The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 481: Interstellar Cubs Daily 39

When people walk away, the new drama is naturally not completed, and the script is also bought, and a reputable entertainment company selects the role and re-shoots it.

Although the previous director was not very good in some aspects, he was relatively accurate in filming and casting, so most of the roles followed the previous candidates, and a small number of roles were re-opened.

Upon hearing the news, many fans of the original novel cried with joy.

[Great, I thought my favorite novel was going to be destroyed]

[I just want to know if the actor of the villain is still playing? 】

[I really like the villain character so much]

[The actor should still be taking care of the cub, and I don't know what happened to the cub. I quit the show halfway before, and there is no news until now]

[However, the good news is that the sub-bases of the laboratory have been eliminated one after another, leaving only the laboratory headquarters]

【I just want to say well done】

How netizens commented has nothing to do with Qi Yu and Luo Ci. They went straight to the marriage registration now. In order to successfully mark the little mermaid husband, Qi Yu directly changed her age to just the age of adulthood.

However, she is different from ordinary people. During the days when she was in a coma, he fed her blood every day, so she became an adult early. She can switch back and forth between her legs and fish tail, and she is no longer the twin she had imagined before. legs up.

As for the hidden dangers in the little mermaid, he didn't restore his memory before, and he would ask Mu Luan to help make the potion, but now he doesn't need it at all.

The price of his loss of blood is the loss of a part of his vitality.

But his life is already very long, he doesn't need to live that long, he just needs to have a lifespan that can accompany the little mermaid all the time.

When Qi Yu brought Luo Ci for marriage registration, he wore a fake human skin mask on his face.

He didn't take off the human-skin mask until he arrived at the marriage registration office. The registration staff was very surprised when they saw Qi Yu, but her good quality made her suppress the squeal of the groundhog and smiled, "Please your star Ring personal information on."

When the registration staff saw the photo of Luo Ci's personal information, they stared at her for a while, and quickly covered their mouth with their hands.

This, is this cub's mother?

Long silver hair and sapphire eyes. So cute and beautiful, they look so much alike!

She followed the cubs of the netizens on Xingbo every day, and she forgot the cub's name, so she mistakenly thought that Luo Ci and Qi Yu had given birth to a mermaid cub.

The registrar's eyes are almost popping out of stars.

Qi Yu looked at her lightly, "Can you help me register first?"

"Okay, okay!" The registrar tried hard to control her excitement, and she made up a lot of things in her head.

What came back after five years of running with the ball, the movie emperor chased his wife in the crematorium and so on.

After the registration, Luo Ci said to the registration staff, "Can you help us keep it a secret?"

"Ok, Ok!"

The registrar whispered, "Then may I ask, how is the cub now?"

She didn't care about gossip, she just wanted to know if the mermaid cub woke up.

Luo Ci was stunned for a moment. Now she knew the reason for the star eyes of the registrar before. Her voice was soft, "I'm fine, thank you for your concern."

Like the ancient earth, there will be a photo of the marriage certificate when the marriage is registered. Since regaining his memory, Qi Yu has never worn glasses again. He is dressed in a black suit with a white shirt inside, with a straight and slender figure, while Luo Ci is a snow-colored dress with black skirts and collars, and they stand harmoniously together.

After they completed the registration, they left, and the registration staff were still a little bit lost in the place.

After a long while, she suddenly exclaimed, "Damn it! That's the cub just now! This is cultivation!"

As for the cub growing up so quickly, she thought that maybe something happened to the cub before, so she became a cub.


After completing the marriage registration, the two sat in the private suspended train, silent for a while.

Qi Yu stretched out his hand, but stopped when he touched her hair. He touched her eyes instead, and his dark pupils looked at her quietly.

Touching the hair always has a sense of the elders seeing the younger ones, but now the identity is different.

He lowered his head and kissed her beautiful eyes lightly, his voice as light as ice, with a coolness, "From now on, you will be my wife."

Qi Yu held her in his arms, lowered his crow feather-like eyelashes, and a little silhouette fell under his eyes, "Are you still used to my current character?"

When he said this, his expression was very calm and his tone was light.

But Luo Ci somehow felt that he was a little nervous.

He was worried that she didn't like him now.

"I like everything you look like." Luo Ci put her arms around his neck.

"Hmm." There was a muffled sound in his chest.

Qi Yu explained, "I encountered some things before, I lost my previous memory, and now I remember it."

He took it lightly, and he didn't want to mention it.

Those things have long been unable to bring him any mood swings, they are all unworthy things and people, and the past is full of human ugliness, so why let her know.

Because his memory was restored, he couldn't have as many mood swings as before, and he was unwilling to disguise his own nature.

The suspended train did not drive home. It was night, and there were fewer and fewer people driving along the road. They came to a high tower.

Qi Yu took Luo Ci's hand and slowly walked to the top.

No one usually comes to this tower, and since he had greeted him in advance, no one would disturb him.

Naturally, he couldn't just simply do a marriage registration and end it, that would be too wrong for her.

He put one arm around her shoulder and raised the other hand slightly. A pale blue light group appeared in the palm of his hand. The light group shot upward and exploded like fireworks, and the exploding starlight appeared beside them. .

Luo Ci's eyes were stunned, she reached out and touched a faint blue star beside her, and only felt a little bit of icy coldness.

The sky was raining starlights, and the blue was colder, falling on him like snow. In the end, all the starlights flew towards Qi Yu and condensed into a blue bouquet with a diamond ring floating above the bouquet. , small and exquisite.

He knelt down on one knee, his dark eyes were like a quiet galaxy, and his voice was cool and pleasant, as if it went straight into his heart, "As long as I'm here, this bouquet will not be extinguished."

Luo Ci took the bouquet, which turned into a delicate and elegant hairpin, which was automatically inserted into her hair.

Qi Yu's fair and slender hands gently held hers, and put on a diamond ring for her with great piety, then lowered his head slightly and dropped a kiss on her fingertips.

His kisses have always been gentle, with a touch of coolness, but they are still very heart-warming.

He didn't say I love you, but his eyes and behavior already said everything.

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