The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 494: The daily routine of interstellar cubs is over

The establishment of the laboratory is for the sake of being an experimental subject. After all, there are very few people who can draw his emotions now.

When he saw her for the first time, he was searching for a small planet. The planet had not yet been developed, but it was not desolate. On the contrary, it was full of vigor and vitality, and it was rare to get involved in his mood.

He thought that if the whole thing looked right, he would buy it and live alone in the future.

He came to the island and walked slowly to the seaside, there were many reefs nearby.

The sea breeze was blowing towards his face, not swiftly, but rather mildly. He closed his eyes slightly and stood quietly by the side.

This kind of environment can ease the riots in the body, so that he will not be too uncomfortable.

It was just a small splash that disturbed him, just like a person with a nervous breakdown, a small movement would wake him up from a dream.

He looked in the direction of the spray, and saw a faint reflection of light, and walked over.

It was a very small mermaid, even smaller than a newborn human cub, curled up in a ball, probably because mermaids were different from humans, and had not short hair when they were very young.

The light he had seen earlier should have been refracted from her silver hair and fishtail scales.

Qi Yu looked down at her lightly, with no thoughts in his heart, even though his strong mental power made it easy for him to know that her health was not in good condition.

But instead of leaving immediately, he stood in the water, motionless.

The young mermaid slowly opened her eyes, her eyes were bewildered and confused, her sapphire-like eyes were misty, and the bottom of her eyes still had a hidden color of glass, which was clear and beautiful.

Somehow, he changed his mind.

The fair-skinned fingers touched her little fish tail lightly. She didn't resist at all. Instead, she stared at his fingers curiously. During this time, she raised her body with difficulty, but always fell back to the surface.

Subconsciously, she used the water ability, which turned into soft blisters to hold her up.

This was probably the first time that he didn't use his powers to hurt anyone.

He was forcibly injected with energy that could riot at any time, yet he was able to hold this mermaid cub in such a gentle form.

What made Qi Yu even more surprised was that he was worried that she would hurt when she fell into the water.

Since the first exception, she has been very different in his heart.

He gently reached out and picked her up, with the only caution in his life.

As soon as she got out of the water, she felt unwell and quickly lost consciousness.

Qi Yu cut her finger and asked her to drink his blood.

Keep making exceptions.

Even in a coma, she still held his fingers protectively, and her heart softened inexplicably.

The dark pupils looked at her quietly for a long time, and the voice was very low, "Then, you will be mine from now on."

There were faint waves in the pupils, and the eyebrows were no longer as dull as before.

He is more than before.

A little more hope for the rest of your life.


I don't know when, his former parents knew about his ability and came to him.

After those things happened, they were still able to get together, delusional use of blood relationship, let him help invade other empires.

Simply delusional.

He just didn't have time to deal with them for a while, so he made them think he still regarded them as parents.

You know, aren't they the ones who caused his original experiences?

Qi Yu slowly played with the pearl in his hand, his voice was cold, "Let me help, that's ok."

He slowly raised his eyes, there was a hint of redness in his pupils, blood was up and down, but he was always calm, "What did I go through in the first place, you have experienced it again, how about it?"

Quiet hunter.

They were frightened and fled back.

After returning home, I stayed in trepidation for a while before relaxing.

Just after they slackened, things on Xingbo about how the empire had treated the second prince had been on the hot search for several days, including not letting the second prince go out in the name of protection, but only staying in the room, including caring on the open face. In fact, he regarded the other party as a shame, and even pushed the second prince into the tiger's den with his own hands, and after seeing that the second prince was transformed into a human being, he chose to hide it.

Their long-running reputation plummeted.

All the stars cast aside them, and even the citizens urge them to abdicate.

Qi Yu quietly listened to the report from his subordinates, his eyes deep.

This is just the beginning. After all, they have to taste what he experienced in the first place.

Probably driven them to a dead end, so they assassinated him along with a few lab members. Although he killed them before getting involved in the space storm, he eventually missed many years with the little mermaid.

Same as Yuri.

He lost her for more than ten years.

Obviously there is no memory of her, but when she saw the small planet, she forcibly stopped the spaceship and bought the planet.

Because that was where he first met her.

The subconscious always remembers.

He thought it was difficult for him to be emotionally aroused, but after meeting her again, a strong desire for control and some unknown emotion suddenly erupted in his heart.

Just for her.

He had tried to kill the emotion.

But he was reluctant.

So only control yourself, in many ways.

While he wanted her to have more contact with people, to erase the shadow that the laboratory left her, he also did not want her to get along with others.

This is him before he regained his memory.

He was able to better control his emotions after his past memories were restored.

But possessiveness is stronger than ever.

Anyone who caused her mood changes would make him irritated. He was like a demon invaded by darkness, and he would not allow anyone to approach his only light source.

It's just that there's almost nothing on the face.

He was more patient and considerate than before, taking over every aspect of her in every detail.

The ignorant prey, unaware, cast a trusting and attached look at him.

It made him very happy.

The joyful sweetness that radiated from the bottom of my heart even relieved the riot of energy in my body a lot.

When she asked about the robot, he was irritated at the bottom of his heart, because she always wanted to pay attention to the robot, which was not the case with other people.

This is equivalent to telling him that the robot is special in her heart.

He even had some desire to destroy because of this, but he answered her without reservation.

Only one thing, he didn't tell her.

The power of being infinitely close to God allows him to perceive that the robot and him are of the same origin.

He didn't want her to know.

She already cared about robots a little, if let her know, would she still belong to him?

Fortunately, the robot left voluntarily, although they would meet again sooner or later, and in other places that he could not reach, just thinking about it would make him unwilling.

Even if it is the same person, at least here, she has to be his alone.

At least, he must be the best for her in her heart, and he must be the most special one.

In this way, she will always, always remember herself.

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