The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 480: Interstellar Cubs Daily 38

After thinking about it, he released the space cover to prevent the smell of blood from spreading to the outside, and cut his wrist like before, and the dark red blood was completely absorbed by her before it had time to smudge.

The loss of blood did affect him, but the loss was nothing compared to hers.

"Grow up quickly."

He sighed softly.

At first, he just had some interest in cultivating her, and later he wanted her to accompany him. Later, after seeing what she looked like when she grew up, and having spent all these time with her, it was no longer the first feeling.

I don't know how long it took, Luo Ci woke up from the stupor, but her mental state was still not very good. This was the sequelae of using the sword of judgment.

She was emotionally affected by the sword.

Just to do it all over again, she will still choose to use this sword.

When she woke up, she was lying on the bed, the surroundings were very spacious, the windows were drawn, and the room was illuminated with a few night pearls.

With a slight movement of her fingers, she found that she couldn't lift her hands, and she couldn't get up on her own.

Using the power that crosses the boundary will eventually put a load on the body. If she is not well taken care of, maybe she has become a vegetative person now.

No... are you still recording the show?

But she seems to be at home now.

The door was opened, and Qi Yu walked over to the bed and sat down. His steps were slow and slow. The footsteps were amplified in the silent room, as if they were on the apex of his heart, very close.

Instead of wearing a white shirt like before, he was wearing black clothes and no glasses. His dark eyes were sharp and clear, as if he could look straight into the depths of people's pupils. Disappeared, the breath around the body calmed down, giving the impression of being taciturn, indifferent, and staying out of the way.

Luo Ci stared at him blankly, he was probably the most similar fragment to the Lord God.

In a trance, she seemed to have seen a certain scene from before: he was dressed in black, sitting high on the head, with a **** background behind him, his dark pupils casually looking at the subordinates under the stage, and his pupils contained The blood-filled redness is terrifying, and the beautiful white phalanx gently plays with a pearl with a light blue halo.

As soon as the picture turned, he looked down at him condescendingly, with no emotion on his face, and a few characters were poured out from his crimson lips. As for what he said, she couldn't remember.

Just before he turned around, he saw the fleeting disappointment on his face.

After that, he cut her wrist for her and dripped blood into the petri dish.

The last memory of him is of his very light sigh, which seemed to come into her ear from the distant past.

"Grow up quickly."

"woke up?"

The voices of the past and the words of the present gradually overlapped, and Luo Ci regained consciousness, her voice a little hoarse, "How many days have I slept?"

Qi Yu's voice was very low, and he reached out and took her into his arms, "A week."

She looked down at her hand, this was not the hand of a five-year-old child, she was... grown up?

The voice does not seem to be that young.

Qi Yu held her face lightly, his dark eyes stared at her quietly, his tone was very serious, "Should we do a marriage registration?"

Luo Ci was a little stunned, she was still stuck in the impression of the show, so fast? I treated you like a cub a second ago, but now I'm going straight to get married, skipping the transition period.

He could see the emotion in her eyes, her expression was calm, she couldn't see joy or anger, and his voice was very soft, "But I've been waiting for a long time."

Not in a hurry at all.

She stroked her silky silver hair with slender fingers, and said slowly, "I've been waiting since you were still in the petri dish."

"At that time, you were just a mermaid cub with obvious physical defects. You couldn't open your eyes and you were dying." Ordinary methods could not make her survive.

It was originally not related to him, but inexplicably moved his compassion, he fed her to drink his own blood, thus continuing her life.

"I will visit you every day, feed you and drink my blood, and want you to grow up quickly."

This has become his daily expectation.

For him who was not recognized and lost his original identity, this was the only thing he could look forward to.

"I remember the first time you opened your eyes, because you couldn't find me, so you kept crying, and the petri dish was full of your pearls."

It was the kind of pearl with a pale blue halo.

At that time, he was dealing with affairs in the hall, and the people under his hand presented pearls to report the news of the little mermaid to him.

When he was playing with the pearl in his hand, he could actually feel the emotions conveyed by the pearl, anxious, helpless, and very insecure.

The emotion was subtle.

"You didn't calm down until you saw me."

He remembered that her eyes full of reliance softened his heart that had long since erected a high wall.

If there is no accident, he will always guard her until she grows up.


He missed so much.

The dark pupils were stained with blood, and the fingers were tensed, and the killing intent that had arisen in an instant was quickly drawn back.

He lowered his head slightly and dropped a light kiss on the top of her hair.

He asked softly, "Will you stay with me all the time?"

There is absolutely no way to refuse.

There is no reason either.

Luo Ci reached out and tried to hug him back.

She said, "Okay."

They are like two wounded little beasts, they accompany each other, rely on each other, and become each other's salvation, and no one can do without the other.

Qi Yu rested her chin lightly on her head, her eyes deep.

He remembered how she swam into his pool, remembered the many hidden dangers that Mu Luan had checked out for her, remembered her subconscious shrinking when a needle was stabbed into her wrist, and those who treated her undeservedly, he would report back one by one .

For whatever reason, never forgive.


After that, Luo Ci learned about the situation in the later part of the show. She stayed for three days. Because she didn't wake up, the fragments took her away from the show group. The rest of the show also had some explosive points. With a dedicated attitude, they Still recording.

And the crew that had breached the contract and wanted to change people had a lot of trouble. The person they wanted to change was the son of a powerful person in the Federation, but that person had a dispute with many actors during filming, but most of the directors were in trouble. It's about being able to endure.

The man in the middle set his sights on a supporting actress, but the other party refused to do so, and directly dismissed him. The matter went viral, and the director chose to sacrifice the supporting actress in order to please the man.

It's just that the supporting actress concealed her identity and came out to play in the circle. The family behind her was quite powerful, and the director was hit badly.

Later, it was revealed that the so-called second generation of Quan was an illegitimate child, and he was not taken seriously. The director's face turned green. For the sake of an unsatisfactory illegitimate child, he had a very tense relationship with a circle of stars and offended a big family. , In addition to finding someone Hei Qiyu before, Qi Yu secretly intervened in a wave, and the director ended bleak.

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