The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 533: Miss, I'm here to pick you up 10

When night fell, Luo Ci woke up.

The room was powered off, but it wasn't dark. Ya sorted out the things in this small house, found batteries and other objects, and made a small circular lamp, which would not be too bright or dim. .

There is a lot of knowledge stored in his chip, and he has covered many aspects, and what he lacks is only the material.

If it is just a general housekeeping robot, the chip is all about how to serve the master and protect the master, and it is more inclined to housekeeping, but his chip carries all kinds of information.

In a sense, he can even become the mastermind of all robots and can manipulate any robot.

In all aspects of the popularization of interstellar robots into human life, if he wanted to, he could call an army of robots at any time, but he chose to leave, and he didn't bother at all from beginning to end.

Luo Ci looked at the small lamp on the bedside table. It was not very bright, but it illuminated half of the room. She picked up the small lamp and pushed open the door.

She is on the second floor now. After pushing the door open, it is pitch black outside, only the light in her hands.

She held onto the handle of the stairs and slowly went downstairs. After going downstairs, she bumped into someone at the corner. The other party hugged her waist in time to prevent her from falling to the ground due to her small inertia.

"Miss, please be careful."

Ya looked down at her, his dark eyes were like ten thousand years of cold pools, bottomless, he thought of the night before he left.

She groped out of the room in the dark and bumped into him.

But that was his intention.

The night didn't affect his sight. He knew that she was there, so he stood still, waiting for her to bump into his arms.

I want to ask for a casual hug.

Going to an unknown place and waiting for her may take a long time. Robots are made of cold machine parts, so the temperature and heartbeat are simulated, but robots... will also feel lonely.

He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to meet her, so he used his careful thought to ask for a hug.

Fortunately, he waited.

Ya's voice was slightly lower, with a deep sense of elegance, "I have prepared dinner, please come with me."

He has his own medical system, which can check her physical condition, estimate the approximate time she will wake up, and make a relatively hearty dinner.

The meat in the supermarket is inedible, and there are only some vegetables and the like. His space button has the function of keeping fresh, and the time inside is still, so it can be eaten for a period of time.

The robot cooked vegetable yam porridge, fried tomato scrambled eggs, hot and sour shredded potatoes, and hot and sour cabbage.

Three dishes and a large pot of porridge were placed on the dining table in the living room. He took the initiative to pull out a chair for her, and then stood beside her to serve the porridge, "Miss, please take it slow."

He still felt that these were not enough, that his young lady was wronged.

Luo Ci was still in a trance in her heart, it was the end of the world, and she was served by the robot housekeeper so considerately, her polite words did not change at all, as if she was some kind of noble lady, holding her up high.

However, she was just an ordinary little orphan.

She tugged at the sleeves of the fragments, "You too, sit down."

"Yes." Although he has always behaved elegantly and politely, he did not have the servility of an ancient palace attendant in his bones, and he felt that it was offensive to sit at the same dining table with his master.

He likes to be close to her.

The robot sat next to her, and its eyes kept falling on her. The soft light reflected in the pupils as clear as black crystals, which also reflected her figure.

He couldn't keep looking at her before, but now he finally doesn't have to hide it.

Since he woke up, he has been looking for his master. He doesn't know who it is or what it looks like, but the breath that belongs to her has long been imprinted on the chip.

As long as he sees her, he will definitely recognize her.

Robots have three laws, but he is not, his only law is the master.

He wants to protect the master, never allow or accept anyone to hurt or deceive the master, including himself.

Luo Ci felt a little uncomfortable. She scooped up the porridge in the bowl and whispered, "Can you not keep looking at me?"

I don't know if it's because of this body or something else, but I've been staring at him for a while.

The robot paused for a while, and his low and pleasant voice came, with a shallow and polite apology, "I'm sorry, I made the lady uncomfortable."

He sat upright on the seat, his hands were flat on his lap, and he looked straight ahead, looking a little stiff.

He hardly ever relaxed, he always sat upright and stood up straight, as if leaning on the sofa.

He would not refuse any request from the young lady, not to mention, it was because of his undisguised gaze that made her feel uncomfortable.

There was an uncomfortable suffocation from the heart of the machine again, and he began to feel at a loss. The dark eyes were slightly empty, just like the empty eye sockets when he didn't show a human face before.

His whole meaning is her. Only by watching her and getting close to her can he feel that he is a living individual, but this behavior seems to be a burden to the young lady.

——What he likes is a burden to the young lady.

Even though he was at a loss and was still learning about human emotions, when this incomprehensible emotion surged up, it brought more than a simple pain.

The slender eyelashes drooped slightly, and a screen of white characters appeared in the depths of his pupils.

He tried to find a way to get along with his master.

Even with the most advanced technology, the chip did not tell him how to make the master happy and how to make the master depend on him.

The chip only recorded how to serve the master, but this kind of service with an obvious subordinate nature, the young lady seems to not like it very much.

His network can still be connected to the information network of the interstellar plane. If this plane is not powered off and the network is disconnected, it can be connected. After all, an intelligent robot with self-awareness, his strong tendency is more inclined to the network.

But he couldn't find an answer similar to his on the Internet.

He didn't even know the word like, only that he had possessiveness towards his master.

#What should I do if I become possessive towards my master#

Such questions do not apply to him.


Luo Ci didn't eat well all day today. The vegetable and yam porridge cooked in pieces warmed the stomach, but it wasn't as uncomfortable as when she woke up.

After eating seven, seven, eight, eight, his strength recovered a little, and the powers in his body recovered by half. The feeling of weakness from the previous overdraft had faded away, and even the sore limbs did not feel the slightest discomfort at the moment.

It seemed that someone had massaged her body.

She knew it was debris.

When she finished her meal, the robot took the initiative to put away the rest of the dishes, put them in the space button, and keep them hot for tomorrow.

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