The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 473: Interstellar Cubs Daily 31

No matter how the barrage was brushed, He Xunian didn't do what they wanted. He plunged directly into the water, climbed up wetly, and went back to the room to change his clothes.

After changing his clothes, he prepared to get a bathroom by himself, so that he didn't have to watch Qi Yu and the two cook like the three cubs.

While eating lunch, Qi Yu fed the mermaid cub with an impermanent expression, his expression was the same as before, as if those entanglements were gone.

Luo Ci is also well-behaved, she actually didn't want to stimulate the fragments now, after all, she is still in her infancy.

It's impossible to attack the cub in a frenzied manner.

In the afternoon, everyone did not go out to explore any more, but made the bathroom together. It was said to be a bathroom, but it was actually just a log cabin.

The program team was more thoughtful in some aspects. The small backpack had a face plate bath tub and the like, as well as the cub bath tub, and a few little yellow ducks, which were specially placed in the bath tub for the cubs.

There is a kettle for boiling water, which can be heated automatically by electricity, and it is the only electrical appliance they have.

Before, I made a small stove with mud and stones, and put a **** pot on it.

Fortunately, there are three kettles, otherwise it would take a pot to burn, and it would take a long time to fill a tub.

Qi Yu pressed the switch, but the kettle didn't respond. At the same time, a mechanical female voice came from the kettle, "The battery is exhausted, please charge it in time."

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and he said how the show crew would be so kind to give them a hot water bottle, it turned out to be an inferior product.

He guessed that it should be a defective product specially selected by the Yun's Group. The defect of his is that it consumes electricity quickly, or leaks electricity quickly.

He looked at the other two, "How is your kettle?"

He Xunian just said "no problem", but as a result, there was no sound from his kettle, no buzzing sound, and no message came.

He was stunned.

This is a straight broken rhythm.

He's only used it three times, so it's broken? !

Lu Yaochen was more persistent, and burned the water five times, but it is normal to use ten times.

[I just said how did the program team provide electronic equipment, it turned out to be a defective product]

[It's miserable or how miserable is Xu Nian, it's directly broken]

After all, this kettle can be charged directly through light energy, and the other two can still be used.

[I remember my brother was looking forward to boiling hot water before, when he found out that the kettle was broken, and the sky fell directly.]

[Hahaha, even people are directly gray]

Luo Ci took out a kettle from her small backpack. This can only be burned on the fire. "You can use this to boil hot water."

At this point, no one dislikes anything, and they all come to the semi-desolate star to survive in the wilderness, how can there be a choice of seven or eight.

Qi Yu took the kettle and went to the stream to scoop up water and then boil it.

"Let's wash them first, we'll be the last." It happened that the water that had been boiled before was mixed with some cold water, enough for three children.

Because there was no heat preservation, Luo Ci and Zhou Yingying soaked in their own tub in the simple bathroom together, while Jiang Yan was later.

After taking a bath, Luo Ci sat on the bed with the energy stone and started to practice. Yesterday was the first day, and I was rather tired, but today it was fine.

When Qi Yu came back from the bath, he saw her sitting on the bed cultivating. He paused and didn't bother, and just lay on the bed.

Even if he kept telling himself that he just had to treat her like a cub, at night, he would still think of what happened last night.

It would be bad if what happened last night happened again.

Always avoid suspicion.

He didn't think that she would suddenly grow up before, and he thought it was fine to sleep in one bed, so he only brought one bed, but now it's better to sleep separately.

Thinking like this, he took out the mattress quilt from the space button, spread it on the floor, and lay down silently.

The fair-skinned fingers lightly placed on the mouth of the heart, the shallow lips were tightly pursed, and the dark eyes were confused.

But he... was not happy.

When Luo Ci woke up from her practice, and found that the fragments were not there, she got off the bed, saw the quilt on the floor, and blinked.

She knew the pieces were tangled.

If this point is not there, it should be a vigil.

She pushed open the door and walked out.

The wind at night was cold and she was wearing only pajamas, which was relatively thin, with her arms folded and her arms folded, she walked towards Qi Yu's direction.

Qi Yu was sitting on a chair, with a black suit jacket draped over his shoulders and a snow-white shirt inside. There was a white marble table next to it, which was out of tune with the surrounding environment. On the table was a cup of hot tea in a snow-white porcelain cup. hot.

The slender phalanx gently picked up and took a sip, with an elegant manner, even in such a simple environment, he still enjoyed it very much.

He turned his head slightly to look at Luo Ci, his voice was clear, and it passed into her ears through the cold night wind, which seemed to be a little cold, "Why are you getting up?"

He didn't wear glasses, his slender eyes were sharp and clear, and the light in his eyes was faint, as if full of night.

The night can be dark and gloomy, or it can blow like a night wind, gentle, tolerant, and quiet.

Just like his eyes at the moment.

But this is him in her eyes.

Luo Ci walked up to him and stretched out her hands, "I want to hug."

Qi Yu's slender and thick eyelashes drooped slightly, and without any hesitation, he picked her up and held her in his arms. He took off his coat and put it on her to block the chill of the night, while he himself was wearing a thin shirt, and his back was slightly eroded by the chill.

Glasses were restraints, and now he took them off.

He was originally a free-spirited person, and he never restrained and repressed what he liked and wanted.

She is the only one who constantly suppresses her nature.

But now he has figured it out.

Why does he need to tangle and avoid suspicion and the like, keeping a distance, but it makes him feel depressed.

He just needs to know that she is his.

It has been from the beginning.

The dark eyes were surging with deep thick clouds, faintly dyed with a dark red color.

The clear and sweet voice contained unquestionable strength, "I will call me brother in the future."

Now that he has calmed down, how could he not have imagined that the little guy deliberately shouted like that in the morning.

After thinking about it, it was this title that made him feel comfortable.

Luo Ci raised her little head, how could she take over this stubble so easily, she teased her for more than a week before, "You didn't say that before."

Qi Yu looked at her with dark eyes, and her snow-white and cool fingers held her face lightly, and saw the slyness in her eyes.

He hummed lightly, "It's me who said it wrong, it's my brother."

Not the father.

He was not in the same situation as in the daytime. He seemed very calm, and he didn't deliberately mess with her.

Although there is no expression, you can still hear his seriousness.

"Well, I'll let you go this time." She was still a little regretful.

A faint smile flashed across Qi Yu's dark eyes, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

Obviously a lot better.

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