No one had ever told her to use mental power like this.

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