When Chu Si entered the palace, the climate in Luo Guo was milder, even though he was wearing autumn clothes at the moment, he didn't feel cold.

Luo Ci sat in front of the book desk, writing something, she turned her head and smiled, "You're back."

The tone is natural and friendly.

Chu Si suddenly stepped forward and hugged her, rubbed softly, as if very attached, and said in a low voice, "Master wife."

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just want to hug you."

He is like a little milk cat, extraordinarily clingy, with a childishness that is rarely seen on weekdays, and is very insecure.

Luo Qi paused, "Did something happen?"

Chu Si shook his head.

His voice lowered slightly, with a bit of softness, "It's just that I like my wife more and more."

She blushed slightly.

This is how she should answer.

Chu Si didn't hold her for too long, and released his hand after a while. He sat beside her and waited quietly.

Luo Ci didn't mean to avoid the slightest bit, and continued to write the will, which is the meaning of the emperor.

Seeing him look over, she said, "I asked someone to calculate the auspicious day. The latest time point is exactly five days later. These times should be barely enough to prepare, what do you think?"

Chu Si was stunned. In fact, he didn't read what she wrote. He replied with a soft look, "Everything is up to the wife and master."

Luo Ci has drawn up her will and stamped it with a jade seal, and she has to arrange for other people to prepare for marriage.

In fact, she doesn't care about the auspicious days of the zodiac, but this is more important here, to seek a good meaning, she simply chooses it.

What's more, if she is careless, it will make people feel that she doesn't pay attention to the fragments, and even looks down on him, how can this be done?

Rao has been married so many times, and she feels troublesome, but she still doesn't give her orders.

She knew, but Shard didn't.

She didn't want the pieces to be wronged.

For her, there have been many times, but for each shard, it is a new start, and all the interactions are from unfamiliar to familiar.

And marriage is a big event in life.

Fragments must be expected too.


Luo Ci has never arranged a bedroom for Chu Si, and the two of them still share the same bed, but they are very disciplined, and no one has a charming mind.

Tonight is a little different. Luo Ci has been busy for a long time today and is already tired. She stumbled into sleep, but the people around her have not yet laid down. She asked vaguely, "Why isn't Ah Si still sleeping?"

Chu Si's voice was soft, "I'll fall asleep later."

She yawned, turned over and lay down on the quilt to sleep, "Then you have to hurry up."

Chu Si slowly wiped the scar on his left face with an unknown liquid, gradually revealing its original appearance. The original ferocious burns had faded a lot. After wiping it with clean water, he poured out a little plaster from the porcelain bottle and slowly wiped it. On the face, the scar on the left side of the face became lighter, but not long after, the hideous burn scars slowly emerged.

He only started to apply this plaster a few days ago. The effect can be seen in the first few seconds, but it will slowly discharge the fire poison, which also causes his left face to still look like this ferocious burn, and it must be rubbed on The effect can be maximized on the body for one day, and the ointment can be removed with special water.

Until the fire poison and other impurities are removed, and will no longer float on the surface, his appearance will truly return to normal.

He didn't deceive her from the beginning, but he never thought about restoring his appearance. Such a skin bag was harmful to him in Chu, and it reminded him of his dead father and concubine. He didn't want to. want.

Whether in Chu State or Luo State, down to the palace maid, up to the Chu Emperor, they all mocked her for her bad eyesight, unintentionally, and chose a disfigured one.

Wouldn't she know what those people thought of her? But she never mentioned it, or never took it to heart.

This is the case in the state of Chu, and even more so in the state of Luo. The dignified empress of the state of Luo, it is not good to choose who to be the queen, but if they chose him, those ministers will definitely think so.

So as early as the day of the Lantern Festival, he began to apply this ointment.

He wants to restore his appearance as soon as possible, he wants people in the palace, he wants courtiers from Luo Guo, and he wants other men who are rushing to enter the palace to know that her vision is very good.

What's more, since he can get better, why not get along with her in a better image.

After applying the medicine, he gently returned to the bed, and the girl subconsciously came over and hugged him tightly.

Chu Si's eyes were slightly soft, and he placed a light kiss on the girl's forehead extremely reverently.

He said in a low voice, "The gods saw my lantern, and we will always be together."


The five-day palace was busy and busy, Luo Ci gave herself a rest on the second day of returning to Luo Kingdom, and went to court every day for the next few days.

However, the early morning time is Chenshi, which is much better than when he was on the tyrant plane before.

In the past few days, ministers have frequently asked questions, to the effect of recommending how docile the son-in-law of so-and-so is, the harem is vacant, and His Majesty should accept it...

However, after being rectified by her, she was honest. When she was marrying the queen, these ministers kept jumping out.

There was even a minister who said that the image of Fragment could not be the queen of the king. Isn't that just saying that Fragment does not look good, so she said, "I see that the image of Feng Shangshu can't hold the post of envoy this time, so let's rest at home. "

As soon as these words came out, the other party did not dare to speak.

The envoys of the small country can get some oil and water. They dare not play tricks in the tribute paid by the small country, but they will inevitably be flattered by small profits and let her say a few good words in front of the queen.

Feng Shangshu couldn't help regretting it. She finally got this job, but now it's all in vain, and the second half of His Majesty's sentence seemed to be light, but it was actually warning her to be careful about her official hat.

After that, no minister dared to report on the matters after the establishment of the monarch.

The current queen and the others have nothing to do with her, let alone the previous queen behind her.

On the day after the canonization of the emperor, Luo Ci and Chu Si did not live together. It was considered the etiquette here, and they did not meet for three days before marriage.

Although she didn't think there was anything, she still followed the etiquette and didn't see any fragments.

Of course, in fact, she didn't take much time to accompany the fragments.

However, I still found time to carve out a small jade ornament.

Engraving can't be done quickly, so she didn't choose a very complicated one. She ground the jade into an oval jade pendant, engraved the word "si", and strung it with a red string.

She concentrated on learning to engrave this word, and the effect came out naturally. Although it didn't look very delicate, it was also simple and generous.

At this moment, Luo Ci allowed the maid to dress up for herself, ready to pick up the pieces.

Usually, the queen sits on the chariot, passes through two rows of civil and military officials, and comes to the outside of the Golden Palace to begin the canonization ceremony.

But she wasn't going to do that.


She quickly came to the palace where Chu Si was located, and the palace people were slightly startled when they saw her, they hurriedly saluted, and they retreated without daring to say anything more.

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