The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 230: snail just like you

  Chapter 230 A snail is just like you

  You think beautifully.

  Lin Qianxiao muttered to herself, but she felt as if she had drunk honey in her heart, and the corners of her mouth curled up involuntarily.

  The restaurant that Jiang Zhi booked was the Seine River, the most famous French restaurant in S City, located on the top floor of Times International Financial Building, a landmark building in S City.

  The height of the 99th floor, take the glass sightseeing elevator to go up.

   Originally thought she would be afraid, after the elevator went up to the 20th floor, Jiang Zhi gently held her in his arms and raised his hand to cover her eyes.

  Lin Qianxiao was looking at the scenery with great interest, when her eyes suddenly went dark, she froze for a moment, and quickly reached out to break Jiang Zhi's hand.

   "What are you doing? Let me go."

   "Aren't you scared?"

  He held her waist with his left hand, covered the upper half of her face with his right hand, embraced the slender her in his arms, leaned over and whispered in her ear.

  The warm breath sprayed on her ears and neck, a little itchy, Lin Qianxiao shuddered slightly.

  She blushed, shrank her neck, and unconsciously shrank her body into his arms, "Don't be afraid, I've never taken this kind of elevator before, it's like flying into the sky."

  In fact, this height is really nothing to her.

  When she was in the fairyland, she was not afraid of being taken by her brothers to ride the clouds and fog for ninety thousand miles. Naturally, she was not afraid of the current height.

   On the contrary, she had a long-lost sense of excitement.

   Seeing that she really didn't show any fear or nervousness, Jiang Zhi slowly let go of her eyes, and instead hugged her waist tightly from behind, with his chin lightly resting on the top of her head.

  After reopening her field of vision, Lin Qianxiao put her hands on the semicircular glass cover, her almond eyes sparkled, and she looked at the world outside the elevator with novelty.

  Looking at the city from this angle and height, it is quite exciting to see all the mountains and small ones.

  The elevator went up all the way without any pause.

  This sightseeing elevator is specially set up for the Seine River restaurant on the 99th floor on the top floor. In order to let customers get the best ride experience, only one table of guests is arranged at a time.

  Lin Qian looked out of the glass with a smile, suddenly thought of something, turned to him and asked, "Can we see our home from here?"

  The three words "our family" made the man smile, and his arms subconsciously tightened, so that the soft body in his arms was close to his.

   "Our house is on the other side, and we can see where we eat."

  The sightseeing elevator is slower than the normal elevator, and it took about five minutes for the elevator to reach the 99th floor steadily.

   I don't know if it's because of the thin air on the 99th floor, or because of the excitement, Lin Qianxiao felt dizzy, and Jiang Zhi led her into the restaurant.

  After sitting in the best viewing position in the entire restaurant, Lin Qian smiled and looked around the restaurant belatedly.

  The restaurant is extremely spacious, with exquisite luxury everywhere, the only doubt is that the whole restaurant is empty, except for her and Jiang Zhi, there is not even a single guest.

  Jiang Zhi took over the entire restaurant?

  The idea just came up, and she quickly snuffed it out. It wasn't that he wanted to propose to her, and he didn't need to book out the entire restaurant for a simple dinner.

  As the two get along day by day, she knows Jiang Zhi quite well.

  Jiang Zhi is very good at making money and is rich, but his life is simple and low-key, even frugal.

  He bought her a cloakroom full of brand-name clothes, shoes and bags, and besides more suits, shirts and ties for work, he himself has very few daily clothes, including home clothes, no more than 20 sets.

  The car he ordered for her was an imported Bentley worth more than 20 million yuan, while he traveled by himself with a Maybach worth more than 5 million yuan. Moreover, he had driven it for four or five years, and he only had this car.

  After the Audi car she was riding in was hit last time, the family couldn't find another car for Xiao Xia to drive, so Xiao Xia had to drive her own Volkswagen to take her to the charity dinner.

