The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 493: Interstellar Cubs Daily 51

Mu Luan watched Qi Yu hug Luo Ci onto the spaceship, and after a while, the spaceship disappeared in front of him.

Some helplessly thought that it is rare to have a friend, but it is a pity that we will not see each other much in the future.

However, even if he had time to go, Qi Yu would not be very happy.


After half a day, the spaceship finally stopped.

This is a small planet, the spaceship is parked on an island, surrounded by sea, there are many kinds of fish, some fruits and vegetables are planted on the island, the center is a small house, not the mechanical cold color that is common in interstellar, accounting for The land area is not large, only two floors, it will not appear empty.

The place is full of life, and there are small robots flying around with baskets in the orchard and vegetable garden. They either water or pick fresh fruits, and they look like hard-working little bees.

This is what Qi Yu prepared in advance, and it doesn't need a big house, just enough for them to live in.

He turned his eyes slightly and stared deeply at her, "Do you like it here?"


For a moment, his brows seemed to ease for a moment, and he was very happy.

This time, no one bothered them at all.

The patient hunter finally let his prey fall into the trap willingly without any compulsion.



【Qi Yu's side story】

He was young and under-appreciated, never had his seat at family gatherings, and seldom allowed him to attend court dinners.

Because the father and mother felt that he was a disgrace to the royal family, attending the dinner would make them lose face.

Probably because he has never been treated kindly, his brothers looked at him with undisguised contempt, so from the beginning, he never placed any hope on the so-called family affection.

They regarded him as a disgrace, but still had to maintain a good reputation, creating an image of a filial father and a filial son, and a respectful brother and brother. Even if they kept him in the imperial capital, they were not allowed to go out.

It's like being imprisoned for freedom.

in the name of love.

Every time his mother came to his residence, he would speak bitterly for his good, fearing that his life would be in danger, that he would be caught and used to threaten the royal family.

Having said that, he didn't see too many emotions from her eyes, more of a desire for control.

This desire for control is also reflected in the father.

They don't like themselves, but they feel that he is their son, so they can't leave the imperial capital and can't leave their side.

Occasionally let him participate in large banquets, and all kinds of warnings are required, for fear that he will make a mistake and lose the face of the royal family.

So worried.

His royal brother was very targeted at him, and every time he met him, he had to use his words to his advantage. At that time, he still had some emotions, and occasionally he would go back to ridicule, or do some small actions to deal with the royal brother, so that the other party was not free. Lean in front of yourself and say something sharp.

He thought, how could he look like a noble from the royal family, but like a long-tongued woman in aristocratic skin.

Because he was locked in the palace and could not learn mecha medicine, he fiddled with the computer alone.

He thought the day would go on like this.

But after they discovered a company that claimed to be able to modify genes, they sent him there as an experiment without considering the success rate, the consequences, or even consulting his opinion.

During those days, I was constantly being injected with medicines, and my genes were being implanted constantly.

When he turned into a lion for the first time, there was a violent beast consciousness in his mind, and he wanted to control him and control him.

Even if he has never felt the goodness of this world, he does not want to be wiped out of consciousness like this. He knows that he is a human being, not a bloodthirsty beast who only knows how to kill.

Maybe this thought was strong, or maybe his body was really different.

He boiled down.

When he was confused, he heard two researchers talking recklessly.

"Last time, I found out that Number 1 was different. The other nine were the same as him, and they didn't endure it. He was the only one who was able to stay awake."

"What about the other nine?"

"They have been controlled by the wild, and the genes implanted in them are relatively strong, of course they can't stay."

The voice was lowered a little.

"Didn't I draw blood for each of them before? I found that the blood of No. 1 is quite special. You can help me get that thing. I think it will be successful this time."

"Are you sure? It has failed many times before. There is not much stock of that kind of medicine. If it doesn't work, the above will blame it."

"I can guarantee that No. 1 will definitely succeed. Will there be a shortage of potions at that time? Isn't he just the right material?"

"Okay, then I'll find a way."

After they finished speaking, they went to the monitoring room to erase the conversation, and no one knew what they said.

After the two left, Qi Yu slowly opened his eyes, the dark pupils were like a dead sea, without the slightest waves.

He should be feeling angry, but it seems like... there is no mood change.

It was obvious that the other party didn't take their lives seriously, and even used the human body as a material extractor. Maybe the medicine in their mouth was extracted from the body of the previous person's experiment.

But he didn't show the slightest facial expression.

Then he was stunned.

Although he was not controlled by the beast consciousness, he eventually had an influence and became cold-blooded.

He didn't remember how long he had been tortured there, there was not a moment to breathe, he should have felt pain and discomfort, but there was no room to vent.

It was too late until the current state of the experiment was discovered by the Federation.

He thought it was funny.

This company did not have any credibility before, but it has attracted so many experimental products. Haven't the Federation and the Empire really thought about the consequences of the possible failure of the experiment?

Must have thought about it.

But they also want to know whether genetic modification can be successful.

So it's almost a supportive attitude.

People including him were abandoned from the beginning, and they were used by the federation, relatives, and researchers as guinea pigs from the beginning.

If it weren't for the fact that many people knew about the failure of genetic modification, they would never have come forward to get rid of this company.

Like a mantis catching a cicada, the oriole is behind.

They are the cicadas, the company is the mantis, and the federation is the oriole.

A raccoon dog on a hill, it's not much better, it's just killing people with a knife.

What's even more ridiculous is that long before this incident broke out completely, his father and mother knew about his current situation, but he was unmoved, did not reveal it, chose to remain silent, and looked at him as if he was looking at something. dirty stuff.

Although he doesn't feel angry, it doesn't mean he will swallow it up. He will repay the past one by one when he should repay.

After he became stronger, those experimenters either turned into beasts without self-awareness, or they were neither human nor beasts, killing each other until the people from the Federal Institute sent those people away.

He knew that the institute was going to experiment with them.

He would not be cheap for them. As early as halfway, the spacecraft carrying the experimenters deviates from the channel, is swallowed by the wormhole, and disappears.

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