After wandering around in the palace for a long time, she was indeed a little cold, and now she drank hot tea, and she calmed down a little.

Thinking of this, she asked, "I have passed many palaces, and none of them are in the courtyard. Wouldn't it be cold for you to sit here?"

Chu Si's light-colored pupils are light and his tone is also very light. He holds the book in his left hand and looks down seriously, "Shang Ke."


It feels like another piece that is hard to get close to.

She took another sip of tea and asked slowly, "Any snacks? I seem to be a little hungry."

This really isn't an excuse.

Chu Si slender and snow-white fingers paused, looked up at her, got up and went to the hall, brought a plate of snacks, and gently placed it in front of her.

Just when Luo Ci thought it was over, she heard the other party's voice. At first glance, it sounded as clean and clean as a teenager, but there was still a dull hoarseness in it, which sounded a little magnetic.

"The dim sum is a little cold."

This sentence alone does not follow.

Luo Ci nodded, "Thank you."

She picked up a piece of dessert and took a slow bite. It was indeed cold, and it felt like it was caught in the cold wind, mixed with ice slag, hard, and she quickly took a sip of hot tea.

In addition to being hard and cold, it is edible.

Fragment's situation doesn't look good, and the weather here is a bit harsh, and Fragment doesn't wear much clothes and doesn't eat well enough.

Gotta get it back quickly.

She thought so.

Not to mention...the shard's face was ruined.

A gust of cold wind blew and penetrated into the clothes. Luo Ci felt a little cold, and was caught off guard and sneezed.

The young man said, "Go to the hall to rest."

She hesitated slightly, "This is not good..."

After all, it is the level of female honor, and it is very important to the reputation of men. At this moment, it is not a big deal in the courtyard. There will be a lot of disgusting words when a man and a widow are in the same hall.

Chu Si's voice was light, "I don't care."

Anyway, his face has been ruined, and no one will take a fancy to him, it should be said that he can't avoid it.

But disfigured, but also save a lot of trouble.

Luo Ci's eyes were stunned.

The boy got up and entered the hall, she thought about it, and followed.

Anyway, she can marry Fragment.

The charcoal was burning in the hall, but it was not so cold.

There are not many decorations inside, it is deserted, and there is no human firework.

After Chu Si entered the hall, he began to practice calligraphy, with a serious expression, he seemed to have forgotten that there was a guest in the hall.

Luo Ci sat at the table, looked around silently, and then asked in a low voice, "Well, can I know your name?"

Although she knew it, the other party didn't know she knew it.

Chu Si didn't reply, and the brush strokes didn't stop until the stroke fell, and he replied, "Chu Si, one, two, three, four."

Luo Ci paused again.

Hearing his words, she felt a little uncomfortable.

He raised his eyes slightly, his light-colored pupils looked at her quietly, his shallow lips slightly opened, "It's also a wine shop."

She opened her lips and was about to say something when the voice of a court lady came from outside the palace, "Your Majesty, it's time for you to go back."

Although the name of the palace maid let Fragment know her identity, she still introduced herself, "Luo Ci."

"I'm going back."

Luo Ci tightened her cloak, hugged the cat, and left the palace.

The pretty little face was a little embarrassed, obviously very unhappy.

Because it is a new understanding, even if you really want to know how the other party's situation is, you can't rashly ask him, let alone care about him.

This leaves them with little to say.

She allowed the maid to bring it back to Mingyou Hall, and the imperial kitchen sent someone to prepare the meal. After the palace maid of Chu State retired, her personal maid tried the poison for her one by one, and only let her eat after confirming that it was correct.

Chu Si looked indifferently in the direction of the temple gate, and she didn't seem very happy when she left.

But that has nothing to do with him.

It was only her curiosity that she came to such a remote palace as him. Now that she has seen his face and his situation, those curiosity should be dispelled.

In the end is the Queen of Luo Kingdom.

He recognized it early on.

He continued to practice calligraphy until he wanted to pour a cup of tea when he was thirsty, only to realize that he had put the teapot in the courtyard earlier.

There is no one around to serve him, except for meals and hot water every day, he comes by himself.

He thought lightly, the meal delivery was a little late today.

After the meal, Luo Ci learned the identity of Fragment through the maid, the fourth prince Chu Si.

The name is very perfunctory.

So he spoke with a hint of sarcasm.

She looked around, and the arrangement in Mingyou Hall was very attentive at first glance. The burning charcoal still exudes a good smell, which will not make people uncomfortable.

The debris is too deserted, and if you stay in it for a long time, you can't help choking and coughing. That kind of charcoal burning for a long time is not good for your health.

Her head hurts now, how can she bring the fragments back to Luo Guo as soon as possible.

After the birthday of the Empress of Chu, she was leaving in a few days.

She was also going to find a reason to go to the fragments, but not long after she had eaten, several princes of the Empress of Chu visited one after another.

And also dressed in fancy dress, or gentle and careless, or secretly sending autumn waves.

The meaning is self-evident.

It was estimated that the Empress of Chu State wanted to use her son to win her over.

So they try their best to show their looks and highlight their highlights.

There was no need for Luo Ci to say hello, and a few close-fitting maids dismissed them.

Even if they are princes, as men, their status is not high.

This is the difference between Chu and Luo, at least during the years when her mother was in office, Luo's men could be officials and had a certain status.

Luo Ci didn't dislike these princes, but she didn't like it either. She noticed early on the way that Chu men rarely went out, and they always kept their eyebrows low and pleasing to the eye. Most of them were gentle. Thoughtful look, lost masculinity.

It's not that they act like little women at all, it's just that the state of Chu has restrained them, and they are probably satisfied with marrying a good wife and owner who treats them well.

When the Empress of Chu heard the reports of her princes, she had no expression on her face, but when she looked at them, her voice was slightly deep, "If you can't win her over, you can only be married to my minister. "

Several princes knelt down and shivered. Those ministers already had a righteous prince, and they were very rough, and they would beat people. They were not willing to marry them at all.

In the eyes of the Queen of Chu, they were not her own sons, but commodities for sale. As long as the other party could bring benefits to her, she would abandon them without hesitation.

Luo Ci is the queen, and she is good-looking and has a gentle temperament. The most important thing is that she is at least a noble when she married, and maybe she has a chance to climb to the position of queen.

The boy lowered his eyes and listened to his subordinate's report quietly, his shallow lips evoked a mocking arc.

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