Chu Si soon learned about the news of the royal study room in the afternoon through his subordinates.

In fact, he learned when Luo Ci was called.

Listening to Ying Yi vividly describe her performance in the imperial study, including the slow tone, she repeats it almost without a word.

He knew that she was the queen, and even if she was younger and looked harmless, she would not be manipulated by anyone.

Moreover, she is the only imperial daughter, with a heavy burden on her body, and it is a good thing that the former Emperor Luo is there. Otherwise, in just one year, the court situation cannot be stabilized, and the restrictive relationship between ministers cannot be handled well, let alone Luo Guo still Elevating the status of men intentionally or unintentionally.

He was about to say something, but his throat became hoarse, and there was a tear-like pain in his throat.

That was the legacy of that year.

He had to speak softly so that he wouldn't tug on his vocal cords, so he wouldn't feel pain.

Ying Yi hurriedly handed over the medicine, which was a liquid medicine, packed in a very small bottle, with a very bitter taste.

This kind of medicine cannot be mass-produced, and it is very difficult to collect. Ying Yi only went to the doctor to get it back today, and just happened to catch up.

Chu Si drank it in one gulp, and a cool liquid made the pain in his throat slowly fade away, and he was not as uncomfortable as before.

"Go down." The voice was hoarse, no longer as clear and clean as before, and it was impossible to hear it without listening carefully.

Chu Si's light-colored clear eyes were slightly startled, and he pursed his lips, slowly poured a cup of tea, and took a sip.

In a short time, his voice could not return to normal.

In fact, the people in the palace have heard his hoarse voice many times, and it is disfigured and his voice is broken, it is impossible for any woman to take a fancy to him.

Even avoid it.

He thought that was fine.

Just thinking that she would come to have dinner with him tonight, he suddenly felt a little reluctant.

He didn't want her to hear his voice.

But doesn't matter.

Let her know that her throat is broken, and maybe there will be no intersection in the future.

Wouldn't that be nice.

It's just that the phalanx holding the teacup was slightly white, the water in the porcelain cup swayed slightly, and a slight wave filled the air.

The pain spread to his head, he put down the teacup, and simply stopped thinking about it, laying down on the bed slowly, his fingers lightly touching his Adam's apple.

In a trance, he fell asleep.

Not a sky full of fire, not a choking smoke, but a soft white cloud.

He was standing on the cloud.

In the center of the cloud, a girl in a black and white skirt was lying softly on it, surrounded by black gas attacking her.

It wasn't their clothes, and no one would show their arms and thighs.

Chu Si didn't understand why he dreamed of these things, but when he saw the girl's face, he was stunned in place.

How could he dream of her?

But before she even had time to think about it, she saw her snow-white and delicate collarbone, and almost subconsciously looked away.

The tips of his ears were dyed a crimson color, and his fair face was also smudged with a thin red. He pursed his lips slightly, and his heartbeat was so chaotic that there was no rhythm at all, up and down.

"It's so boring." The girl's soft, soft voice came.

He wanted to turn his head to look at her, but when he thought of his own face, he couldn't help but flinch.

For some reason, it seemed that all his perceptions were magnified in the dream.

He was afraid.

On second thought, he was not far from her, but she hadn't noticed herself until now, is it... can't see him?

Thinking like this, Chu Si finally couldn't resist the thoughts in his heart, and his eyes fell on the girl.

She changed her posture, lay on the clouds, stretched out her hand and stroked the water, lazily.

Chu Si saw that more black gas came out from the bottom of the water and attacked her. She frowned slightly, as if she had felt uncomfortable for a moment.

The girl raised her eyes and looked in his direction. Those clear and beautiful colored glaze eyes were pure and clean, as if they contained finely shredded starlight.

The starlight is not dazzling, exuding its own soft light.

For a moment, he thought she saw him.

It's just that she quickly looked back and muttered in a very soft voice, "I thought there was something there, but it turned out to be nothing."

There is still some disappointment in the words.

Chu Si was stunned for a moment.

He lowered his head slightly, his palms slowly covering his heart, which was completely different from the previous rhythm of ups and downs, his heartbeat calmed down, but the surging emotions were more complicated and profound.

With his lowered eyes, he noticed that a little black appeared on the clouds. He looked intently, and the black gas slowly condensed into chains, locking her body and her soul.

The chains are phantoms, like they are locked in an empty space, but they are more of a pervasive confinement.

Even though she can still move around freely.

But after all, something is different.

Chu Si couldn't help raising his hand to touch the chain, and the chill from his palm spread to his whole body little by little, almost freezing his heart.

The slender feathered eyelashes blinked a little sluggishly, but the chains attached to her body were completely innumerable.

For some reason, he tried to break these chains, his hands were so cold that he couldn't feel it, but there were still so many chains, and they even broke and reunited.

But the girl didn't notice what he was doing, she just glanced at the chains, raised her hand and waved them, and they dissipated.

The chill that went deep into the bones slowly faded from Chu Si.

But he wasn't the least bit happy.

Because this is only temporary.

Those chains didn't really go away.

He approached her and sat silently beside her.

" should be night." The girl's tone was uncertain. She lay on her back on the clouds and pointed her finger, "Night, stars, moon."

The sky darkened instantly, and as she moved her fingers, the night sky lit up little by little.

"And then sleep under the quilt."

A thin quilt appeared on her body, and she stared at the night sky without blinking.

It seems to be completing some steps, step by step.

"There seems to be a shooting star tonight." She defended in a low voice, "I didn't change it, it appeared by myself."

It's a real shooting star.

So the wish will come true.

The moment the meteor appeared, she hurriedly sat up, closed her eyes, and folded her hands together to make a wish, looking very pious.

Chu Si looked at her quietly.

The lips were pursed so that the color of the lips was slightly white, and there seemed to be some unknown emotion flashing in the depths of the pupils, as if suppressing something.

Even the stars and the moon can change, but they still have to rely on the illusory meteor legend to make a wish.

He wanted to ask, what wish did you make?

But when he opened his mouth, he couldn't even hear what he just said.

There was a sense of depression in his heart.

It's just that he found that the girl was about to turn her head, and that action seemed to be filled countless times. He felt that she already knew his existence, and his heart was beating violently. This time, he did not dodge and wanted her to see him.

But he only had time to see the half of her face turned around, his consciousness fell into darkness, and he returned to reality in the next second.

Chu Si stared blankly at the ceiling.

wake up.

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