He knew that Emperor Chu wanted to marry Luo Guo on the occasion of his birthday, and even if the people under his command had heard the news that she had arrived in Chu country early, he was indifferent.

He didn't care whether she would fancy those princes.

He knew that Luo Guo was very powerful, and neither she nor the parents behind her would dare to provoke her.

But he never thought of using her to achieve his goals.

Never thought about it before, never thought about it ever.

He thought there could be no contact between them.

But on the first day of entering the palace, she walked outside his courtyard and politely asked him if he could come in.

It so happened that I came to the most remote palace.

When he turned to look at her, he met her gaze, unreasonably not wanting to reject her.

He even poured hot tea for her subconsciously because he observed the dryness and paleness of her lips, and subconsciously, he wanted her to stay for a while longer.

Perhaps he was hoping to get in touch with her.

Over the years, his heart has been barren, so what he does is very indifferent. Maybe he has achieved his goal, and he has nothing to do.

But seeing her carefully drinking tea with a teacup, small sips, a little ripple in Gu Jing Wubo's eyes.

It's just a very ordinary action, but it feels a little cute.

She seems to be different from other women.

At least, they won't show these soft gestures.

When she asked if she had any snacks, he just hesitated a little, and went to the hall to bring a plate of snacks.

He didn't know what kind of mood he was in at that time, and he took a plate of snacks that was far less than her usual meal, although... it was the only one.

If you don't want her to stay, it would be fine if you simply refuse to say that there are no snacks, but go to the temple to get them. It's fine if they are exquisite and delicious, but those snacks are completely unworthy of her status, cold and hard, eat them It even stabs the throat.

It turned out that from then on, he began to struggle.

He wanted to stay away from her, but was reluctant to reject her, but gave her inconsiderate treatment.

When she left, she wanted to know his name, and when she met those eager eyes, he somehow introduced himself in that way, mockingly, as if he was contemptuous of himself.

Lower yourself into the dust.

One is a high-ranking queen, the other is a prince who no one cares about, the difference between clouds and mud.

How could there be contact.

They are not all the way.

He thought that maybe he was too indifferent, so he made her unhappy, and she should not want to come.

But unexpectedly, when she saw the girl walking by carrying the palace lantern, she wanted to have dinner with her because she thought he was having a bad time.

Maybe it's the equal respect in her demeanor, or her well-meaning concern.

Did he refuse.

I didn't say no from the beginning, and I'll never say no again.

Step by step, she willingly fell into her hands.

He remembered what she said on the first day, "Is it okay if the Queen asks me to marry you?"

The mind trembled slightly.

The first thing he remembered was not rejection, but not knowing how to speak.

He didn't know it himself.

It was a very firm rejection to change to another woman, but if it was her, she would not be able to say what she rejected.

Was reluctant at first.

I don't want to make her sad.

In the end, he refused to refuse.

Promise her to go out of the palace, eat breakfast on the capital street with her, and visit some small stalls, which is indeed something he has never experienced before.

sporadic happiness.

He said that he hated his wife, hated being obedient and obedient, hated such a cautious attitude, but when he was unconscious, he followed her carefully and was very docile.

The fox ornament was actually not because he liked it, because when he saw the ornament, he remembered her appearance, smart and cute, so he stopped unexpectedly.

At that time, the idea he wanted to buy was to use this as a memory for the rest of his life, and he didn't want to have any more interaction with her.

Even though I have no emotions on weekdays, I have no worries, let alone these intricate and incomprehensible thoughts. It is actually very painful to think too much.

He thought he could wait peacefully until she left the Chu country.

Since then, they have never seen each other.

It is impossible to affect his mind any longer.

But it only changed on the night of Emperor Chu's birthday.

He has never dared to look directly at his feelings, dare not look directly at his heartbeat, so that the more suppressed it is, the more uncontrollable it is.

When I saw Chu Ze's actions, my heart skipped a beat. I knew she wouldn't get caught, and I knew she wouldn't like those people, so I was still a little panicked.

And some kind of destructive emotion.

He knew that he was completely planted.

He watched her flutter towards him softly, called him with blurry eyes, and complained softly why he didn't catch her.

The heart was completely lost.

He remembered the way she was lying in his arms that night, remembered her docile and well-behaved response, and remembered his own heartbeat.

But when she woke up the next day, she completely forgot, leaving him only to remember the heartbeat of last night.

Even so, he still wanted to give her an unforgettable Lantern Festival, and wanted to express his heart to her.

Bet everything on yourself to love her.

In the past, his father and concubine told him the origin of the Lantern Festival.

On the day of the Lantern Festival, the gods will pay attention to the lower realm, but this day is also a moonlit night. Without the moonlight, the gods cannot see the world clearly.

Only when enough lanterns are lit and gathered together, can the gods see it, see their sincerity, and give blessings.

If he expresses his intentions, he will naturally do his best.

Between him and her, he didn't want to make the slightest mistake.

He thought it was his own confession, but he didn't expect that she would bring a lantern over.

It is not that he is one-sided, but two-way.

Fortunately, he did not give up his love.

For the men of Nv Zunguo, choosing a wife and master is a gamble. At first, each of them felt that the other party would treat them wholeheartedly, and they trusted each other in their hearts, and felt that they must be special.

But in the end, most of them lost.

Perhaps at the beginning, that person was indeed trustworthy, just like the father and concubine believed in the Emperor Chu, at least at that time, the love of the other party was true, and the special cases were also true.

But in the end, he still lost to pieces.

But even if he was worried that he would lose, the heart beating for her was still biased towards her, like a moth to a fire, he still wanted to bet once.

Maybe he will lose, but he is more afraid that he will be like a tortoise with a shrinking head from the beginning, pushing her away and pushing her to someone else.

That would make it even more unsatisfactory.

It's ok.

If he loses, he will use his own way to trap her.

All his power belonged to her, and she was his queen alone.

His life had no meaning before.

Now she is his meaning.

Live for her, die for her, go crazy for her.



Chu Si became the Dark Emperor of Luo Guo, and he already possessed a power comparable to that of Ning Ge. In front of his subordinates, he was cold and sharp, like a **** and dark sword.

But when she came to the girl, she was always gentle and well-behaved.

"Master wife, are you going to sleep tonight?"

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