The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 526: Miss, I'm here to pick you up 3

He quickly replaced some of his abilities with psychic forms, even if one was a space button and the other was derived from his system.

Although he couldn't see his expression clearly, and he didn't have much tone, his voice was always elegant and pleasant, neither hurried nor slow, but Luo Ci felt that the fragments were introducing his abilities and asking her to accept his follow.

Even though... she was still held in his arms, this kind of intimacy is not something a stranger can do.

How could she refuse the fragments delivered to the door, she was looking for him.


Luo Ci gently pushed him, "I want to sleep for a while." She paused, "I don't have any other beds here, you..."

Although it may seem that she has no awareness of precaution, what precaution is required for the fragments, "You can sleep next to me, and I will get another quilt."

In fact, it's not enough to cover a quilt at night. Previously, she was not only awakened by the sound of footsteps, but also because she felt a little bit of chill penetrate into the quilt, and her body felt cold.

Ya gently let go of her, her dark eyes quietly watched her with the faint light of her mobile phone, she walked to the closet, and took out the thick quilt from inside.

During this period, he closed the door, took it a few steps forward, picked it up easily, put it on the bed without looking sideways, and then carefully and skillfully tidying up the quilt, he stood upright beside the bed, as if making a request The posture looks extra polite, like the housekeeper of a British noble family, perfect and elegant.

Even though this is just a very small room with very ordinary furnishings, this is just a very simple and ordinary wooden bed, which is hard and uncomfortable to sleep on.

Luo Ci was stunned. She always felt that this shard was familiar, her voice was familiar, and her temperament was familiar, but she couldn't find anyone who could match her in her impression.

After sneezing again, she climbed onto the bed, covered herself tightly, and said in a low voice, "Good night."

Ya paused for a moment. He didn't know how to describe the feeling. It was like a short circuit in his brain.

Is this feeling in a trance?

He looked down at the girl quietly, took off his jacket slowly, and lay on the bed.

He was silent.

Good night, my lady.

The robot doesn't need to sleep. He really wants to keep staring at her and make up for all the vacancies in the past, but it will make her uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

All his actions put her first.

Although he has his own consciousness, he doesn't know much about people's feelings. He can only roughly analyze it based on the inventory in his mind, but sometimes the data is not accurate.

He needs to **** and learn a little bit.

He only knew that he wanted to be close to her and longed for her response, but it was different from what he imagined. In general, for strangers, especially the opposite sex, humans would not accept each other so quickly, or in such a dangerous environment. Down.

But she didn't push away her hug, and allowed him to sleep with her on the bed. What was her attitude toward him...?

The system couldn't scan it, and couldn't get the answer from her facial expressions. He couldn't guess her mind.

The robot opened its eyes, stared at the ceiling quietly, folded its hands on its body, and slept like a vampire.

Until the person beside him fell asleep, he turned his head slightly, stared at her with dark eyes, and was completely reluctant to leave. There was a certain obsession in the calm eyes, and it softened, like nostalgia, like tenderness.

It was getting colder late at night, she curled up and subconsciously approached the heat source.

The bed is not big, and the two quilts are very close together, which is actually a bit crowded.

Ya pulled off the quilt and waited quietly for her to fall into his arms, like a patient and gentle hunter.

He knew that she would not be able to stand the temperature at night, and he wanted to hold her to keep her warm as early as the beginning.

For intelligent robots, it is actually very difficult to learn to be a human being. Even if they have their own consciousness, they cannot synchronize with various human emotions one by one. Those complex emotions from nerves cannot be obtained through analog induction.

He doesn't have the slightest affection for humans, except for her.

So he doesn't care whether the zombies can still be transformed back into humans, or whether they still have self-awareness. He only knows that the crystal nucleus in their brain can provide him with energy and allow him to stay with him for a long time. beside her.

But Rao is that he doesn't know human beings, and he doesn't know what to do, but he still makes the most suitable move.

He wanted to warm her up, not with a coercive attitude of being good for her, holding her directly from the beginning, but leading her, who was confused, into his arms little by little.

The robot hugged her as he wished, he covered the quilt tightly, and stared at every part of her face with deep eyes, extremely serious.

She looks different from before, and she no longer looks like a mermaid, but she still looks familiar to him.

Familiarity made all the parts of his body tremble, the current in his body was flowing in a chaotic way, and the heart of the machine was slightly hot, all of which indicated that he was different from before.

This mechanical heart is what differentiates him from other intelligent robots. An intelligent robot only has a chip. Without the chip, it means losing his life, but he is not.

He lost the chip, and he would not stop moving, nor would he become a cold, lifeless machine, and the information stored in that mechanical heart was even larger.

But before meeting her, this mechanical heart never beat, or in other words, the beat frequency was extremely low.

Ya slender fingers caressed her face gently, her movements were very gentle, and his fingers could feel the tiny airflow she exhaled, which was light and warm, something he didn't have.

He doesn't need to breathe like a human.

But it can be simulated by the system.

His fingers touched her lips at last, and she unconsciously held them in his mouth, lightly pressed against by some pointed teeth, which were slightly rubbed on the fingers.

The force was not heavy, but the touch from the skin was the first time he had experienced it. A small electric current quickly rushed through his mind, and it was extremely chaotic. He didn't understand what it was.

The robot clumsily learns human emotions, obviously without any clue, but stubbornly trying to figure out the strange reactions that occurred because of her.

Among the countless pieces of information that flew by, he stopped at one of them.

"What if the girl you like bites you?"

"Of course it's biting back."

This bite is not another bite.

He quickly got the information he wanted through other words.


The robot slowly withdrew its hand, lowered his head, and touched her lips lightly.

Soft, warm, with a little responsiveness.

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