The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 252: If I don't waste wine, I can only waste you

  Chapter 252 If I don’t waste wine, I can only waste you

  Wen Ziming and Shi Yan entered the Grand Hyatt Hotel. Because of the good location of Ditan, the rooms were basically full, leaving only one themed suite.

   When the two of them opened the door of the room and saw the romantic and sentimental rose-pink couple suite, they suddenly understood why the front desk lady looked at them with such weird eyes.

  Wen Ziming looked at Shi Yan who was also standing at the door hesitantly, "Stay, or go?"

  Shi Yan walked in with a cold sneer, "Why did you leave, the room rate of 1888 yuan a night, why is it so cheap for Jiang Zhi?"

  Wen Ziming: "..."

  This tone is the same as the hundred-year-old sauerkraut, sour and punchy.

  Wen Ziming closed the door, turned off the pink ceiling light and wall light, and only turned on the white headlight in the center of the roof to make the whole room look more normal.

   "How did Jiang Zhi provoke you?"

Shi Yan didn't say a word, picked out a bottle of red wine that Wen Ziming brought from home, used a corkscrew to lift the cork, took a goblet to fill more than half of it, drank it dry, and then picked up the red wine bottle to go up Pour into a foot cup.

  Wen Ziming snatched the red wine bottle, "This is Romanee-Conti, I only got two bottles in total, you should respect its value anyway."

  The wine bottle was robbed, Tokihiko put the empty wine glass back on the coffee table, leaned lazily on the sofa, and closed his eyes.

   Wen Ziming poured the red wine into the swan decanter he brought, and asked the room service to bring in a bucket of ice cubes and snacks, and then sat on the sofa opposite Shi Yan.

   asked with concern: "How is your sister?"

   "I don't have a clue yet." Shi Yan replied with his eyes closed.

  Thinking of Shi Yan insisting on staying at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, and speaking strangely, Wen Ziming wanted to ask him if he had any conflicts with Jiang Zhi, Shi Yan suddenly opened his eyes and looked at him.

   "What did you take to the research institute for testing that day?"

  The topic jumped too fast, Wen Ziming was stunned for a moment before replying: "I suspect that Wen Yu put something in my tea..."

  Wen Ziming briefly told what happened to the Wen family recently.

   After hearing this, Shi Yan was speechless in a daze.

  He originally wanted to find comfort at his friend's place, but after hearing these things happened one after another at his friend's house, he felt a little sympathetic and complicated.

   "May I congratulate you?"

  Congratulations to him for seeing the true face of the femme fatale and getting rid of the other party's calculations and control?

  Wen Ziming didn't have time to think, the door was knocked.

  Wen Ziming got up to open the door, the waiter in uniform pushed in the small trolley containing ice cubes and snacks respectfully, put the things on the coffee table one by one, and lingered carefully on the two of them.

  Anyone who sees two men with good looks and outstanding temperament opening a couple suite will inevitably think too much.

   Shi Yan twitched the corner of his mouth at the waiter in a wicked way, "He's the one below."

  Wen Ziming who was walking over: "..."

   The waiter smiled ambiguously and reservedly, "Doctor Shi, Mr. Wen, don't worry, I won't say anything."


   The waiter actually knew him.


  After the waiter left, Shi Yan looked at Wen Ziming and explained with some embarrassment: "I didn't expect him to know me."

   Wen Ziming stared at him blankly for a while, then raised his head and drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp.

   "You also said that I am chewing peonies. Didn't you say that there are only two bottles in total?"

  Wen Ziming put down his glass with a gloomy expression, "If I don't spoil the wine, I can only spoil you."

  Tokihiko: "..."

  This kind of room, this kind of atmosphere, this kind of words, Tokihiko scratched his toes in embarrassment, "I didn't say it."

  Wen Ziming lowered his eyes, poured half a glass into his and Shi Yan's glasses each, added ice cubes to each, and then asked what he didn't have time to ask just now.

   "Why did Jiang Zhi mess with you?"

  Shi Yan picked up the red wine, shook it slowly, and stared at the crystal ice soaked in the blood-red wine, "He reminded me to be careful before, and I was angry that he didn't understand what he said at the time, and I was also angry that I was too careless."

  Wen Ziming was silent for a while, and then said in a shy voice: "Actually, if Jiang Zhi hadn't reminded me, I might not know what Wen Yu is doing behind the scenes until now."

   After finishing speaking, Wen Ziming reached out to touch the cup in Shi Yan's hand, drank it on his own, and said, "This is probably the gap between us and him."

   Shi Yan said slowly: "No, it's the distance between you and him."

   After finishing speaking, he took a sip of his wine before continuing: "Probably you are the only one who can't see Wen Yu's hypocrisy and ambition in her eyes."

  Wen Ziming showed surprise, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

  Shi Yan looked at him indifferently, "When she was your sister, I can't tell, but later, you have a soft spot for her, and you may not believe me when I tell you.

   Moreover, hypocrisy and ambition are not unforgivable shortcomings. The daughters of wealthy families have more or less their own shortcomings.

  Just like Nana, she is proud of herself and has no one in her eyes, but she is my Shi Yan's younger sister, and my Shi family is willing to pamper her, so no one can say anything.

  I just didn't expect that you haven't seen clearly who the people around you are. "

  Hearing what his friend said, Wen Ziming felt depressed and bitter.

   It turned out that from the beginning to the end, Wen Yu was the only one who was deceived by Wen Yu's gentle and kind appearance.

Shi Yan drank half a glass of red wine on his own, and took advantage of the drunkenness to make Wen Yu come to Shi's house several times with excuses to show his affection for him, as well as the matter of pretending to faint in the parking lot on the day of the charity dinner. Spit out without reservation.

   "Actually, even if you still can't see through it, I plan to find an opportunity to talk to you. Hypocrisy and ambition are not unforgivable mistakes, but being inattentive is the corruption of character and morality.

   Even, I suspect that using the word "not special" is flattering her. "

  Wen Ziming's face was burning hot.

  My friend's words almost slapped "Wen Yu doesn't have feelings for you at all, but just treats you as a tool that can be used" on his face.

  When Wen Yu used to wear the skirt he gave, the jewelry he bought, and the custom-made perfume he sent, to seduce his friends, shame, anger, and remorse burned his heart fiercely.


  At the breakfast table, Lin Qianxiao was still choked up about "being bathed and being seen naked", deliberately not looking at Jiang Zhi, not talking to him, and chatting with Liu Yiwen on WeChat by herself.

  Liu Yiwen is Xiaosi's real name.

  Lin Qianxiao transferred the tuition fee and living expenses to Liu Yiwen through WeChat, and the other party wanted to come over to thank her in person and give her an IOU.

  Lin Qian smiled and sent the address of the hospital,【I'm in the hospital during the day, you can find me in the hospital. 】

  【Okay, ma'am. 】

  【You are no longer a servant of the Jiang family, you don’t need to call me wife anymore, you can call me Xiaoxiao. 】

  Liu Yiwen was unwilling, 【You will always be Xiaosi's wife. 】

   Seeing the other party's stubbornness, Lin Qianxiao simply didn't bother to persuade him.

  Lin Qianxiao was already dawdling in eating, plus she was chatting on WeChat with Liu Yiwen, so she didn't finish eating for half an hour.

  After breakfast, Jiang Zhi went to the study to pack up his things, came out and saw that she hadn't finished eating, so he took away the milk she had only taken two sips of and the half-finished sandwich.

   "Hey, what are you doing, I haven't finished eating yet!"

   Second is a little later~



  (end of this chapter)

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