Luo Ci only stayed in Mingyou Hall for a short time, and the news of her coming back reached the Empress of Chu State, and soon someone invited her to the imperial study.

It didn't say that she was only allowed to be alone, and all four palace maids could follow.

The female official beside Chu Huang stood by, looking respectful, but there was contempt and impatience in her eyes. She always felt that Luo Huang was just a yellow-haired girl, and it was difficult to be a big responsibility.

Luo Ci's expression was indifferent, "Let's lead the way."

The tone was light, and it was impossible to say whether he was happy or angry.

But there is a kind of indifference that is aloof and disregarding everything.

This made the female official feel that she was being despised, and she was a little annoyed, but she knew Luo Ci's identity and didn't dare to mess around.

When they arrived at the imperial study, while they were still outside the door, the female official seemed to be able to pull back a city, and her tone was a little smug, "You can't enter the imperial study."

That is to say, the four palace maids and others are guarding the door.

Luo Ci glanced at her lightly, her beautiful eyes were slightly sharp, and the female officer subconsciously took a half step back, not daring to look at her again.

"Can I go in?" Although he asked in a tone, he was not usually soft, but rather cold.

The female official lowered her head, "Yes."

Luo Cimei entered the imperial study.

The Chu Emperor was already sitting at the top, and there were several ministers in the audience who stopped when they saw Luo Ci coming.

With a slight smile on his face, Emperor Chu motioned for the palace servant to set up a chair for her, and Luo Ci sat down.

They continued their previous conversation. Most of them mentioned floods and droughts. When it was heated, several ministers even had disputes, like a quarrel.

For an hour in a row, these things were discussed, but in the end there was no result.

Even a few civil officials began to discuss how to attack the barbarians. They did not take into account aspects such as food, grass, and troops, and there were no specific rules and regulations. They only proposed methods that they felt were feasible, and did not imagine whether the generals could do it.

Luo Ci was drowsy when she heard it, and silently complained, maybe they thought that each of the generals could be one to ten, like iron strikes, they could take care of the security of the capital, and at the same time they could divide the number of people to fight against the barbarians.

Calling her here and deliberately letting her listen to these affairs of state affairs is not entirely true. The Emperor Chu also asks her a few questions from time to time, so as not to neglect her.

But in fact, I want to see her make a fool of myself. If she asks and doesn't know, it will be a big blow to her momentum. At the same time, there are rumors that the new empress of Luo Guo can't be used. It will damage Luo Guo's face.

At first she listened for a while, and then she simply went to sleep with her chin propped up.

Since the other party is going to give her a slap in the face, why should she show respect to the other party?

When they fell asleep, the surroundings became quiet. Several ministers looked at each other. Of course, they didn't really want to talk about important matters, but just to cooperate with Emperor Chu and show Luo Ci. Of course, they were talking about their own thoughts.

I just didn't expect Luo Ci to fall asleep directly.

Emperor Chu's face was ashen, but he did not dare to attack.

She didn't give it away, but she was even more angry.

Luo Ci slowly opened her eyes from her sleep. She wanted to raise her hand to rub her eyes, but she thought of the makeup on her face, but she didn't touch it, "Is the discussion over?"

Emperor Chu put on a genial expression again, "Several Aiqings are difficult to talk to each other, and now I have some headaches as to how to do it. I wonder if Luo Huang has any opinions?"

Luo Ci said slowly, "The Emperor Chu asked me to come here for such a trivial matter?"

Without waiting for the Emperor Chu's reply, she continued, "In Luo Kingdom, I have never had to worry about floods like this. My officials have already put forward effective suggestions, and I just wait for me to order them to deal with it."

"All ministers perform their own duties, and civil ministers intervene in the affairs of military generals. Isn't that a bad idea?"

Of course, the most important thing was that the few civil servants didn't understand anything on the battlefield at all, and didn't consider the influence of terrain, climate and other factors at all.

After she finished speaking, the faces of the Emperor Chu and several ministers turned black.

This is to say that the ministers of the state of Chu are incompetent, and they said it together with the emperor of Chu.

A minister couldn't help it on the spot and asked her what advice she could have.

Luo Ci said her ideas without hesitation, but after a little thought, they understood, and they had nothing to say.

Not to mention her experience in other planes, in this plane alone, she is not a sloppy queen.

The mother emperor only has her one daughter, and Luo Guo's burden falls on her.

And it doesn't matter if they say the governance plan. In case they send people to fool around, it will be the people of Limin who will suffer.

Luo Ci yawned lazily, "Is there anything else for Emperor Chu? I'm going back to rest. I hope this kind of thing won't bother me next time."

This is a pick.

The other party deliberately asked her to watch when they were discussing business affairs, and she no longer took her seriously. She just fought back.

She didn't like these conspiracies the most, and she didn't like to talk about the twists and turns, this time it was a warning.

But Emperor Chu clearly felt extremely unbalanced, but he still had to respond to her with a smile on his face.

The emperor of Chu asked the female official to send Luo Ci back. After the female official saw His Majesty's attitude, she no longer dared to show any disrespect to Luo Ci.

She also stayed in the palace for many years. His Majesty used to be polite because of the identity of the other party, but now he is strong.

After returning to Mingyou Hall, the palace maid asked with concern, "Your Majesty, are you not being bullied?"

Luo Ci sat in front of the dressing mirror, half-squinted her eyes, her sleepiness surged up, "No. It's just so sleepy."

She whispered, "They cost me an hour in vain."

The palace maids all covered their mouths and chuckled.

The maid immediately began to remove her makeup, and she acted very carefully, "Your Majesty, the servant will call you after dinner."


At this moment, her tone was as soft as a little milk cat, without the sparseness and coldness in the imperial study, and the aura that was not to be offended around her body disappeared completely.

After removing her makeup, she threw herself on the bed and fell asleep quickly. The palace maid carefully covered her with the quilt and gently retreated to the outer hall.

She slept late yesterday and got up at four or five in the morning.

Because she didn't want the maids to get up so early in the morning with her, she said to them that it was time to set off. She prepared everything in the evening and tied her hair casually.

It's normal for me to feel tired and sleepy since it's not dawn until now.

Luo Ci slept soundly on the bed, while Emperor Chu was so angry that his ministers were not able to be ridiculed, but the other party did put forward feasible suggestions.

She still has a request from Luo Guo, and she can't tear her face at the moment.

How this doesn't make her angry.

There was no way to get angry at Luo Ci, so she could only spread her anger on several ministers, saying that they were incompetent, and she would reduce her salary when she was in a hurry.

After arriving at the back, several princes were summoned to give a stern warning.

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