The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 486: Interstellar Cubs Daily 44

When it was almost noon, Qi Yu pushed open the door of the house. His hair was a little messy, and his black trench coat appeared to be tall and straight. His body was clean and not stained with the smell of blood.

It's just that there is still a bit of coldness in the long and narrow eyes, which are very sharp, and the color of the eyes gradually softens when looking at Luo Ci.

He took off his black windbreaker and sat beside her. His voice was soft, not as sarcastic as in the picture. Even though his tone was light and fluttering, the words he spit out were very cold and penetrating.

"When did you get up?"

"It's like nine o'clock."

Qi Yu stroked her long hair, her eyes were calm and soft, "What do you want to eat at noon, I'll do it."

Luo Ci shook her head, "The housekeeper is already preparing." Fragment had just returned, and she was about to cook for her. It was her who had been doing nothing at home.

Qi Yu paused with her fingers and asked her again, "Are you bored at home?"

She thought for a while, "It's okay."

Because she knew that he would be back soon, and she was not alone at home.

He gently smoothed her hair with his fingers, and said softly, "I won't leave you alone in the future."

Luo Ci tugged at his sleeve, looking at him with clear and beautiful eyes, "I wanted to play games in the morning, but I saw that your notebook was not closed. I was going to close it, but I saw you on it."

She finally decided to tell Shard the truth.

Qi Yu's eyes were stunned, but his expression remained calm, "Have you seen it?"

"I only saw part of it, and I know you were once an experimental subject. As for the latter, the screen of the notebook suddenly went black, isn't it broken?" She was a little nervous.

He paused.

Even after seeing those pictures, her focus was on the laptop that might be broken.

I don't know if it was because she was nervous and worried that she had broken the notebook and the little expression touched him, or maybe she knew that part of the past had loosened his psychological defenses, and he didn't want to hide those things anymore.

Qi Yu carried her back to the bedroom, he placed her lightly on the bed, and half-kneeled in front of her like a knight, holding her hand with a serious look and a bit of piety.

"I was born in the Empire and had high expectations from the beginning, but I'm just a normal person."

Ordinary people, with no superpowers, no spiritual power, and no genetics, do not match the status of a prince.

"Everyone in the empire knows that the second prince is an incompetent ordinary person, and he can't even travel through the wormhole smoothly."

He spoke lightly about the past.

"So after the company that claimed to be able to modify genes appeared, they sent me there without much hesitation."

Qi Yu's slender eyelashes fell, and his eyes were dark.

"After the first genetic modification, I had the ability to transform into a golden lion. In their eyes, I was a monster."

They, of course, are his parents.

"Later, the company was exposed, and before the evacuation, he forcibly injected a lot of potions made of energy into me."

After the power user dies, the crystal nucleus can be dug out from their body, just like the end-time plane.

The energy in those nuclei was extracted and injected into his body in liquid form.

The solid nuclei are fairly stable, while the liquid ones are on the verge of explosion at any time.

Such unstable energy was injected into his body, and it was of various kinds.

"My body was like a ticking time bomb at that time, probably because the sky would never die, I stimulated my spiritual power."

It's not that he was born without mental power, but he just failed to inspire success. Later, he learned that someone injected him with medicine when he was very young, so he did not detect mental power, as if he was sealed.

"I slowly used my mental power to control those energies and kept all the people in that company."

So they failed to evacuate and were wiped out.

"Then I created the lab just to give a place to failures like me."

At that time, he still had some empathy for those people.

As soon as he was born, it was a disgrace to the royal family.

So his so-called parents couldn't wait to send him to that company without consulting him at all.

After the genetic modification, they regarded him as a monster, and the look of disgust and rejection came from his parents.

There are many more examples like him.

What really ruined them was not that they had become inhuman or beasts, or that their lifespan had been greatly shortened. It was those relatives who used the banner of being good for them and sent them to the tiger's mouth, but when they saw their appearance, they expelled them. They don't recognize them.

Including the Federation, including the Empire, do not accept them.

They have lost their place.

That's the root cause of utterly destroying them.

But that's not why they're the perpetrators.

It's not the reason they use the little mermaid.

Qi Yu lowered his head and kissed her finger softly, "I'm sorry, I couldn't take good care of you."

He didn't care much about the past.

His parents had never given him any love from the very beginning, and he had never expected it, and it was only when he forgot his past that he became uneasy because of those unbearable pasts.

The only thing he cared about was her.

The reason why she didn't want to tell her was because she didn't want her to know about those dirty things, but she had already seen it and had nothing to hide.

Qi Yu lowered his head, unable to see his expression clearly, his fine black hair fell down, looking very remorseful.

Luo Ci shook his hand back, tightly, "You don't have to apologize, it's not your fault. And I didn't get hurt either."

After a pause, she said again, "The most important thing is that I found you here myself."

The voice is slightly sly.

"At that time, I was swimming along the sea route. I didn't expect to swim directly to your swimming pool. This is destined by God, and I want to come back to you again."

Qi Yu's heart trembled slightly, and after a while, the corners of his lips curled up, "Yes."

She was destined to belong to him.

He thought of one thing, paused, and looked a little hesitant, "You also saw the appearance of those experimental subjects."

Not a man or a beast, it looks a little scary.

What they transformed for him was the golden lion's genes. At the beginning, he was also incomplete and could not control it smoothly. It was not until his spiritual power was awakened that he successfully recovered it.

"I may tend to be an orc in the future, you..." Are you afraid of me?

He didn't ask directly.

It doesn't matter what other people think of him, but she shows a look of horror and disgust, which he absolutely can't bear.

Maybe die.

Because she was his only hope.

Luo Ci blinked, "Are you changing?"

In fact, some experimental subjects have animal claws, and it is not difficult to accept, of course, spiders are absolutely not acceptable.

"As long as you don't have spider legs, I'm still fine."

She is afraid of spiders, has many legs and a lot of hair.

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