She was trying to make herself happy.

But she only came to Chu country, and she is the empress, how could she know what places to play here.

Obviously she didn't know anything, but she never asked herself, because she was worried that after asking herself, she would get an answer that he didn't know, or worried about making him unhappy.

After all, very few princes can go out of the palace, let alone ordinary people's flower boat activities.

All the men of the famous family have to learn how to please their wives and masters considerately and warmly, including piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, all to increase their talents, so as to win the love of their wives and masters.

That's what they mean.

I don't have my own hobbies. I started learning etiquette when I was young, learning how to please my future wife and owner, deliberately hiding my nature, and becoming a popular gentle and considerate person. Be careful to protect your appearance without any scars, and finally let them be Look at yourself with the eyes of being sold, and choose the husband they are satisfied with again and again.

Before marriage and after marriage, every move has to revolve around the wife and owner, completely losing self.

Like a canary in captivity, it loses its freedom forever, both physically and mentally.

like his father.

Thinking of this, Chu Si's previous entanglement suddenly dissipated.

There was some sharp light in the depths of his light-colored pupils, and a high wall was quickly erected in the bottom of his heart, and no one was allowed to approach.

But it was not so indifferent before, in the end it left some traces.

He said slowly, "Let's be here today."

Luo Ci didn't object, she was thinking about making a more refined plan next time, and by the way, let the dark guard find out about the capital.

"Go back to the palace after dinner."


There was a knock on the door of the private room, and they pulled the curtain down. After all, it is a famous restaurant in the capital. There are also princes and princesses who come to eat here. Not revealing your appearance is also to avoid the trouble of being recognized.

The shop assistant went out after serving the dishes. The two didn't talk to each other, they just ate. Except for the crisp sound of her using chopsticks against the wall of the bowl, there was no other sound.

After finishing the meal, the two returned to the palace. This time Luo Ci made no mistakes, and ran Qinggong smoothly and returned to the hidden place in the palace. She took the wooden box from Chu Si, and just waved her hand and moved towards Mingyou Hall. went.

The figure of the other party is very free and easy, and he has no intention of going to his palace.

Chu Si stopped in place for a while, turned around and walked slowly towards the hall, during which no palace servants found him.

Inside the hall.

Chu Si sat in front of the table and gently took off the curtain. When he raised his hand, he felt the weight in his sleeve and was stunned. He took out the meat bun wrapped in a handkerchief in the morning.

It was already cold, but he never lost it.

It also includes the little fox pendant, which is placed on the table together.

The subordinate appeared at this moment and was about to report the situation of the palace today. When he found the meat buns on the table that had already cooled down, he was a little unclear.

"His Royal Highness, the eldest prince and the second prince went to Mingyou Hall to eat a closed-door soup today, and there was a commotion outside the hall. The Queen was furious when she found out about this, and punished them."

Chu Si's eyes were light.

He knew that the mother emperor was not only angry because they quarreled in front of the empress of Luoguo's palace maid, but more probably because the empress of Luoguo left the palace without telling her she was angry, which came from the anger of being offended.

But the other party is also an empress, and the empress of Chu does not have to report to her when she leaves the palace, let alone the empress of another country.

How can such a heart be for long.

Moreover, the eldest princess is already twenty-four, and even the second princess is also twenty-two, and she has long reached the age to succeed to the throne.

But the queen always said that she needed to experience them a little more, and felt that it was difficult for them to be big responsibilities.

But in fact, it wasn't because she was greedy for power and was reluctant to let go.

In contrast to Luo Guo, Luo Ci succeeded to the throne at the age of sixteen, and the previous queen ascended the throne at the age of fifteen.

Chu Si sneered very lightly.

Not only that he acted secretly, the princesses had long been unwilling.

The subordinates reported other situations and quickly retreated.

Before he left, Chu Si said, "Take this bun and warm it up."

The subordinates were very puzzled, but did not dare to ask more, but felt that His Highness's request was getting more and more strange.

He used to give snacks that he never liked to eat, but now he also asks him to warm up steamed buns.


When Luo Ci returned to Mingyou Hall, the palace maid prepared a dress for her. After changing her dress through the screen, she walked slowly to the dressing mirror and let them comb her hair.

The maid next to her covered her mouth and smiled, "Your Majesty, when you were leaving the palace, the eldest prince and the second prince came to look for you around Mochen. Perhaps there was a gap between each other, and when they satirized each other, they not only quarreled, but also moved. Hands, now I'm afraid the face is blue and purple."

It stands to reason that they represent the eyes of Her Majesty the Queen, and the eldest prince and the second prince should behave well, but they have completely lost their etiquette, and even started scolding like a shrew.

Another palace maid took over the conversation, "Look at the servants, how considerate they were yesterday, I'm afraid that today is the real face."

The palace maid who was combing Luo Ci's hair was relatively stable, her voice soft and gentle, "Your Majesty, the Empress of Chu probably made a lot of anger towards the two princes today, maybe she is a little dissatisfied with you."

She states the facts without personal feelings, and she knows the proportions.

A few palace maids reported today's affairs to Luo Ci in a few words, so that she knew what happened.

Luo Ci knew that maybe tonight, she would be called by the Queen of Chu to have dinner together.

The other party deliberately got into a rage in front of her palace maid, so why didn't he disarm her?

After the makeup was done, she slowly opened her eyes, her eyebrows and eyes were drawn more carefully, with a little more depth, and the childishness of her face was removed.

It's just that when she opened her eyes, she found her makeup, her clear eyes were a little innocent, "Why did you put on this makeup all of a sudden?"

The palace maid said, "The slaves are also worried that the Queen of Chu thinks that you are young and easy to handle, so you are more mature in painting."


The maid next to her said softly, "Your Majesty, you must not show such an expression in front of her."

The maid of the palace had a faint smile in Xingmu, and His Majesty always had a sincere appearance in front of them. If the former Queen in Luoguo was shrouded in it, and the Queen was on the shoulders, the ministers would not dare to rely on the old and sell the old. Chu and the others were a little worried.

Although they are palace maids, His Majesty has never criticized them and despised them, and since they grew up together, he not only treats her as a master, but also takes care of her as a younger sister.

Luo Ci muttered softly, "It's not because you are your own."

Why are they so worried about her one by one?

The big palace maid sighed in her heart.

She knew what to say and what not to say.

For example, the empress of the state of Chu, the first prince, and the like, are all of your Majesty's indifference. They will mention a few words to make His Majesty beware.

However, the one who should be guarded the most is the Fourth Prince, whose Majesty is clearly interested.

But she knew that His Majesty would be unhappy and unwilling to listen.

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