The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 279: Let's go see Wen Ziming (updated)

  Chapter 279 Let's go to see Wen Ziming (updated)

  The staff brought over the new swimsuit they found. Considering that Lin Qianxiao was not sure about her bust size, the other party enthusiastically suggested, "Ma'am, you can come into our dressing room and try it on."

  Lin Qian smiled and thought for a while, then nodded, "Okay."

  Lin Qianxiao is actually not very clear about her bust size. The original owner has been wearing a 34C, so she naturally continued to wear this size.

  In fact, she felt that the 34C size was a bit loose for her. At first, she didn't think much about it, thinking that the original owner's weight loss caused the **** to shrink.

What Lin Qianxiao didn't know was that when the original owner entered the entertainment industry, Lin Huihuang, no, it should be said that it was Wen Yu, who deliberately set a charming and **** route for the original owner. The size of the underwear, convenient pad sponge, to support the chest.

  In the locker room.

  34B's swimsuit was on her body, her **** were beautifully wrapped, Lin Qian looked at herself in the mirror with a smile, her face turned pink.

  She put on her own clothes and went out of the dressing room. The staff took the swimsuit in her hand and asked with a smile, "How is it? Does it fit? If it doesn't fit, I can try another size for you."

Lin Qian smiled and glanced at Jiang Zhi, who was sitting on the sofa with his legs folded and waiting for her indifferently, hesitated for a moment, grabbed the staff, pointed to the lemon-colored swimsuit that Jiang Zhi had chosen before, and whispered: "You Help me put that set together with this one, it's all 34B."

   After finishing speaking, he specifically reminded, "Don't let my husband see it."

  The staff smiled narrowly and said, "Okay, ma'am, let me make an order for your husband to pay at the cashier?"


  Two minutes later, Lin Qianxiao walked up to Jiang Zhi and handed him the receipt, "Go and pay the bill first, I'll wait for them to pack it."

  Jiang Zhi raised his head from the phone, his eyes filled with warmth, "Okay."

   After Jiang Zhi finished shopping and brought the receipt, the swimsuit was already packed, and Lin Qianxiao carried it in his hand.

  Jiang Zhi handed the receipt to the staff, and reached out to her, "Carry it for me."

  Lin Qian smiled and hid the handbag behind her back, took the hand he extended, raised her head and said with a smile on her face, "No, it's very light, I can carry it by myself, let's go."

  Jiang Zhi took a deep look at her and said nothing.

  In the car, Lin Qianxiao saw that it was not the direction to return to the apartment, and she became curious, "Where are we going?"

   "Go to Qin Heng's law firm."


  Lin Qianxiao didn't think much about it, thinking that he was going to get the contract termination letter, "Lawyer Qin helped negotiate the termination of the contract with Brilliant Company before, did you pay the legal fees?"

   "Give it."


  Lin Qian smiled and thought about it, and told about the 100 million that Mrs. Jiang gave her to change her mouth, "Can I spend this money as I like?"

  Seeing the girl looking at him obediently with wet almond eyes, Jiang Zhi felt as if two fluffy cat paws were gently scratching his heart.

If it weren't for the inconvenience of driving, he really wanted to hold her in his arms and tell her seriously: as long as she wants all his wealth, he can give her without hesitation, so don't worry about it because of money. Worry and restlessness.

   "Yes. If it is not enough, you can use the black card I gave you before. That card has no limit, and you can buy whatever you want."

  Lin Qian smiled and tilted her head to look at him, and asked slyly: "Then can I buy a company?"


   "Don't you ask me what company to buy?"

   "You can buy any company you want."

Lin Qianxiao stared at the man with a perfect side profile and a serious and natural expression for a long time, then muttered softly: "Why are you so stupid, you are not at all wary, if I am a bad woman, I will give you everything What should I do if I have been defrauded of my wealth and company?"

  Jiang Zhi's black eyes were stained with a smile, "If you are the one who lied to me, then I would be willing to be deceived. The only requirement is that when you cheat, don't leave me behind, and you must deceive me together."

  Lin Qian smiled and took a deep breath: "..."

  People with a high IQ and a good head can get twice the result with half the effort when they fall in love, and they can kill people when they talk about love, one set after another.

   Fortunately, his cold and gloomy appearance made other women daunted.

   This kind of him only belongs to her.

Lin Qian smiled and reminded him seriously, "You can only tell me this kind of thing from now on, and also, don't just smile at other girls, you are so good-looking, and when you smile, you will kill everyone else's souls." Hooked away."

  Jiang Zhi turned to look at her, the corners of his mouth slowly raised.

  In an instant, as if the ice and snow melted, and the spring breeze came, her world was like a thousand flowers blooming.

  Lin Qian smiled dumbfounded on the spot.

   "You mean this?"

  Jiang Zhi's voice brought Lin Qianxiao back to his senses.

   All along, she has been satisfied with her appearance and thinks she is the most beautiful little fairy in the world.

  But after seeing Jiang Zhi showing such a charming smile, she suddenly became unconfident.

  Lin Qian smiled and turned on the front camera of the phone, looking at her face left and right, "The more I look at myself, the uglier I seem to be."

   "Not ugly."

  Lin Qianxiao was still not very happy, and muttered, "But I don't smile as well as you do."

Jiang Zhi was silent, and used all his IQ and eloquence to coax him: "Things are rare and precious, I rarely smile, so you think it looks good, if I smile every day, you won't feel it after watching too much, say It might still feel greasy.”

  Lin Qian smiled dubiously, grinned at the phone, then thought of something, with a small face, "I smile every day, do you think I'm greasy when you see me smiling now?"

  Jiang Zhi responded surprisingly quickly, "We are different."

   "What's different?"

   "A man of my status and age, if he smiles at people at all times, it will give people the impression of being frivolous and unstable. You are a girl, and you can smile sweetly and movingly. I like it so much that I can't stop."

  Hearing what he said, Lin Qian smiled and looked at herself on the phone, and suddenly it was very pleasing to the eye.

Lin Qianxiao was about to put the phone back into her bag, when she suddenly thought of something, turned on the camera function, and while waiting for the red light, she pointed the phone at Jiang Zhi, "Smile again, I want to save it as a wallpaper. "

  Jiang Zhi obeyed her.

  The man's face shape and facial features are really impeccable. If you take a random picture, and it is shot from a deadly upward angle, it still looks horrific when you take it.

  Wait for Lin Qianxiao happily setting Jiang Zhi's photo as wallpaper, Jiang Zhi's cell phone rang.

  Seeing that Jiang Zhi didn't answer, Lin Qianxiao thought it was inconvenient for him to drive, so she helped him pick up the phone on the center console, and seeing Wen Ziming's name on the screen, Lin Qianxiao was stunned.

   "Why does Wen Ziming keep calling you?"

  Jiang Zhi paused, then said softly, "Tell him we'll be there in five minutes."

  Although Lin Qianxiao looked confused, she swiped open the screen with her finger, conveyed Jiang Zhi's meaning to the other party, and hung up the phone.

   "Jiang Zhi, are you going to see Wen Ziming?"

  Jiang Zhi glanced at her, "It's us."

   Ah, I finally made up what I owed~



  (end of this chapter)

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