The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 227: she is jealous

  Chapter 227 She is jealous

  After listening to the ins and outs of the matter, Jiang Zhi lowered his brows and eyes, his eyes darker than ink, quietly fell on the mobile phone placed on the desk, without saying a word.

  The huge and spacious office was so quiet that the air seemed to freeze. Secretary Fang, Xiao Zhou, and Xiao Tao didn't dare to show their anger, and their faces were as solemn as criminals waiting for the final "judgment".

   After an unknown amount of time, a man's deep and cold voice finally sounded in the quiet office: "From today onwards, the three of you will be transferred to other departments, and the specific job positions will be assigned by Gao Chen."

  The three of them raised their heads in disbelief, with expressions of unspeakable shock and joy.

   Wasn't he fired, or even punished, just transferred?

  The three of them were dizzy and left Jiang Zhi's office almost as if they were stepping on cotton.

  What the three of them didn't know was that the moment the office door closed, the man behind the desk was smiling.

  Her unhappiness, her strange emotions are all because she is jealous.

  This knowledge made him feel uneasy. He has always had zero tolerance for mistakes, and for the first time, he showed mercy to employees who made mistakes.

  In the ward, waiting for Uncle Xu to arrange the food, Lin Qianxiao carefully supported Mrs. Jiang, and walked slowly towards the dining table.

  After Mrs. Jiang settled down, she was just about to sit down across from her when the mobile phone on the bed rang.

  Lin Qianxiao ran over to pick up the phone, seeing the name on the screen, her face was inexplicably hot.

   Seeing her staring at the phone screen without answering or hanging up, Mrs. Jiang couldn't help wondering, "Smile, what's the matter? Who called?"

  Lin Qianxiao quickly raised her head, and said shyly, "Mom, I'm going out to answer the phone, you can eat first, don't wait for me."

  Madam Jiang smiled, "Okay, let's go."

  After Lin Qianxiao went outside the ward, Mrs. Jiang turned around and slowly stirred the porridge noodles with a spoon, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

  She is someone who has been there, and she can see at a glance that her daughter-in-law's cheeks are rosy, her eyebrows are affectionate, and she reveals the sweetness of love.

  She was worried that it was not her son who made her daughter-in-law look like this.

  Xiao Guo saw that she had scooped up a spoonful of porridge and didn't eat it for a long time, so she asked concerned: "Madam, do you have no appetite? Do you want to prepare some appetizers for you?"

  Mrs. Jiang came back to her senses, she shook her head and put down the spoon, "No, it's a bit hot, let it cool down before eating."

  Xiao Guo didn't doubt it when she heard the words, and thoughtfully took the porridge aside, and fanned it gently with a small fan.

  Mrs. Jiang thought for a while, and told Xiaolan to bring her cell phone.

   "Sorry, the user you dialed is currently on a call..."

  Hearing the mechanical female voice on the phone, Mrs. Jiang froze for a moment, then thought of something, and turned her worry into joy.

   "It's quite capable."

  Xiaoguo just brought the porridge back to Mrs. Jiang, and when she heard her say this, she answered with a smile: "What's the skill of fanning, Madam can make people happy."

  Mrs. Jiang is in a good mood, and she is particularly pleasing to the eyes of the two, "This is not a way to make people happy. Your wife and I are more than capable."

  Xiaoguo: "Then madam, show us."

   Xiaolan also echoed with a smile.

   Madam Jiang looked at the two of them and asked casually, "What do you want most at your age?"

  Xiaoguo is used to serving Mrs. Jiang, so she let go in front of her, and immediately replied with a smile: "My biggest dream is to have a house of my own in S City."

  The price of city S ranks among the top ten in the country. The price of an ordinary residential area in the urban area starts from 70,000, and that in the suburban subway area starts from 50,000.

  Xiaoguo works as a servant in Jiang’s family, including board and lodging, with a salary of about 4,000. She saves nothing. It will take 20 years to buy a house in the suburbs, not counting decoration and furniture.

  Madam Jiang looked at Xiaolan again, "What about you?"

  Xiao Lan showed a shy expression, "I want to open a supermarket and be my own boss."

Mrs. Jiang smiled, "Very well, your ideas are very pragmatic. Today is a good day, your wife and I are in a good mood, and it can be regarded as a reward for your dedication and responsibility over the past six months. I will help you realize your dreams in advance. "

  Xiaoguo and Xiaolan were immediately dumbfounded.

   Seeing the two of them motionless like two pieces of wood, Mrs. Jiang immediately laughed, "Why? So happy that you can't even talk?"

  Xiao Guo was the first to recover, and she asked in a daze, "Ma'am, are you kidding us?"

"This joke is not funny. I keep my word. When you are 20 years old, Xiao Lan, you can choose a 60-square-meter house in the urban area or a 100-square-meter house in the suburban subway district. Xiaoguo, owned by the Jiang family You choose a shop to open a supermarket, and you will be exempted from rent for ten years, but you have to figure out how to pay for the decoration and purchase of goods."

  The two were surprised and delighted, wishing they could kneel down and kowtow to Mrs. Jiang on the spot.

  After Lin Qianxiao left the ward, she casually pushed open an empty ward next door, went in and closed the door before answering the phone, trying to maintain a calm demeanor: "Why are you calling me?"

"had lunch?"

  It was as if she had punched the cotton with a punch. She prepared in every possible way, but he understated it.

  Lin Qianxiao's momentum unknowingly weakened, "I'll eat it right away."

"What to eat for lunch?"

   "Fried dried tofu, pan-fried small yellow croaker, and leek box."

   "What would you like for dinner tonight?"

  She didn't eat at noon, so she asked her what she had for dinner, did she think she was a pig?

  Lin Qian smiled angrily, "Don't you have anything else to tell me?"

  Jiang Zhi paused, then asked in a low voice, "What do you want to hear?"

  Lin Qian could not hold her breath with a smile, and said angrily, "I'm hungry, I'm going to eat, I won't tell you anymore."

   "Well, eat more."


   Eat more farts, you will be full of gas!


  Wen Ziming patiently waited for the test results in the office of the research institute, not even in the mood for lunch. Finally, around 4 pm, the researcher who helped him with the test came out of the laboratory with a copy of the data.

  Wen Ziming couldn't wait to meet him, "How was the result?"

  The chemist handed him the data printout that was still hot.

  Wen Ziming took it, but couldn't understand it after reading it for a long time. It was full of technical terms and chemical names.

The other party probably knew that he couldn't understand, took off the mask, and explained simply: "After preliminary tests, in addition to normal ingredients such as tea polyphenols and tea tannins, the tea also contains epimedium, actinolite, Cyperus, dodder and other medicinal ingredients."

   There was something really wrong with the tea that Wen Yu served him.

  Wen Ziming's mind was extremely chaotic. After a while, he asked with difficulty: "What are these?"

  The chemist adjusted his glasses, "The combination of these ingredients is commonly found in veterinary Cui Qingsan." Then he gently reminded him: "If people accidentally eat it, it will also have the effect of Cui Qing."

  (end of this chapter)

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