The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 482: Interstellar Cubs Daily 40

He is not as talkative as before, and he will not tease her badly anymore, but his dark eyes are especially deep, and he can see the emotions in his eyes just by looking at him, as if he cherishes her very much. Whenever she looks up at him, she will find He looked at himself.

It was as if his eyes never left her.

All she could see was the emotion he showed, and the emotion buried deep in the dark pupils was impossible to detect.

As quiet as his expression, calm and unflappable.

Luo Ci thought for a while and asked, "How did you do it before?"

Qi Yu's fair fingertips lightly touched the hairpin on her head, "As long as you can control the energy, these things are very easy."

This is not magic, but it has the same effect.

Disperse the supernatural powers into little stars, use mental power to control their ups and downs, control their transformation, and finally condense them into a hairpin, which is how the energy is condensed to the extreme.

What happened that night, he remembered very clearly, and he also sensed the collision of several huge energies, including the sword that did not belong to this world.

He knew that she had other origins.

So he asked if he could accompany him all the time.

In fact, he was afraid that she would leave.

So he couldn't wait to set an identity and keep her.

Luo Ci threw herself into his arms and rubbed reliedly, "Let's go home."


The night was dark and the breeze was cool. He hugged his little mermaid and rode the suspended train home.

When I got home, the living room was still bright, the dining table was full of delicious food, and candles were lit, which looked very warm.

Mu Luan sat on the sofa and waited, and threw two medicines directly to Qi Yu, "After drinking it, the after-effects are gone, I'll go back first."

He thought he was looking for a daughter to inherit the family property, but it turned out to be really cultivated, and it started more than ten years ago. As soon as he regained his memory, he hurried to do the marriage registration and tied people to his side. He was considered a servant. .

His eyelids were dark blue, obviously he hadn't rested much in recent days.

After Mu Luan left, Luo Ci asked, "What is this?"

Qi Yu paused, his shallow lips opened lightly, "Potion that stabilizes the energy in my body. I have a lot of energy in my body, and it is easy to become disordered. The previous memory loss was also caused by the collision of energy."

The collision of energies is bound to have an impact on the body.

"At that time, the energy was out of control, and the consciousness began to become disordered, which saved Mu Luan's life. After that, he helped me make the potion, and the energy in the body slowly returned to calm."

Including the reason for the amnesia, together with the acquaintance with Mu Luan, was also revealed.

"Later, because of boredom, I developed some careers. Entering the entertainment industry is a matter of recent years."

As for the rest, Qi Yu didn't mention it in the end, he had scruples in his heart.

Luo Ci urged, "Then drink the potion quickly."

The corners of Qi Yu's lips twitched slightly, and the very shallow smile made him gentle, "No hurry, let's have dinner first."

The food was still hot, he estimated the time and asked the robot butler to prepare dinner on time.

Even if he didn't specifically order it, the housekeeper would take care of everything for her.

He knows the other person's mind.

Before he lost his memory, he didn't quite understand, but now he knew that the robot housekeeper was courting her.

If someone else covets his little mermaid, he might keep the other person away, or even make the other person disappear, but he can't do anything to this robot, and he won't do anything.

Luo Ci was sitting at the dining table, ready to start. Now that this body is an adult, her appetite has increased greatly. Two-thirds of the meals on a large table are prepared for her.

When she was about to start, she looked around, "Where's the housekeeper?"

Qi Yu's expression was as usual, and he took a piece of meat for her and said slowly, "He should be charging in the room."

Not really.

Just trying to reduce the time to see her as much as possible.

Luo Ci was a little disappointed for some reason, "Okay."

She muttered softly, "Isn't there already mobile energy now? And light energy can be absorbed and transformed by itself."

Qi Yu slowly peeled the shrimp in his hand, dipped it in the dipping sauce, and held it to her lips with chopsticks, and she immediately took a bite.

"His core energy is unique and cannot be replaced. When the usual energy conversion cannot maintain daily needs, it needs to be charged."

This is not a lie.

The core energy and chip of the robot housekeeper are unique in the world. No one knows how it was produced, nor who the maker is. So far, there is no machine that can detect his difference.

Qi Yu's eyes quietly looked at the way she buried her head in eating shrimp, and her eyes gradually darkened. She asked others, because of the desire to control, he would not be very happy in his heart, but he would not show it.

Even answered thoughtfully.

He wouldn't make her afraid or hate him.

As long as he is the best in her heart, no one can take her away.

He is very patient.


After dinner, Luo Ci took a bath and lay down on the bed, but she couldn't sleep.

Because the debris has not returned to the room.

She remembered that the shard said she was going to take care of some business and let her sleep first.

But... today is the first day of the wedding. Generally speaking, according to the temperament of so many fragments, it is not necessary to consummate the marriage.

But no one has been seen yet.

She thought that it wasn't because the fragments had not changed their minds and regarded herself as an old father, so she couldn't face it.

Thinking like this, she got up.

Absolutely not!

She walked out of the room, the living room was a little dark, she was groping to turn on the light, but she bumped into a figure with a cold machine texture. The unexpected collision made her figure a little unstable.

The icy hand grabbed her waist in time, and she was led into the other's arms. It was cold and a little hard, but there was no pain, it seemed that the other party had controlled his strength extremely well.

A low and elegant voice sounded in my ears, "Miss, are you alright?"

He quickly released her, and through the system center, he controlled the living room lights to turn on, and the living room became brighter.

Luo Ci suddenly realized that she was still not quite used to technology, and she forgot that she could directly instruct the robot at home to turn on the lights.

"I'm fine."

The robot housekeeper bowed slightly towards her, "Do you need anything, miss?"

Luo Ci wanted to say that there was no need, but somehow felt that the other party was eager to tell him to do something, but when he met his empty eyes, he felt that it was just an illusion, and he had no emotions.

She thought about it and said, "Can you prepare two glasses of juice for me?"

"Please wait a moment, ma'am."

"Why don't you call me little master?"

The robot housekeeper's voice was very quiet, "You are now the master's wife, not the master's daughter."

He quickly entered the kitchen and started making juice, and after a while, he brought out two glasses of juice.

Luo Ci drank it all in one gulp and put the empty cup back. She ordered another cup here and went to the study.

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