The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 226: See Wen Yu's true face

  Chapter 226 Seeing Wen Yu's True Face

   "I have some personal matters to deal with when I come here, Mr. Wen, I have to rush to the company, so let's go first."

   Looking at the back of Luo Wen leaving in a hurry, Wen Ziming felt faint doubts in his heart, but before he could think about it, the phone rang, and it was the person in charge of the research institute.

   "Mr. Wen, are you here?"

   "It's already here, I'll come in right away."

  Hung up the phone, Wen Ziming didn't care about why Luo Wen came, and strode into the research institute holding a paper bag.

  Luo Wen returned to Wen's Group, took the test results he had just received, and went straight to Wen Hai's office.

   "Chairman, the test results have come out."

  Behind the huge mahogany desk, Wen Hai, who was working at the desk, lifted up, took the document bag handed over by Luo Wen, opened it, took out the documents inside, put on his glasses, and examined it carefully.

   After reading the results, Wen Hai became furious and threw the documents heavily on the desk.

   "Wen Yu! This bitch!"

  Hearing Wen Hai's scolding, Luo Wen was extremely shocked, but he quickly came back to his senses, lowered his head, and remained silent, as if he hadn't heard anything.

  Wen Hai calmed down his anger, looked at his most trusted confidant assistant with a livid face, "Have you read the test results?"

  Rowan shook his head quickly, "No, I'll go back to the company as soon as I get the result."

   After finishing speaking, he hesitated for a moment, and told about meeting Wen Ziming at the entrance of the institute.

  After listening, the anger on Wen Hai's face turned into surprise, "Zi Ming is not working at the company at this time, what is he going to Shi's research institute for?"

  Luo Wen continued to shake his head, "I don't know. You told me to conduct the blood test on my wife in secret. I was afraid of arousing Mr. Wen's suspicion, so I didn't dare to stay any longer. I greeted and left."

"Well, you did a good job." Wen Hai looked at him with admiration in his eyes, "Luo Wen, you have been with me for more than ten years, you have always been loyal and capable, don't worry, I will not treat you badly. From next month, your salary will increase by 5%."

  Luo Wen was flattered and overjoyed, "Thank you Chairman for your kindness, I will definitely work harder in the future!"

   "I'll wait to see your performance, that's all, let's go to work." After finishing speaking, he told him: "Remember to keep the test secret."

  Luo Wen nodded solemnly, "Chairman, don't worry, even at the research institute, I also use an alias, and I guarantee that no one will know."

  Wen Hai was relieved, and after sending Luo Wen away, he picked up the test results again to check. The more he looked, the darker his face became.

  Although he had expected it, but the facts were in front of him, he still couldn't stop his anger.

   Not only was his wife lying half dead on the bed because of someone's assassination, but also he felt ashamed and indignant at being played around by a yellow-haired girl because he was blinded.

  The perennial falcon was pecked by a sparrow, how could he bear it!

  Unfortunately, even though he had the evidence, he dared not go to the police station to report the case.

  The case of him accidentally injuring his son has not yet been dismissed. Once the police are called, the police may not be able to find tangible evidence that Wen Yu murdered his wife, but he will definitely go to jail.

  Wen Hai was furious, but he could only hold back, his face turned purple.


  After the half-truth and half-fake confession to Jiang Zhi, Lin Qianxiao's heart was pounding like it wasn't her own, her heart was a little sweet and a little sore.

   She wanted to know how Jiang Zhi would react, but she was afraid of knowing, so after entering the ward, she set her phone to silent as if to avoid it.

   Not long after, she was lying on the hospital bed, thinking wildly while infusion, and fell asleep without knowing it.

  It wasn't until the nurse helped her get the needle on the back of her hand that Lin Qianxiao woke up slowly.

  She subconsciously took out the mobile phone under the pillow, clicked on the screen, and there was no WeChat message from Jiang Zhi, but there were two missed calls from unknown numbers.

  Lin Qian smiled with a little disappointment on her face that she didn't even notice. She clicked on WeChat, stared at the time and stayed in yesterday's chat column in a daze.

   At this time, Jiang Zhi had just finished the meeting, returned to the office, glanced at the phone screen habitually, and then thought of something, and told Gao Chen: "Bring me the surveillance video from 4:30 pm yesterday to after get off work."

  Gao Chen didn't realize all of a sudden, "Where's the monitoring?"

  Jiang Zhi stared at him heavily.

  Gao Chen realized now that the boss has no other caring person except his wife.

  He went to the surveillance room without delay, called up all the surveillance videos from the 48th floor yesterday afternoon, and sent them to Jiang Zhi without stopping.

   subconsciously asked with concern: "Did my wife lose something when she came to the company yesterday, or did something happen?"

  Jiang Zhi plugged the USB flash drive into the computer, and Liang Liang glanced at him, "Are you busy?"

   "Not idle, not at all."

  In the man's deep eyes of "then go to work", Gao Chen turned and left despondently.

  After the office door closed, Jiang Zhi clicked on the surveillance video on the USB flash drive and watched it carefully.

after an hour.

  Receiving an internal call from Jiang Zhi's office, Secretary Fang showed a slight surprise on her face. After listening to the boss's order on the other end of the phone, her expression changed from surprise to solemn.

   "Alright Mr. Jiang, I'll tell them right now."

  After hanging up the phone, Secretary Fang got up and walked to the assistant's station in the back row, and lightly buttoned the desks of Xiao Zhou and Xiao Tao respectively.

   "You two, follow me to the meeting room."

  The two looked at each other, surprised and puzzled, followed Secretary Fang to the next meeting room.

  When the door of the conference room was closed, Secretary Fang turned around and looked at the two of them sternly, "What did you tell your wife yesterday afternoon?"

  The two shook their heads at the same time in a daze.

  Xiao Zhou: "Except for Mr. Jiang bringing his wife into the office at noon, I haven't seen my wife until after get off work."

  Xiao Tao nodded in agreement: "Me too."

   Seeing that the two were not lying, Secretary Fang frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly asked: "You guys went downstairs to deliver the documents at 4:30 p.m. yesterday, and you came up after get off work. Where have you been?"

   After finishing speaking, she asked impatiently, "Did you go to the bathroom when you came back?"

  As soon as these words came out, the faces of Xiao Tao and Xiao Zhou turned pale instantly.

  Seeing the appearance of the two, Secretary Fang didn't understand anything, and his face suddenly darkened, "What did you say?"

  Xiao Zhou pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

  Xiao Tao was so nervous that his shoulders trembled and he was about to cry out of fright, "I'm sorry, Sister Fang, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it, I just said it casually. I really didn't expect my wife to hear it."

  Secretary Fang had a bad feeling in his heart, and asked, "What did you say?"

  Xiao Tao glanced at Xiao Zhou beside him, and squeaked and said what he said in the bathroom yesterday.

  After listening, Secretary Fang was so angry that his chest heaved and his face was tense, wishing to scold them severely.

five minutes later.

  Secretary Fang led Xiao Zhou and Xiao Tao to Jiang Zhi to confess his mistakes.

After telling the whole story, Xiao Tao was sobbing and out of breath, he almost knelt down and admitted his mistake: "Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry, it's my fault, I shouldn't talk nonsense, I promise I won't do it again I dare not."

after? How could there be a future.

  Secretary Fang stood upright, silent, desperate and helpless.

  In this matter, she was innocently dragged down from the beginning to the end, but so what, no boss wife would leave a female subordinate who had an affair with her husband in the company.

   Two later



  (end of this chapter)

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