The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 229: i didn't intend to propose to you today

  Chapter 229 I didn't intend to propose to you today

  In order not to affect the efficacy of the medicine, Wen Yu directly mixed the ingredients into the cream. Afraid that the medicine would not be effective enough, she even poured a whole pack. She stirred the thick and soft cream with a malicious grin in her eyes.

  Shina, enjoy the "dessert" I specially prepared for you!


  In the hospital, it was already 6:30, and Jiang Zhi hadn't come back from get off work yet, Lin Qianxiao stood a little bored in the small kitchen of the ward, watching Xiaolan cook noodles for Madam Jiang.

  Ms. Jiang pays attention to health preservation. She eats light and less oily food at night. She cooks some noodles or small wontons, mixes it with the soup that Uncle Xu brought from home, and boils some vegetarian dishes. It’s a dinner.

  Seeing Xiaolan's beaming face, Lin Qian asked curiously with a smile: "Xiaolan, did you find the money?"

   Xiaolan grinned and nodded, "Yes!"

  Lin Qian smiled a little enviously, she had never picked up money before, "How much did you find?"

  Xiaolan tilted her head and thought for a while, "It's probably worth as much as a house."

  Lin Qianxiao is not only envious, she is almost dying of envy.

  Her apricot eyes stared rounder than longan, "This is not money, you have found treasure!"

   "Yeah, my wife is right, I just picked up a treasure!" Xiaolan was so happy that her face turned into a flower with a smile.

  Lin Qian smiled and pouted, "Show me the treasure you picked up."

   "Not yet."


   Xiaolan smiled and told Lin Qianxiao about Mrs. Jiang's promise to help her open a supermarket.

  Lin Qian smiled after hearing this, and was very happy for her, her apricot eyes sparkled with longing.

   "Xiao Lan, how long will it take for you to turn 20?"

  The water in the pot boiled, Xiaolan threw a small handful of thin noodles into it, stirred it gently with wooden chopsticks, and replied, "It's less than a year away, and my birthday will be in May next year."

   "Then remember to tell me when the time comes, and I will give you a gift too."

   "Okay, thank you ma'am."

Lin Qian smiled leaning against the kitchen cabinet, looking at Xiaolan with a proud face, "Hey, Xiaolan, you will be the owner of the supermarket from now on, one day I pass by the door of your supermarket, you have to treat me to a bowl of instant noodles. "

  Xiao Lan was amused and giggled, "How can I be so stingy, if you come, madam, I will treat you to a big meal no matter what."

  Lin Qian smiled and shook her head lightly, "No need, I just like instant noodles."

  Xiaolan couldn't understand Lin Qianxiao's strange taste, so she happily replied, "All right, all right, my wife has the final say, as long as you like it, it's fine to empty my supermarket shelves."

   "It's a deal."

  Xiao Lan was amused by Lin Qianxiao's earnest appearance, "Don't worry, madam, no matter how poor I am, I can still afford instant noodles."

   While speaking, the noodles in the pot were cooked.

Xiaolan turned off the fire, put the noodles into a large bowl, scalded a few green leaves, and placed them on the noodles, and finally poured the hot soup from the thermos pot into the noodles, and a bowl of nutritious and delicious black chicken noodle soup was ready All right.

  Lin Qian swallowed with a smile, "It smells so good."

Xiaolan handed Lin Qianxiao the thermos that still had half a pot of soup left, and found a long-handled spoon for her, "Madam didn't eat much at noon, she must be hungry, drink some soup first to rest her stomach, Sir should be here soon."


In the small kitchen, Lin Qianxiao was holding the round thermos, happily drinking soup, when suddenly her back fell into a wide and warm chest, she froze slightly in shock, until she smelled the familiar clear breath. relax.

  Jiang Zhi put his arms around her slender waist from behind, tilted his head and rested his chin on her shoulder, and whispered in her ear, "Smile, I'm hungry too."

The deep and magnetic voice made Lin Qianxiao's heart beat like a drum, but she was not tempted. She picked up the thermos and drank all the soup that was left in her mouth. Because she drank too fast, most of the soup was still in her mouth. , the cheeks on both sides are rounded.

   While puffing out her cheeks, she turned around, her bright almond eyes were filled with triumph, and she deliberately showed the man the empty thermos.

  Look, there are none.

   But her complacency didn't last even a second, and the man pressed against the stove and sealed her lips.

   After a while, Jiang Zhi let go of her bright red lips, a satisfied smile filled her black eyes.

  Lin Qian smiled blushingly and stared at him, "I drank it all and you still snatched it, don't you think it's disgusting?"

  Jiang Zhi raised his hand to smooth out the messy hair on her head, and said softly, "You don't dislike me, so naturally I won't dislike you either."

  Seeing doubts floating in Lin Qian's apricot eyes, he reminded her: "The night you got drunk, I fed you the hangover soup, one mouthful at a time, do you remember?"

  After being reminded by him, Lin Qianxiao suddenly had a blurred picture in her mind.

   turned out to be true? She had always thought it was a dream.

  Seeing that she was holding back her little blushing and puffed up cheeks, Jiang Zhi stopped teasing her and dragged her outside.

   Mrs. Jiang, who was eating noodles, saw the two coming out of the kitchen holding hands, and her eyes turned into flowers with a smile. She urged the two of them, "It's getting late, you should go back to eat early."

  Lin Qianxiao was embarrassed by Mrs. Jiang's smile, she gently shook off Jiang Zhi, picked up her phone and bag, and said goodbye to Mrs. Jiang obediently.

   "Mom, I'm going back."

   "Well, be careful on the road."

   Arriving at the parking lot, Lin Qianxiao was about to go to the back door of La Maybach's car, when Jiang Zhi suddenly grabbed her wrist, pulled her to the front passenger seat, opened the door, and gently pushed her into the car.

  When Jiang Zhi got into the car and helped her fasten her seat belt, she asked suspiciously, "Where's Lao Liu?"

"he is off from get off work."


  The hospital is ten minutes away from the apartment. Lin Qianxiao lowered her head and played with her phone for a while. When she raised her head, she realized that she was not walking in the direction of returning to the apartment.

  She quickly turned her head to look at Jiang Zhi, "Where are we going?"

  At the red light ahead, Jiang Zhi stopped the car, raised his hand and rubbed the top of her hairy head, "Go eat."

   "What's for dinner?"

   "I ordered a French restaurant."

   After finishing speaking, seeing her in a daze, a helpless smile appeared in his dark eyes, "I asked you at noon, but you didn't tell me, so I ordered a random famous restaurant."

  Lin Qian choked up with a smile, and muttered, "Obviously you didn't make it clear."

   "Don't like French food? Then what do you want to eat, I'll make an order now."

  Usually, Mrs. Jiang will teach her some dining etiquette from time to time. For example, when going to a French restaurant, you need to dress up to attend. Men should wear a suit and tie, and women should wear beautiful skirts and light makeup.

  She glanced at the high-end handmade suit on Jiang Zhi, and then at her shirt and jeans, feeling a little depressed.

   "I haven't changed clothes or put on makeup."

  Jiang Zhi didn't expect her to be unhappy because of this, a smile appeared in his black eyes, and he said softly: "It's just a simple dinner, I don't intend to propose to you today."

  Lin Qian smiled blushing with embarrassment, "I didn't think so!"

   "It's okay, I'll just think about it."

  (end of this chapter)

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