Luo Xin's beautiful face was filled with a touch of sadness, "In a blink of an eye, I'm going to marry my husband."

This is a mother's remorse for her daughter.

She was used to seeing sisters fighting each other in the palace since she was a child, the empress's partiality, her father and concubine often feel sad, not living in a normal environment, everyone has their own mind, and there is no one to trust.

In the harem, those men tried every means to win the queen's favor, but she didn't like that.

She could never forget the unhappy appearance of her father and concubine in the palace, like moths to a flame, looking forward to the mother emperor every day, as if without the mother emperor, she would lose her meaning.

Can't there be just one husband?

But she never spoke.

The difference between the father and the concubine and other noble monarchs in the harem is that he did not fight or rob, and he did not use any means. He often warned himself not to cause trouble to the mother emperor, and to be peaceful.

At first she listened, but after being framed again and again, she could no longer be alone.

She is not greedy for power, if it weren't for the protection of herself and her father and concubine, if it were not for the protection of her relatives, she would not have taken this road.

She thought of the time when she was ordered to inspect the local situation, but was assassinated by assassins sent by other princesses, suffered a lot of injuries, and found Ning Chen in a coma.

He seemed to be very unfamiliar with this place, and even his clothes were very different.

She often had a cold face, exuding the aura that strangers should not be near, even if she gave him a hand, it was only a little better than the attitude towards ordinary people, that's all.

But she turned to her heart.

Later... a lot of things happened, and she found out that he was actually hot on the outside and hot on the inside.

She took Ning Chen back to her palace, and told the Queen Mother that she wanted to marry him as the King. The Queen Mother asked if she would regret it.

She said no.

She doesn't regret being able to be with the person she likes.

The canonization decree was soon issued. After the father and concubine found out, they said for a long time, "If you marry another husband in the future, what will you do?"

There is bound to be a conflict between the commoner Zhengjun, who has no family protection, and the side prince who is about to be married.

For the first time she asked aloud, "Why can't there be just one husband?"

The father and concubine paused and said, "In order to win over the minister."

The young and frivolous she said, "If I am strong enough, do I still need to see their faces and act?"

The father and concubine were stunned. In the end, he just waved his hands with a pale face, looking a little panic-stricken and powerless, as if he had suffered a huge blow.

The father and concubine whispered, "It will be difficult."

Thinking back to the present, Luo Xin looked at her daughter softly, and she did it.

Their daughters have not experienced the disputes in the harem, nor do they need to be a lifelong event in order to check and balance the grievances of the court.

That's fine.


Royal Garden.

Ning Chen's voice was light, and his eyes looked away, "They don't like this."

I don't like power disputes, conspiracies and tricks, and I don't want to always beware of whether people around me are murdering me, so suspicious.

He stared at Chu Si, "Can you shield her from the wind and rain?"

Chu Si understood that the other party was asking if he had the ability to save her from worrying about her, and he was also asking if he was willing to stay behind the scenes.

His slender feathered eyelashes trembled slightly, Qiantong was always quiet, and his voice was very soft, "You are worried that I will fail your daughter, but I haven't fallen into all kinds of hesitations these days."

"I have no looks, and I don't know how to coax people. I don't know why she chose me."

This unexplained liking made him a little happy, and then there was a constant surge of panic, which was empty and would be taken back one day sooner or later.

He fixedly looked at Ning Chen, "Compared to her, I am more afraid of losing her, afraid that she is just impulsive, thinking that she likes it, and I am even more afraid that she will suddenly tire of herself."

Obviously there is an example of his father and concubine in front, but he still can't help but be moved by her.

"But I still chose to trust her."

"I will never fail her."

He was only afraid that she would not want him.

Chu Si said slowly, word by word, "I can do it because I am willing."

Ning Chen was slightly stunned. He wasn't from here, so he couldn't stand at the same starting point with the thoughts of a man from the Nvzun Kingdom.

In the end, women are superior to men, so even if his wife and master accept the side, he can't say anything wrong with the other party, he can only endure it or give up.

This young man has been worried that he will be abandoned.

Ning Chen was silent for a moment, but he didn't say anything in the end. In fact, he had long recognized the opponent's strength, but he just didn't understand the opponent's character. Now there is no need to talk about it.

In fact, neither of them are very good at words. After Ning Chen expressed his approval, he left.

Chu Si stood quietly under the gazebo for a while, then prepared to return to the palace.

This is the first time he has come to the Luo Kingdom Palace, and he is inevitably a little unfamiliar with the road.

"Do you know the fourth prince of the Chu kingdom that His Majesty brought back to the palace?"

"I haven't even been able to go to your Majesty's place to serve in close quarters, how can I see it?"

"So what if you see it, what if you don't see it?" A palace maid packed her things without raising her head, very swiftly.

The maid at the beginning lowered her voice, mixed with some contempt, "The fourth prince is not good-looking at all, and there are scars on his face that look scary. I really don't understand why His Majesty rejected the prime minister's direct son."

There is a faint hint of injustice.

"Don't talk nonsense, how can we servants talk about the master's affairs casually."

"Whoever your majesty likes is your majesty's business, you should be careful not to let the trouble come out of your mouth."

Seeing that the two palace maids living in the same block did not agree with her, she couldn't help being a little angry, but in the end she didn't say anything.

Chu Si glanced at the three of them indifferently, and happened to pass by. His expression was extremely calm, and he was not angry at what they said.

The palace maid suddenly turned pale and hung her head silently, while the other two palace maids bowed their heads and bowed their heads for unknown reasons.

After Chu Si's figure was gone, the palace maid still felt like falling into an ice cellar, she was nervous.

She arranges each other in front of others, no matter what, she is the master, is she finished?

How can she be frightened here, worrying like a nervous all day, but she dare not tell the real reason, which leads to frequent occurrences of her state, and there is no hope of being promoted to the second-class palace maid.


Chu Si followed the memory in his mind and walked slowly along the road, and he was getting closer and closer to the palace.

He wasn't indifferent at all.

The people in the palace are still like this. If people outside the palace see it, what will they think of him and His Majesty in private.

It will feel like she treats fish eyes as pearls.

He himself is used to the strange eyes of others, and he doesn't feel that there is anything, but he represents her face, and it is impossible not to care.

His fingers clenched slightly, and the slender phalanx was white.

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