The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 524: Miss, I'm coming to pick you up

The third day of the last days.

In the small single-person rental room, a slightly emaciated figure was lying on the bed, her whole body was hot, her face was sweating finely, her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, her body was curled up, and she was extremely uncomfortable.

After a long while, she slowly opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling somewhat absently.

She has awakened powers.

Ice-type abilities, and both water-type abilities.

The doors and windows of the rental house were locked by her, and she could vaguely hear the roar of zombies and the sound of slapping the doors and windows.

There are no other residents here.

Almost everyone who should go is gone, except for her.

Luo Ci was stunned, it was the apocalyptic plane again, and she didn't know what the fragments were like this time.

Tweet circled around her, as if very happy, "Cic, I have opened the store function!"

It remembered that the previous apocalyptic plane seemed to be very important with space abilities and could hold things, so it hurriedly said, "You can buy space in the store."

She smiled lightly, her voice still a little weak, "Okay."

She must have woken up after sleeping all day and night.

It has been two days since the body started to heat up.

The identity of this plane is very ordinary, a little orphan girl who has no power and no power. She usually lives frugally and lives in a rental house of several hundred yuan. The area is only about fifteen square meters, which is very narrow.

A small bathroom, a small kitchen, and a small balcony, but these three small places together only occupy three or four square meters, and the rest is a bed, a small folding round table, and a very simple wardrobe. As well as the small refrigerator that I bought before, it was very small, only one or two hundred.

This is her home.

She is usually very homely and doesn't go out very much, so she often stockpiles some food, including some bags of instant noodles, eggs, and some vegetables.

There are very few snacks, because the money on her body does not allow her to be extravagant, and she needs to plan every step carefully, and she can even live on only one five-yuan Chinese cabbage a day.

It is only half a month that I am willing to buy snacks once, as a reward for myself.

Although he was very poor, he was not starving himself.

On weekdays, the neighbors around her would occasionally help her and give her some dumplings, but she rarely dealt with them and always went deep into the house, so she didn't know each other well.

In fact, it was not that the neighbor across the door didn't ask her if she wanted to leave together yesterday. At that time, her condition was very poor, her steps were weak, and even walking was a problem. If she followed, it would definitely be a drag.

Moreover, she also heard their hesitation.

The occupant opposite the door is a family of four, with two children, the older one is 14 or 15 years old, and the younger is 8 or 9 years old. They don't have a car, and it is difficult to leave. It is actually a burden to bring her.

The other party is kind, not duty, she can't rely on them.

So, she refused.

(The clone does not know what will happen in the end times, nor does he know that he will have powers).

Luo Ci felt the sticky feeling on her body. After thinking about it, she went to the small kitchen to boil water. Now she can't use electricity. The gas can still be used, but it needs to be ventilated. She carefully opened the kitchen window and filled it with water. Kettle, start boiling water.

The clone only dares to boil hot water when the surroundings are quiet, and then pour it into a thermos, but now that she has supernatural abilities, she is no longer afraid of zombies.

Thinking that she really needed a space to store things, she called in her mind, "Open the store."

Chiu Chiu was also a little excited. It couldn't do anything before, but now he can let Porcelain buy useful things.

"Does Porcelain want this? Cloud Space."

The cloud space can be stored on the body in the form of an imprint and cannot be robbed. The shape of the space is a cloud.

The characteristic is that the cloud will expand and become larger, and the space will also become larger.

She nodded.

This cloud a free purchase.

No need for the points she had ever heard of.

Luo Ci thought of the clouds over Luoshui, she knew that this was what he left for herself.

The cloud imprint landed on the wrist, and the small cloud quickly disappeared.

I don't know when, the roar of the zombies outside the house disappeared.

She felt a little strange in her heart, after all, the sound of boiling water was actually a bit noisy.

When the water was boiled, she first put an appropriate amount of cold water in the bucket, and then poured in the hot water.

In fact, no matter the end of the world or not, she always boils water for bathing. It is impossible for this kind of rental house to have a water heater, otherwise it would not be this price.

After taking a shower, she changed into simple and refreshing clothes and cleaned the room silently.

She changed new sheets and lay quietly on the bed. In fact, she was still a little tired at the moment. Although she had awakened her powers, she hadn't eaten much for two days. She had a fever and had been losing her appetite. She always ate instant noodles. Tired of eating early.

In this plane, she has some social fears, so she basically doesn't go out very much. She has just graduated and has only 5,000 in savings. Until she fails to overcome social fears and find a job, she has to live frugally.

After lying down for a while, she remembered that there were still five cans of Coke and some small green vegetables frozen in the small refrigerator.

She got off the bed, used the ice power to condense some ice cubes, soaked them in a bucket, add water to the ice cubes, and put the cola in the bucket. Then wrap the greens with ice cubes, and the insurance ability is also good.

Luo Ci thought for a while, rested here for a day, and then looked at how to go out and where to go.

She has no appetite, and her body is still a little uncomfortable. In addition, she has just used the ability so many times, and it is inevitable that she will lose her strength. She lies on the bed dizzy and falls asleep.

Chiu Chiu is on the sidelines, it has to protect the porcelain!


A man wearing a delicate black housekeeper's costume was walking in the ruins. He was tall and handsome, with no expression on his face, and a pair of dark and deep eyes that could not see the bottom.

Even in such a chaotic and dilapidated environment, he walked like a leisurely stroll, and his every move was graceful. His eyes were very calm and not sharp, but he could see through everything around him.

Nothing can escape.

All the zombies walked stiffly as if they didn't see him.

His sophisticated brain quickly gave all the information about the world.

Doomsday plane, two stars for danger.

For the average person, the risk is five stars.

Zombies will transmit a virus, assimilate other humans, and become selfless.

Humans have a chance to awaken their abilities.

Countless codes passed through his eyes, and he finally returned to calm.

He is a robot.

In the next second, he slightly raised his hand and lightly touched his mechanical heart, and his eyes looked in a certain direction, which was a little burning.

"Miss, I found you."

This time, no one else.

He was the first to meet.

So the lady belongs to him alone.

He didn't have to back down.

The mechanical heart beat at a slow frequency.

Miss, I'm here to pick you up.

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