Inside the carriage, the beauty leaning on the soft pillow slowly opened her eyes. She was wearing a relatively simple red palace dress and a fiery red fox cloak. The tail is slightly raised, and the bright red lips are slightly raised, which is quite charming.

There was also a snow-white cat lying in her arms, very docile, cuddling into her arms.

The slender fingers rested on the soft pillow, and the beauty sat up. The cat didn't pay attention, fell down, and meowed softly.

The beauty's previous charm and laziness disappeared, and her beautiful eyes were a little embarrassed, and she woke up with a dry mouth. She poured a cup of tea and took a sip.

It was about hearing the movement in the carriage, and the female official outside said respectfully, "Your Majesty, there is a post station in front of you. If you continue on your way, you will reach the State of Chu."

The beauty responded lightly, covered her head with her fingers, and frowned slightly.

The road was very bumpy, and the shaking made her dizzy, and she almost fell asleep.

"Let's rest at the station first."


Luo Ci touched the cat, she came halfway.

In the past 100 years, the relationship between the state of Chu and the state of Luo has been good. The avatar has been in the throne for a year and has not dealt with the state of Chu. This time, I was invited to visit.

She brought a female official, four personal maids, and a dozen secret guards hidden in the dark.

The female official had been working under her mother emperor before, and had been assisting her since she took the throne.

The four palace maids have followed her since childhood, all of them are highly skilled in martial arts, and some of them are skilled in medicine.

"Your Majesty, you can get off the bus."

Luo Ci lifted the curtain of the car, held the cat in her arms, and slowly got out of the carriage.

"Let's take a day off here before leaving."

After all, they have already reached the border of Chu State, so there is no need to hurry.

As soon as she entered the room, she put the cat aside, lay lazily on the bed, and silently relieved her dizziness.

There is nothing wrong with this plane, but it is a little frail.

At that time, the overall situation was undecided. The mother emperor suffered some hardships when she gave birth to her, so her body was suffering from many disasters since childhood. Later, she learned martial arts and became better.

She guessed that the fragment should be in Chu State, but she didn't know what identity it was.

Although this is the plane of female honor, it is only that women's rights are higher than men's, and it is still the women's side to conceive children.

Her mother emperor has only one daughter and only one husband. Luo Guo has been relatively harmonious and unified in the past ten years, and there is no internal worry. Under the rule of the previous queen, she has become stronger and stronger. Overall, Luo Ci, the new queen, has no pressure. Except for being urged to marry by the minister.


A remote palace in the Imperial Palace of the Chu Kingdom.

The palace was very deserted. The young man in the moon-white robe sat in front of the desk and practiced calligraphy. Just looking at his side face was pleasing to the eye.

His eyebrows are delicate, his pupils are light-colored and clear, and he looks very harmless.

A figure was half-kneeling in front of the table, "His Royal Highness, the Empress Luo has already stayed at the inn on the border of Chu."

The young man raised his head slightly, the other half of his face was obscured by the shadow of practicing calligraphy, but now he can see it clearly.

There was a large burn on his left cheek, which looked very hideous and greatly damaged the aesthetics.

His voice was clear and clean, "Come down."


After a day of rest, Luo Ci changed into a cumbersome palace costume and rode a carriage, ready to enter the state of Chu.

Together with the palace maids, they went directly to the palace to meet the Empress of Chu State. The Empress of Chu State was over forty years old, but she looked no different from a twenty-seven or eight-year-old woman.

The Queen's attitude towards Luo Ci was kinder, and she was allowed to live in the palace.

Although the other party's attitude is good, it is more for profit.

Luo Guo has become stronger and stronger in recent years, and there is a faint trend in terms of national and financial resources. Most of the surrounding small countries have the intention of clinging, and there are no foreign enemies.

However, the state of Chu has not yet elected a new queen, and the border is still occupied by barbarians. If Luo Kingdom can help, it will naturally ease the situation.

While Luo Guo was strong, the relationship between the two countries was not as good as it was a hundred years ago. Instead, it began to become cold. The Empress of Chu felt that Luo Ci had not been in office for a long time and should be easy to deal with, so she took the opportunity to use the birthday as the name Invite her to visit.

Luo Ci did not refuse, maybe the fragments lived in the palace.

And she is not worried about what the other party will do to her. Luo Guo's troops are there, and I believe that Chu Guo is unwilling to add another powerful enemy.

The Queen of Chu had a few more conversations with her, and she was brought to the Mingyou Hall.

Not too central, not out of the way, just right.

The birthday of the Empress of Chu is three days away, and it is early winter. If it is Luo, there is no need to wear a thick dress, but in Chu, a cloak is already required.

The female official stayed at the embassy, ​​and the four personal maids stayed in the palace with her. The female official specially told her to leave the palace.

She had almost rested before, Luo Ci took the palace maid and walked around the palace, holding the cat in her arms.

Since the Empress of Chu State had already instructed her before, the palace servants who passed by knew her identity and saluted her one after another.

Luo Ci's eyes were not squinting, her expression was flat, and there was an air of being close to strangers.

She stroked a handful of cat hair and asked in her mind, "Have you not detected any news of debris?"

The cat is Chiu Chiu, and Chiu Chiu turned into a cat before. She "happily" appeared on the way, and she "accidentally" saw her who opened the car curtain, and called to stop and take him on the road.

The cat meowed, "Not yet, not yet."

Luo Ci thought, if it is really impossible to find it, then the Queen's birthday should appear.

It will definitely happen at that time.

But thinking so in her heart, she never turned around and went back. She walked on the basis of her senses. As she walked, the long-lost mechanical voice sounded.

【Ding! It is detected that the mission target Chu Si has appeared]

There are two palaces near her, one is more remote, Jiu Chiu said before that the sensing range is wider, it should be the more remote palace.

She hesitated slightly.

It shouldn't be good to rush to the past, she has to think of a reason.

For example, wandering around the palace and getting lost.

With that in mind, she walked down the road.

Luo Ci thought that the fragments were staying in the palace, but who knew that she was sitting in the courtyard sipping tea, her every move was elegant, and she was very pleasing to the eyes with the white robe that adorned the moon.

He lowered his head slightly, his eyebrows and eyes were gentle, and his light-colored pupils were clear and beautiful, which made people feel happy when they saw it.

Luo Ci blinked, she dismissed the palace maid beside her, and stood at the gate of the courtyard, "Can I come in?"

The young man's slender eyelashes trembled slightly, he raised his eyes slightly, looked at her quietly, and turned his head without concealment, she could easily see the hideous burn on his face.

She was startled.

The young man said, "Please come in."

When the words fell, he poured a cup of hot tea for her.

Luo Ci sat opposite him, took a small sip from the teacup, as if she was afraid of being scalded, and cautiously.

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