The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 472: Interstellar Cubs Daily 30 (3,000 words)

People in the live broadcast room are not very optimistic about this.

[I think the cub should not try to use mental power at such a young age. If it is injured, it will not be cured.]

[Cubs shouldn't be fooling around]

[I also think, no matter what, we have to wait for the adult mental strength to stabilize.]

[The upstairs almost made me laugh to death. It takes so long to use it after more than ten years of adulthood. Is it too doting on the cub? 】

【Generally speaking, you can use your mental power normally at the age of ten or so】

[It will be earlier for those with a high level of mental power]

[The one who said that you can only be an adult made me laugh to death. If you go on like this, what is the difference between the talent 3S level and the C level, they are all abandoned]

Some children feel tingling in their brains and cry out when they use their mental power, and parents stop them from continuing.

Although the interstellar people pay more attention to people with strong talents, because they have been in a comfortable and peaceful environment for a long time, they have not put much emphasis on training, so the S-level cannot play their due strength.

Zhou Yingying frowned, with a pained look on her face. This was the first time she used mental power.

Although she felt pain, she felt that there was nothing uncomfortable about Cici's younger sister, so she should be fine. After a while, sweat oozes from her face, and the one shot out and hit one. The bird's tail feathers, it staggered a few times in the air, and continued to flutter.

Zhou Yingying cried out with some joy, "I also shot, next time I can shoot it down!"

She wiped the sweat from her little hands, and continued to hold up the bow and arrow in a dignified manner.

She packed her prey into a small backpack and looked extraordinarily happy.

Luo Ci came to her side and whispered, "The juice I gave you yesterday is ready to drink."

"It's a secret between us." Her voice was very low, and she deliberately took the little robot aside, almost no one could hear it, and the people in the live broadcast room would only think that they were talking about something that belonged only to children. .

She didn't want people to know the difference between the special juice made by the robot butler, and there would be a bunch of people asking him to hand over the recipe, which was a hassle anyway.

Zhou Yingying hurriedly raised her little hand to assure, and then started to drink the juice, she obviously felt a little more comfortable, rolled her eyes and didn't say anything.

[Zhou Yingying seems to be only five years old now, but he can successfully use mental power so quickly]

[So some people just dote on the cubs too much]

[Have you seen Jiang Yan's small eyes, as if he was abandoned and died of laughter]

Jiang Yan was really disappointed, he seemed to be the most useless of all, and since they could hunt, they would definitely not want to be with him.

Lu Yaochen asked him in a low voice, "Would you like to try it? Otherwise, they will all dislike you and stop playing with you?"

He Xunian also joked, "And you are a little boy, not even a little girl."

Jiang Yan walked up to Zhou Yingying angrily, "You teach me! I want to hunt too!"

Tsundere and awkward, not at all like the way he had been messing around and naughty before.

Originally, he was going to go in the direction of Luo Ci, but unexpectedly turned a small corner.

Zhou Yingying's eyes widened in surprise. After all, he used to be lazy before. At first, he looked quite quiet and well-behaved, but he turned out to be a troublemaker, just like the back desk in the class who always pulled her hair. He hated it to death.

She snorted, "As long as you don't bother me again, I'll teach you."

Jiang Yan felt very embarrassed, and his face flushed, "...Okay."

He thought silently in his heart, he was bored alone, and they didn't play with him very much, so that's why...

So the two of them became closer and reconciled.

Luo Ci blinked, inexplicably wanting to laugh.

She thought of what she had seen before, "I will never play with you again" among the children. It might seem a little funny, but they were indeed very affirmative at the time, like an oath, although it was soon Reconciled again.

Qi Yu walked back with two mutant chickens in one hand and came back against the light. The tall and slender figure was uninhibited and his eyes were casual. His eyes immediately fell on Luo Ci, who was squatting in the grass to pick some Unknown grass.

The plush rabbit tail on her backpack was moving, and he wondered inexplicably, if this tail grows on her body, and there are two rabbit ears, just squatting on the grass, cute, cute, and naughty Smart, he was suddenly hit in the heart, and unspeakable emotions flowed in his heart.

The outstretched hand was retracted without leaving a trace, his crow-like feathered eyelashes drooped slightly, his slender fingers hung down by his side, and his tail phalanx moved.

Originally, I wanted to pick her up and tease her like before.

But now, I always feel like I'm being tied down.

Obviously... he still likes to be close to her.

But she's not a pup anymore.

Cub... He remembered that she started calling him Daddy, which he always wanted to see before, and she really had this tendency.

But now I am not happy.

It seems that something is not right. He can't treat her like a puppy like before, and he can't accept that she really treats himself as a father.