  According to Jiang Zhi's ability and the nature of his work, which he frequently travels to and from various places, he can definitely buy a private jet, which is convenient and can highlight his status, but he doesn't have one, and sometimes he even takes business class directly when he can't buy first class.

  For example, when she was drunk, he came back in economy class in order to rush back to city B to pick her up.

   Gao Chen told her about this.

Gao Chen's original intention was to complain about the boss's frugality, "The Shi family and the Chi family both have their own private jets, and Mr. Jiang drives an old Maybach every day. If the company's stock price is not on the table, outsiders may think that Jiang's It's almost gone."

   Even, when she deliberately chose the most expensive ring, he agreed without frowning, and even said that he would buy all the rings for her to play with. She was confused and couldn't help but feel palpitations.

   There is no way not to like a man who treats her better than himself.

   Seeing her staring blankly at him without speaking, Jiang Zhi asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

  Lin Qianxiao put away all kinds of thoughts in her heart, and asked in a low voice: "Why are there no other guests here?"

  Jiang Zhi chuckled, "What do you think?"

  Lin Qian shrugged her cheeks with a smile, and asked hesitantly, "You won't take over the entire restaurant, will you?"

   "Not too stupid."

   "Why?" Lin Qian smiled with her almond eyes wide open, "Didn't you say to have a simple dinner?"

  Even if she has never seen anything in the world, she knows that a meal in this kind of restaurant is not cheap. The key point is that this kind of restaurant is not like a roadside restaurant, where you can go in if you want to eat if you have money.

   "Did you make a reservation here a long time ago?"

   Before Jiang Zhi could answer, a middle-aged man in a black suit with a bow tie came up to the two of them with a smile on his face, and bowed slightly politely.

   "Good evening, Mr. Jiang, Mrs. Jiang, welcome to the Seine Restaurant. It is a great honor for me to serve two distinguished guests tonight."

  The other party was personable, gentlemanly and elegant, Lin Qianxiao subconsciously responded to the other party, "How are you."

  The other party showed a happy smile, "Mrs. Jiang, I hope you and Mr. Jiang have a pleasant and unforgettable night."

  At the same time, a waiter in a white shirt held a light red drink in a flute-shaped champagne glass and placed it in front of the two of them.

  The middle-aged waiter introduced from the side: "This is peach champagne specially prepared for Mr. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang. Please taste it. Next, I will introduce tonight's menu for Mr. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang..."

  Five minutes later, Lin Qianxiao became dizzy with more than a dozen dishes with various names and different ways of eating them.

  She looked at Jiang Zhi in surprise, "There are so many dishes, how can the two of us finish them all?"

  Jiang Zhi raised his eyes to the middle-aged waiter and said softly, "Let's start serving the food."

   "Okay, Mr. Jiang."

  After the middle-aged waiter left, Jiang Zhi explained to her softly: "There are thirteen authentic French dishes, but the portion of each dish is very small, no more than three mouthfuls."

   Thinking of Lin Qianxiao's cat-like appetite, he added: "You can give me what you can't finish later."


   After that, one after another delicious food was served.

Buttered buns, vegetable and fruit salad, corn soup, pan-fried snails, sirloin steak, etc., the cooking time of the dishes is very precise. Basically, after the last bite of food on the current plate is swallowed, the waiter will immediately remove the empty plate , and within a minute, the next dish is on the table.

  Although the portions were small, Lin Qianxiao was almost full by the middle of the meal.

   For the following dishes, she almost gave Jiang Zhi a small bite.

  She held her chin to watch Jiang Zhi eat, while thinking: "The French are so strange that they eat snails."

  Jiang Zhi looked up at her, "Don't you like it?"

  Lin smiled lightly and frowned, "I don't like it, it's sticky and soft, weird, do you like it?"



  Jiang Zhi smiled faintly in his black eyes, "Because it looks like you." Slowly.

  Lin Qian smiled but thought of something else, her face was as red as two big apples.

  (end of this chapter)

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