The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 251: out for a drink

  Chapter 251 Come out to drink

  Wen Yu's face turned blue with anger.

   Time is pressing, and there is no time to delay.

  She quietly opened the door of the ward, and saw the nurse who was sleeping on a folding bed at the door.

  The nurse was hired by Wen Ziming.

  Wen Yu didn't know it yet, but Wen Ziming had already suspected her. The nurse, on the surface, was taking care of her, but in fact he was watching her.

  Wen Yu looked around where there was no one around, approached the nurse quietly, and took away the mobile phone that the other party put under the pillow.

  After returning to the bathroom, Wen Yu quickly called Lin Fengjiao on the nurse's mobile phone.

  As if guessing that it was Wen Yu who called, Lin Fengjiao quickly connected, "Good boy?"

"Mom, I don't have time to talk nonsense, listen to me carefully, go out in disguise early tomorrow morning, go to the place where you bought medicine before, buy another pack of Cui Qingsan that is exactly the same as that day, and then go to the place where you bought chocolate powder the day before yesterday In the supermarket, buy another pack of chocolate powder and two glass jars.

  After you get home, you put Cui Qingsan and chocolate powder in glass jars separately, don’t fill them up, and flush the rest down the toilet, and then put the two jars in the kitchen cabinet and put them together.

   After finishing these, you can rest at home and wait for the police to come to you. No matter how the police interrogate you, you are going to bite to death. When making chocolate cake, you accidentally confused Cui Qingsan with chocolate powder. "

  Lin Fengjiao was in a panic, "Who would leave a big jar of Cui Qing at home? Would the police believe it?"

  Wen Yu sneered nonchalantly, "So what if you don't believe it, is there any law that says you can't buy Cui Qingsan for your own use?"


   "Okay, Mom, you do what I said first, and I promise nothing will happen. My phone is out of battery, and this call belongs to someone else. Remember to delete all our call records tonight later."

  Lin Fengjiao quickly agreed.

  After deleting the call records on the phone, Wen Yu quietly opened the door of the ward, and put the phone back under the pillow of the nurse sleeping at the door.

  It was already midnight at this time, and there was no one in the corridor of the hospital. The surveillance cameras above the ends of the corridor, like the eyes of the abyss, silently watched all this.


  After talking with Jiang Zhi, Shi Yan returned home and had a secret conversation with Shi Na's father in the study for nearly an hour, and then the two of them came out of the study together.

  The Shi family did not split up. Mr. Shi bought a piece of land and built a magnificent mansion in Nancheng District, with five floors and more than 20 rooms in total, enough for the entire Shi family to live in.

  Although it was already late at this time, Shi Na's incident made the entire Shi's mansion brightly lit all night. In the living room, Mrs. Shi talked with the second Mrs. Shi who was tearful and grieving.

  Seeing that her son and uncle were about to go out, Mrs. Shi couldn't help getting up and asking, "It's already midnight, where are you going?"

   Shi Yan explained with a tired face: "Go to the police station and see how the investigation of Nana's case is going."

  As soon as she heard that she was going to the police station, Mrs. Shi couldn't persuade her much, and hurriedly said: "There is chicken soup warming on the stove, drink a bowl before going out."

Although the water and rice have not been touched since the afternoon, Shi Yan has no appetite at all. Just about to refuse, Mrs. Shi persuaded: "Your father is abroad, and the old man is not in good health. Your second uncle and second aunt have white hair. Black-haired man, in pain, you can only rely on you at home and abroad, you can't fall down."

  Hearing this, Shi Yan no longer refused, "Mom, cook another bowl of noodles for me."

   "Okay." Mrs. Shi quickly responded.

   After drinking soup and eating supper, when Shi Yan and Shi Chen arrived at the police station, it was already 3 o'clock in the middle of the night.

  Shi Na's body is still in the morgue, and it will be sent to the forensic department for autopsy tomorrow morning. Shi Yan, through the contacts of the Shi family, entered the morgue again as he wished.

  The two of them looked at Shi Na's remains for a while with deep grief and anger, and then, the uncle and nephew silently exchanged glances.


  Shi Chen raised his hand to cover his heart with a painful expression, and slowly fell to the ground.

  Shi Yan quickly reached out to support him, and shouted at the policeman who was unable to react: "My second uncle couldn't bear the blow. He had a heart attack. We have medicine. Please go and pour us a glass of warm water."

   "Oh." The policeman quickly turned and ran outside.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shi Yan quickly took out a clean syringe and cotton swab from his pocket, and extracted Shi Na's blood and oral vomit.

   It had been several hours since Shi Na died, and the blood in her body had basically coagulated. It took Shi Yan a lot of effort to barely draw enough for the test.


  Five minutes later, Shi Yan and Shi Chen left the police station and sent the blood and vomit they got to Shi's medical research institute.

  While sitting in the lounge of the research institute waiting for the results, Shi Yan suddenly remembered that two days ago, Wen Ziming asked him for help and borrowed the laboratory to test things.

   Seeing him get up and go out, Shi Chen hurriedly asked: "Xiao Yan, where are you going?"

  Shi Yan turned his head and saw the second uncle who was originally elegant and personable, now described as haggard and sad, and couldn't help but feel a little sour.

  He walked over and patted the other person on the back comfortingly, "Second Uncle, at least the results won't be available until after 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, so you go to sleep first. I'm going to see a friend, and I want to ask him something."

  Shi Chen rubbed his face in grief, choked up and said, "I can't sleep, and when I close my eyes, I think of Nana lying in the morgue. I still can't figure it out, she's so good, how could this happen."

  Seeing that the other party was emotional, Shi Yan had no choice but to sit down and explain it to him.

Half an hour later, Shi Chen cried a lot, and the sadness in his heart eased a lot, he looked at Shi Yan with some embarrassment, "Xiao Yan, I'm fine, you go and do your work, I'll wait here for the test results come out."

   "Okay, I'll come over early."

  Shi Chen gratefully held his shoulder, "Xiao Yan, it's lucky to have you, otherwise, I really don't know what to do, my mind is still in a mess and I don't have a clue."

Shi Yan squeezed her back hard, with a calming look in his eyes, "This is what I should do. Nana is my younger sister. I didn't take good care of her. Don't worry, I will definitely not let Nana die in an unknown way. White."

   "Thank you, Xiaoyan."

   Back in the car, Shi Yan didn't care that it was past 4:00 in the morning, and directly called Wen Ziming.

  Unexpectedly, Wen Ziming, who thought he was already asleep, answered the phone almost immediately.

  Shi Yan originally made this call with a trace of anger, but Wen Ziming answered so quickly, the trace of anger in his heart suddenly dissipated.

  He exhaled lightly, "Did you not sleep?"

   "Can't sleep."

   Shi Yan snorted, "Come out for a drink."

  Wen Ziming was stunned for a moment, "What time?" After a pause, he asked, "Where are you going?"

Shi Yan subconsciously glanced at the neon-lit Grand Hyatt Hotel across the street, "I heard that the presidential suite of the Grand Hyatt Hotel is one of the largest and most luxurious room types in S City. Your brother-in-law's hotel, you brother-in-law, should be a little free to book." The privilege of staying here?"

  Wen Ziming: "..."

  Sorry, he didn't.

  (end of this chapter)

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