Even when she saw her talking to He Xunian, there was still some faint dissatisfaction - this emotion is called jealousy.

Jealous that He Xunian is younger than him, the other party is just a young adult, and her real age is also seventeen or eighteen, the difference is small.

He had known for a long time that she was always irritable and irritable only because of the problems left by the laboratory, but the real she actually knew a lot.

And he should be about twenty years older than her.

He was indeed old enough to be her father.

But he was extremely anxious.

He restrained his emotions and said in a low voice, "What are you doing?"

"Pick wild vegetables." She replied without looking up.

These are wild vegetables, and the detection equipment indicates that they are edible and can be served as side dishes in hot pot.

Qi Yu snorted, and his heart was suddenly dull, and he didn't want to continue exploring.

He casually sat on the grass and said to Lu Yaochen, "I'll leave the rest of the ingredients to you, I'll take a break."

"If you can't find the ingredients, you won't be able to eat today, you can't be worse than a few children."

The actor, whose external image has always been gentle and polite, suddenly removed his disguise and became ill-tempered.

Lu Yaochen shrugged, "Guaranteed to find new ingredients."

Others might not be able to see Qi Yu's emotional change, but Luo Ci could feel it. She leaned over to him and whispered, "Is Daddy unhappy?"

Qi Yu's face was full of black lines.

His teeth ache now when he hears these two words.

He asked aloud, "Aren't you very repulsive before? Why suddenly..." and accepted.

The mermaid's tone was serious, "But Daddy is very good to me, and being Daddy's daughter can also inherit your family property. Didn't Daddy say that before, do you want to go back on it?"

Her tone was aggrieved, "Do you dislike me as a girl, so you don't want my daughter anymore?"

Suddenly playful.

After all, she had been so irritable by this title before, and the fragments were always teasing her, and she had to take revenge.

If you say it, one day you will have to taste the bitter fruit yourself.

Hearing this series of "daddy" and "daughter", Qi Yu's face became more and more gloomy, but he was completely unable to refute.

And the little guy was aggrieved, as if he was going to abandon her.

Immediately, she said helplessly, "I didn't dislike you." It's too late to pamper you.

Even though his mind seemed to be in a mess and his heart was so depressed, he was still reluctant to lose his temper at her.

Today is also a boring day.

He didn't notice the slyness in the eyes of the little brat beside him.

[The actor was pinched by the cubs]

【Naughty cubs】

After a period of time, Lu Yaochen and the two came back. They dragged a mutant pig back, and He Xunian still had blood on his body.

This mutant pig is big enough to eat for a long time.

He Xunian clicked his tongue in disgust, "Why does this big guy keep rushing at me, why doesn't he attack Brother Lu, just because I'm handsome?"

Tucao did not forget to praise himself.

He was covered in blood now and his clothes were torn.

Lu Yaochen was very speechless, "I was in the mecha, and it collided several times, causing me to stumble."

However, the defense of the mecha was strong enough, and the mutant pig quickly gave up on him and chose the "soft persimmon" He Xunian.

Qi Yu was not surprised, stood up and said lightly, "Since we have found the ingredients, let's go back."

Looking down at the mermaid cub, he picked her up and held her with one hand, the same as before.

She still looks like a pup anyway.

Wait until she really stabilizes before keeping your distance.

In the end, he chose to follow his desire to be close to her, even though he still remembered her girlish appearance.

Qi Yu felt that this journey was a bit long.

Because the little guy didn't struggle to get down and walk by himself, but leaned into his ear and whispered, "Daddy, your heart is beating so fast."

Qi Yu paused slightly.

"Jump faster."

She also reached out and quietly pinched his ear.

"It's hot."

Qi Yu's face was sullen, and he took her hand expressionlessly, "Be good, cub."

"What is Daddy thinking?"


He felt like he was being molested by a brat.

But she kept her innocent, clear eyes open.

But he was really weird.

Holding her in his arms, he couldn't help but think of the scene from last night.

Like all-pervasive.

It was the helplessness he had never felt before in his life.

He told himself over and over again that he was her guardian.

He was suddenly not happy for her to call him Daddy because he felt that he was calling him old.

Just one generation behind.

He didn't like it.

Thinking of this, he slowly calmed down.

Could there be any other ideas for a cub?

Reaching out and rubbing the merman cub's hair, the corners of his lips twitched slightly, "I'll make something delicious for you later."

At noon, two mutant chickens are processed, one is used to make chicken stew with mushrooms, and the other is roasted and eaten.

As soon as He Xunian came back, he jumped into the stream to take a bath.

Crazy barrage in the live room.

[Want to see my brother's figure]

[Want to see my brother's abs]

【I want to see it all! 】

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