The impression in the dream faded like a tide, and became lighter a little bit, and only the icy coldness left in the palm of the hand indicated the difference in the dream.

Chu Si raised his hand slightly, stared at it with shallow eyes, and when he held it, he could still vaguely feel the cold and hard touch.

There was a faint daze in the pupils.

No matter how real and impressive the dream was, now I only have a vague feeling in retrospect, but the emotional fluctuations born in the dream still linger in my heart.

That emotion, called throbbing, called distress, or maybe more.

But after waking up, the mind is even more difficult to be moved, after all, it is a little bit scattered.

He got up and poured a cup of tea. When he entered the mouth, he realized that the tea was cold, and the bitter taste spread between his lips and tongue, and it was icy cold.

The hall was a little dark, and since there was no one around him to serve, the people under his hands did not dare to enter the hall at will, even if it was dark, no one would add candles.

Chu Si lit the lamp, walked slowly to the window, the moon appeared quietly, he paused, it had been so long.

At this hour yesterday, she had already sat here eating happily, but now it is quiet outside the hall, and there is no light in the dark night, neither near nor far away.

There was no girl who carried the palace lantern from the darkness to the light.

Chu Si couldn't tell if it was loss or something else.

The night in the early winter is very quiet, there are no insects, and it is located in a remote place. It is usually impossible for palace people to pass by. It is lonely and empty.

He was not used to it before, but later he felt that it was nothing. There is no one to remember in this world, so there is no difference between someone nearby and no one.

A very light sigh overflowed from his lips, faint, with a bit of wistfulness.

He was about to close the window, but there was some light in the place where he could see, it was a warm dim yellow, and it was far away.

He fixed his gaze in that direction, and it was not until he saw several figures that he was sure that it was her and not the **** who brought him the meal.

Chu Si froze in place.

The action of closing the window stopped, he returned to the table and sat down, his expression was calm, but his eyelashes trembled slightly, not as indifferent as he seemed.

Luo Ci yawned, looking very sleepy.

In fact, the palace maid had called her a long time ago, but she just slept a little longer, and even now she was just thinking about having a meal with the shards, so she forced herself to wake up.

She sat sleepily and greeted Chu Si in a lazy tone, "Overslept."

To explain why she was late.

Chu Si pursed his lips.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't come, let alone explain it to him.

Xu Shi felt that she was a little dazed and not very keen now, and his eyes stayed on her for a long time.

She was lying on the table with her head resting on her arms, looking like she couldn't lift herself up.

Chu Si guessed, was it because he woke up too early and didn't have a good rest?

He wanted to ask her, but stopped because of his hoarse voice.

The light-colored pupils swayed slightly, as if shaking something.

The palace maid prepared her dinner and reverently withdrew.

Maybe it was because she didn't have much energy, or maybe it was something else. They didn't interact much, so Luo Ci yawned and left after eating.

This made all of Chu Si's previous entanglements like a punch on cotton.

While he was relieved, he was also a little disappointed.

He knew that she was different in his heart, but he didn't dare to admit it, he just wanted to escape, so that he wouldn't get hurt or fall to pieces.

Because there are too many things in between, full of various uncertainties, what can he bet with?


It's not clear how the fragments are entangled with Luo Ci. She was just sleep deprived, and she was a little tired after walking around all morning, but after a good night's sleep, she became even more tired. , The limbs are a little weak, maybe she had a very tired dream?

It's like dreaming about the past.

This kind of dream is actually a kind of retrospective, retrospective will consume a part of the energy, but it is not so tired.

She didn't even think about it if she didn't understand, she washed up early and climbed into bed to rest.

the next day.

It was the birthday of the Emperor Chu.

The palace servants were busy, and there were also female officials urging, their voices were tense and severe, and they did not dare to neglect in the slightest.

After the night passed, Luo Ci's state recovered. Since the palace staff were all focused on the preparations for Emperor Chu's birthday, no one took care of her and the fragments, so she avoided her sight and went to the Fourth Prince's Palace.

"Good morning." She said cheerfully, no longer so sleepy last night.

Chu Si paused, but still squeezed out a slightly muffled voice from his throat, "En."

There was only one character, and for a while, she didn't notice that something was wrong, she just thought that she just woke up and her voice wasn't fully open.

Luo Ci took the initiative to serve him porridge and then began to enjoy his own breakfast.

She asked in a lazy tone, "There must be a lot of people disturbing today, can I stay here?"

Because it was the birthday of the Emperor Chu, many ministers' children would also enter the palace, and they would have to deal with it at that time.

But no one could have guessed that she was here in the shard.

Chu Si's eyes were slightly stunned, and his throat hoarsely said, with astringency, "Why?"

This is to show all your shortcomings in front of the other party.

Only then did Luo Ci hear the difference between the fragments, her voice was concerned, "Did you catch the cold yesterday?"

There was no immediate reply, but he was concerned about whether he was sick, so his throat was uncomfortable.

He pursed his lips slightly, his voice contained a mockery, and his eyes looked straight at her, "This is the sequelae left with my face."

Such a passage seems a bit intermittent under this broken voice, and some characters are spoken as finely as mosquitoes, like a gust of wind blowing past.

She froze.

He lowered his head slightly and said in a low voice, "Sorry."

Clear eyes filled with apology, she thought she had mentioned the past that he didn't want to reveal.

How can such a foul...

Even after he revealed some disfigurement, he apologized for the first time. What was wrong with her, why should she apologize to him?

Who is he to her.

Chu Si slightly gritted his teeth, as if restraining something.

If this has always been the case, he will take it seriously.

If he was serious, he would not let go.

He said slowly, "You can stay here."

The shallow eyes were calm and the tone was very light, but only he knew how big the waves were in his heart.

The palace maid entered, leaned over and whispered a few words in Luo Ci's ear.

Luo Ci nodded reluctantly, she looked at the fragments, "I can't stay here today."

Chu Si responded lightly.

He watched her and the four palace maids leave. The food box on the table was clean and empty, as if it had only been empty before.

Why, there is no answer.

The courage he finally mustered up all at once.

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