The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 485: Interstellar Cubs Daily 43

The picture on the screen continues.

They couldn't bear this energy, and the normal human form gradually couldn't be maintained. Some people grew fish scales on their faces, some people grew sharp animal claws, and some people grew spider legs.

It does look a little scary.

"How could it be possible... Hasn't it changed us back?" The person who said this was on the verge of collapse, and he couldn't accept his appearance more than the pain caused by the wanton surging of energy in his body.

Not only is it disgusted by outsiders, even he himself cannot accept it.

At first, they just wanted to become stronger, hoping to get the family's attention and have a longer lifespan, so they participated in genetic modification.

But after genetic modification failed, they wanted to become normal people.

But the more he went on, the more he wanted to replace Qi Yu.

They are not reconciled, they are also the first batch of experimental products, why can Qi Yu stand in front of people and establish power, and they must be obedient and hidden behind others.

Qi Yu didn't take their betrayal to heart. When he built this force, he just wanted to give them a place to live for the sake of being both experimental subjects.

The purpose of the establishment of the laboratory is to restore them to normal, to accept these failed genetically modified people who are not accepted by the stars.

But they are delusional to hurt the little mermaid.

She should have grown up early tomorrow, if it wasn't for the medicine they injected her privately, how could she have always been a puppy.

What's more, at that time, the energy in his body was out of control, and it was not without their reasons.

How could he have left her for so many years if he hadn't suddenly lost control.

As for punishment, no one understands the energy in the body better than him. It is full of various abilities, incompatible with fire and light, incompatible with light and dark, and many powerful destructive abilities, among which the taste is only Only by experiencing it for yourself.

It is precisely because this energy is too violent that their bodies issue a warning and begin to defend themselves automatically, so the gene of alien beasts appeared, and their bodies became inhuman again.

And that's just the beginning.

"Isn't that mermaid still fine? It's even comparable to your physical fitness." The one headed said gritted his teeth unwillingly.

They couldn't even make further modifications to her, and they could only inject some medicines at ordinary times, and it seemed that there was some power to stop them.

Qi Yu's long and narrow eyes were full of cold light, faintly filled with blood, and a blade of light cut off the man's tongue.

His voice was cold, "You're fine now, you're not dead yet."

One sentence that she is fine now, one sentence that she is talented can erase the hurt she once suffered.

There's nothing so cheap.

He pointed to the potions placed on the laboratory table, "Well, as long as you use up all these potions, I'll let you go."

As for how to use it, that's none of his business.

They don't know that the sources of these medicines are all unqualified medicines that cannot be put into use. They used these medicines to experiment on innocent people.

And now, it's their turn.

In order not to be injected with drugs and to survive, everyone scrambled to get up and forcibly injected the people around them with the drugs. The scene was very chaotic, and no one was innocent.

Even if they have become inhuman and beasts, they still want to live by any means possible.

There is hope for living.

So, more or less, everyone was injected with medicine, and the weaker were injected more, and soon there was a reaction, the body changed, and he felt stronger, even if he was still indifferent The ghost of a beast.

But it doesn't matter, he can take revenge, first of all, the person around him who injected him with medicine was dripping with blood and blood.

Luo Ci had some physiological nausea, but the next second, the laptop screen went black, and she couldn't see anything.

Can't hear anything at night.

The pretty eyes were stunned.


Qi Yu's expression remained unchanged, and he looked down at this scene coldly. The man thought that he had become stronger and that his former partners were all torn apart by him, so he wanted to challenge Qi Yu.

He excitedly attacked Qi Yu, his eyes full of bloodthirsty excitement, as if he had seen the picture of him replacing Qi Yu.

But it backfired. His body froze in mid-air and fell heavily to the ground. His body seemed to be petrified.

He watched helplessly as his body swelled and exploded like a balloon.

The air was filled with blood, and the **** image was disgusting. When the previous explosion, the flesh and blood flew around, and a curtain of light appeared in front of Qi Yu, isolating it.

His place is the only pure land.

"It's really... vulnerable."

If they were unanimous, he might have given them a high look, and he might have taken it lightly, but they have already killed each other.

This is only the main personnel involved in harming the little mermaid, as for the rest, it will be left to the Federation to solve.

Qi Yu wandered through the base of the laboratory like a leisurely stroll, came to the central control area, and operated it casually. All the personnel were expelled, leaving only the empty laboratory headquarters.

He entered some codes, pressed the button, and the laboratory began to automatically clean up the debris, until the cleaning was complete, including the smell of blood no longer existed, the shallow lips opened lightly, "Space jump."

The lab disappeared from here out of nowhere.

This is the laboratory he created, and those people are just doves occupying magpie nests.

The reason why the laboratory headquarters was not discovered is not because of how strong they are, but because he installed a space jump device. Once someone finds it, they can still escape smoothly after turning on the space jump.

Therefore, the headquarters is not very large. They have so many branches for experiments.

He placed the building in a fissure in space near a wormhole and set up a barrier that no one could find.

After dealing with all this, Qi Yu took out his private spaceship and went home.

And those innocent experiments and laboratory members were brought back by the federation.


Luo Ci looked at the screen silently. She didn't know what happened to the laptop's sudden black screen, and she pressed it several times, but there was no response.

She knew that this should be the surveillance video obtained after the debris invaded the laboratory's intranet. It was almost pervasive, and there was surveillance everywhere.

Did the fragment forget to close the notebook...

Or some other reason.

She didn't know whether she should pretend she didn't know, or sit in the study and wait for the fragments to confess that she had seen this by accident.

She remembered that when he mentioned things in this regard before, he always inadvertently showed a somewhat embarrassed expression, and he didn't want to mention it.

He shouldn't want her to know.

Even if she doesn't mind.

After thinking about it, Luo Ci still went out of the study. She was sitting in the living room watching TV. The robot housekeeper presented her with juice and dried fish.

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