The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 534: Miss, I'm here to pick you up 11

Although he felt that the food had wronged the young lady, he would not waste food because of it. He knew very well what the world was like.

When he cleaned up the dishes and was about to wash, Luo Ci grabbed his sleeve, "How long can your current energy last?"

The robot's beautiful and flawless face has an elegant and shallow smile, "It can last for two days, please don't worry, I will hunt the zombie core by myself, and the previous situation of energy exhaustion will not happen again."

Luo Ci was a little relieved, they could rest here for a day before setting off, not only the food, but also a lot of gasoline fragments in advance, so there was no need to worry about running out of gas halfway.

At that time at the toll booth, she heard the man and woman complain, but she didn't stand up. First, she was the first shot. If she showed a lot of oil, it was inevitable that the second and third people would not jump out. Second, her character made She couldn't speak in front of so many people.

Instead of letting the debris wash the dishes, she went to the kitchen with a small lamp and released the water ability to slowly wash the dishes.

He's a shard, not just a robot, she can't really think of him as a housekeeping robot that can be ordered.

Besides, she is not a noble lady, so she does not need such meticulous care.

There is equality between her and him.

The robot spoke silently, with a slightly soft voice, "Miss, this is my mission."

Luo Ci didn't know how this shard had such a strong obsession with her. It seemed that she had taken care of her from the first moment she saw her. While washing the dishes, she asked implicitly, "Why do you want to? Get out of there?"

In fact, he was asking why he came to her specially.

She put it another way, wondering what her status was in his heart.

She didn't know what was the difference between the fragments of the robot form and the human beings, such as emotional aspects, whether he understood it or not.

The robot froze in place. According to the robot's cultivation, he must reply to the master within three seconds, but he began to hesitate.

There is only one sentence floating in the sophisticated brain at this time:

Miss does not want him to come to her?

Almost as soon as this thought surfaced, his pitch-black pupils were slightly scattered, and he was at a loss for words.

His actions are denied and disapproved.

This is like a heavy blow to the robot.

He lowered his head and whispered, "Because I want to follow Miss."

He subconsciously concealed those possessive desires, and he wanted the young lady to belong to him, which was actually an offense.

A robot that has delusions about its master is unqualified and untrustworthy.

He added, "A robot can only have one master, and it only obeys the orders of one master. You are the master I recognized at the first sight."

It's not as simple as just entering the information and it will be recognized.

Maybe other robots, as long as they get the consent of the original owner and enter other people's information, the robot will obey the other party's orders, but he is not.

He didn't listen to Qi Yu's orders very much, and it wasn't until she came that he started to be a serious and responsible robot housekeeper.

The shards take her as their master.

She paused, put the tableware and chopsticks away, turned her head to look at him, and said slowly, "But what I want is a companion."

It is a companion of equal status, and it can also be a boyfriend or a lover in the future.

The robot quickly browsed the explanation of the word companion in his mind. He raised his eyes slightly, stared at her quietly, and said in a slow voice, "Miss, I don't understand."

In the dark kitchen, only the sink is bright. Behind the robot is the boundless darkness, and in front of it is a girl shrouded in a faint soft light.

The dark and deep eyes were slightly dazed, and the alertness and powerful elegance and calmness faded.

Luo Ci thought for a while, "For example, you don't have to do everything for me."

"You cook for me, and I do the dishes myself."

"You protect me, and I can protect you too, instead of being kept behind you all the time."

"You have to take good care of yourself too."

How can you put her first in everything? In that case, it would be too selfless.

Ya stared at her in a daze. In the robot code, the master is the first place, and nothing goes beyond the past. Even if the robot sacrifices for the master, it is as it should be.

And even if it is sacrifice, to the owner, it is just a piece of scrap metal, how can the robot have feelings, without him, there will be the next one.

This is what he learned from the robot brain waves in the interstellar space.

He had never heard anything like hers.

But this was the request of the young lady. She hardly ever used a coercive tone to him, and asked him many times.

Every time it is "can you" and "can you help me".

He learned later that this was respect and a tone of equality.

Yatong's eyes shone with light, and she said softly, "Miss, I can learn."

His learning ability is very strong.

As long as she doesn't want him.

If she hated him and rejected him, his meaning would cease to exist.

Luo Ci picked up the small lamp, "Then let's go upstairs to rest."

Ya walked side by side with her. When he got to the room, he was about to open the door for her, but when he saw that her hand had touched the door handle, he lowered his hand.

He whispered, "Miss, it will be very cold at night, I can adjust the body temperature to keep you warm, please allow my offense."

It means wanting to hold her to sleep.

He had been hiding his identity before, he couldn't take good care of her like before, and he couldn't be too proactive, but now it's unnecessary.

But at the same time, there is an extra rule that the robot must abide by - not to get too close to the owner without the owner's permission.

The robot's tone is very calm, without any ambiguity, even if there are additional mood swings, but even he himself can't understand, let alone express this kind of thinking.

He will show more confusion, like a clean white paper.

Luo Ci didn't want to let the fragments understand at once, she immediately pulled him into the room and closed the door.

Ya lowered his eyes and looked at her holding his hand. A small electric current flowed through the heart of the machine, bringing a feeling of numbness as light as a feather. He didn't know at this time that this emotion was called pleasure.

After lying on the bed, she voluntarily leaned against him to sleep. Such active behavior made the robot's sophisticated brain start to disorder. It didn't seem like the brain was blank. He could still clearly perceive all kinds of information, but it seemed that there was more in his brain. What, a different flow of information.

The emotion of joy and joy is actually a signal. The signal generated out of thin air flows through the brain, passes through the chip, and finally hovers in the heart.

He couldn't help wrapping his arms around her waist. He remembered that when he hugged her for the first time, a very different current flowed in his mind, and that feeling was unforgettable in his life.

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