The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 492: Interstellar Cubs Daily 50

Hearing this, Yu Li couldn't help pushing the door and entering, his heart seemed to be lifted high, but it couldn't land on the ground.

The dark pupils stared closely at the girl sitting on the bed. She was wearing her original wedding dress, her red hijab was thrown aside, her mouth was still filled with nuts, and her smart eyes looked at him.

The girl was like a frightened rabbit, and quickly swallowed the food in her mouth, Bai Nen still had a few peanuts in her hand, "Do you want to eat it?"

Yu Li was completely reluctant to blink, for fear that he would not be able to see her again when he closed his eyes. He slowly stepped forward, walked in front of her, lowered his eyes and stared at her quietly.

Yun Xi instantly became nervous, "What, what's wrong?"

It always feels like it's going to eat people, it's scary.

Yu Li squatted down, resting his head on her lap, rubbed softly, like a docile beast, with a low voice, "I finally see you."

Yun Xi lowered her head sluggishly and was very at a loss. After a while, she faintly felt the clothes on her legs feel wet.

Is he... crying?

Her eyes were stunned, her slender and curled eyelashes blinked slightly, and she was a little dazed.

A hand was lightly placed in his hair, as if gently comforting.

After a long while, Yu Li slowly regained his composure. He raised his head, there was still water in his dark pupils, his eyes were slightly red, and his voice was slightly dumb, "Can I hug you?"

Yun Xi leaned over slightly and hugged him.

Yu Li folded her arms, wishing to rub her into her bones, but for fear of hurting her, she was always careful, as if she was a fragile item that would disappear without a trace if touched.

He hadn't seen her for ten years.

For the first seven years, he lived numbly, like a murder weapon without self-awareness.

Because she died, he died too.

He often thinks that she and her adoptive mother have lived peacefully since childhood. Although she is not as good as the imperial palace, she has never suffered much, and food and clothing can be solved.

If it wasn't for taking him in, maybe no one would find them in this life.

The backlog of guilt in his heart almost engulfed people, and the image of her dying in his arms was a dream almost every night.

When the late emperor told him that she was still alive, he seemed to really come to life.

As long as she was alive, he thought.

Leave him alone to deal with the dirty and dark things.

But being alone, without any ties, is really too hard to endure.

His voice was low.


Thank you for letting me come here.


In addition to Yun Xi's mother and daughter, Yun Village also had two people Yu Li knew, who were their adoptive parents.

Under their witness, Yu Li and Yunxi became husband and wife.

As for the late emperor, he didn't see Concubine Yun again, and the other party didn't leave him anything. He really wanted to cut off everything. Without a bond, how could he find her.

Even Mica and Yun Xi's impression of him almost vanished, completely unaware of each other's existence.

Forget all the past, old age and death do not communicate with each other.


[This time it's really over, but I'm inexplicably regretful, although I don't know what I'm sorry for]

[Yu Li was so hard in front of him, but finally the hardships come to an end]

[I just want to know who is playing Yun Xi now? I felt a little familiar at first, but when I saw that silver hair, the familiarity became stronger]

[I feel a bit like a cub]

[Be confident, get rid of the feeling, it's just a cub]

After obtaining the consent of Qi Yu, the crew announced Yun Xi's cast. At the same time, the actor posted a star blog.

Retire the circle, and the marriage certificate.

He bought several planets before, one of them is very suitable for seclusion, the environment is very good, and there is an ocean, and the little guy will like it very much.

He just wanted to spend the rest of his life with her in peace.

【I am still confused now】

[Who is not, there are several blockbusters in one breath]

[Just when I saw the actor's first CP with joy, and the interaction inside was very pricked, I thought there was still a chance to hit CP, but... I quit the circle? 】

[Thinking about it for the better, the CP you knocked on is already together, and got the certificate]

[emmmmm you thought you were raising a daughter, but in fact you were raising a wife]

[Damn, this is the real little charming wife]

Because of these topics, the hot search list remains high, but these have nothing to do with Qi Yu.

They left Central Star without anyone.

On the day of his departure, in the dead of night, the robot butler opened his empty eye sockets, and an electronic scanning interface appeared in front of him. He looked straight in one direction, stared at it for a long time, and then walked out of the door without saying a word.

The mechanical appearance gradually tends to be human skin. He wears elegant butler costumes, and his figure is tall and straight. He has the appearance of a human, his facial features are perfect, and his eyes are dark with a hint of purple.

In the dark night, the figure is a little desolate.

In her impression, he has no name, no appearance, just a cold mechanical body, just an obedient robot.

Will she recognize him next time we meet?

The robot thought.

Miss, next time I will meet you first.


The next day, Luo Ci soon found out that the robot housekeeper was gone. Qi Yu looked as usual. He knew the reason, but he still brought up the surveillance video to show her. She saw the picture of the robot housekeeper leaving.

At that time, he was still mechanical in appearance, and he walked out almost without hesitation, drifting away, very determined.

Luo Ci was a little disappointed, but after thinking about it, she was slightly relieved, "He should have his own consciousness, so that's fine."

Maybe he was looking for what he needed, she thought.

Artificial intelligence eventually evolves towards self-awareness, which is a good start.

Qi Yu looked down at her and said in a relaxed voice, "See you later."

The fingers gently stroked her hair for her, extremely gentle, "It's time for us to go too."

Move to a new home.

Knowing that they were going to move away from the central star, Mu Luan came over to see them off. After all, he had to do research, and he was very busy every day. Yes, it's troublesome to come and go.

Mu Luansai gave Qi Yu a space button with some potions in it, just in case.

He mentioned the progress of the research, with some emotion in his tone, "In the past few days, the condition of an experimental subject is gradually improving, and it may not be long before it returns to normal."

Everything is going in the right direction.

There are also a few subjects who are relatively fortunate. Their families did not abandon them, they carefully protected them, and even moved to a remote place for their living environment, and now they are being studied together.

At least, in this world, there are still people who recognize them, and they have not been completely abandoned.

At the end, Mu Luan said, "Be careful on the road."

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