The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 280: one of your dowry

  Chapter 280 One of your dowry

  The landmark building of Jun He Law Firm in S City, Times International Financial Building.

  It is also the place where Jiang Zhi brought Lin Qianxiao to eat French food at the Seine Restaurant, but the Times International Finance Building is divided into Block AB, Block A is for commercial operations, and Block B is for business offices.

  Seine Restaurant is on the 99th floor of Building A, and Jun He is on the 27th-30th floors of Building B.

  Jun He is the most well-known local law firm in S City, with four floors covering an area of ​​more than 20,000 square meters, with a grand scale and luxurious style.

   Probably because of the weekend, the company seemed very quiet. Several elite men and women in suits and leather shoes were discussing something around a small conference table, looking very rigorous and professional.

  When Jiang Zhi led Lin Qianxiao in, as if the still button had been pressed, several people stopped talking, and looked at them in surprise and surprise.

  One of the management-looking middle-aged men quickly got up and greeted them with a polite smile on his face, "Mr. Jiang, Mrs. Jiang, Mr. Qin and Mr. Wen are waiting for you in the office on the top floor. Please follow me."

  The 27th to 30th floors are built as an independent whole. From the elevator outside, you can only enter the 27th floor. If you want to go to the 28th-30th floor, you can only go up from the inner elevator.

  In Qin Heng's office.

  Wen Ziming couldn't count the number of times he looked at his watch, and his face showed anxiety.

Qin Heng leaned back on the big leather chair, with a relaxed and incredulous expression, "Jiang Zhi is always punctual, and every time I made an appointment with him before, there was never more than two minutes of error before and after, and today is also strange, to be late After more than half an hour, the sun really came out from the west."

  Wen Ziming exhaled lightly, picked up the cold coffee and took a sip, "He went shopping for a swimsuit with Xiao Xiao."

  The smile on Qin Heng's face froze slightly, "Did he tell you?"

  Wen Ziming, whose eyes were slightly lowered, didn't notice Qin Heng's expression, and nodded lightly. His eyes fell on the dark brown coffee, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

  Qin Heng stuck his tongue out with teeth aching, and unexpectedly imagined Lin Qianxiao in a swimsuit in his mind.

   Probably pure and charming?

  His liking for Lin Qianxiao was purely a man's appreciation and affection for a woman, and he didn't have a strong desire to possess her.

  With his and Jiang Zhi’s identities and positions, he needs to keep calm and rational at all times, deal with all kinds of people every day, and be cautious and careful to make himself invincible.

  Seeing too many intrigues, and being in contact with people whose interests are paramount, a pure and real girl like Lin Qianxiao can be said to be rare.

   It's a pity that he didn't have Jiang Zhi's luck, and he had already decided on someone.

  Wen Ziming and Qin Heng had their own thoughts, and neither of them made a sound. The huge and spacious office was so quiet that a needle could be heard.

   Until there was a knock on the door, the two turned their heads and looked over at the same time.

  The man walking in front was wearing a light-colored striped shirt paired with dark khaki slacks. His short black hair hung down naturally, revealing deep black eyes, looking indifferent and handsome.

  The girl being led is wearing a white T-shirt and washed denim overalls. She has a pair of cat glasses on her pink and round face, and her almond eyes are clean and pure. She looks like a high school student, youthful and sweet.

Jiang Zhi led Lin Qianxiao into Qin Heng's office unhurriedly, with a careless expression and leisurely pace, as if he was not here for serious business, but a vacation, and at this time the two were walking in the evening Windy beach.

  Qin Heng's face turned green from being shown.

  Wen Ziming was fine, his face was expressionless, but the frustration in his eyes was obvious.

  Qin Heng gritted his teeth and stood up, maintaining a gentleman's elegant demeanor and went forward, "Mrs. Jiang, we meet again."

  Lin Qian smiled and nodded, "Lawyer Qin."

  Qin Heng pretended that Jiang Zhi didn't exist, and warmly greeted Lin Qianxiao to sit on the sofa in the reception area, "What would Mrs. Jiang want to drink? Coffee, juice, or milk tea?"

  Lin Qianxiao opened her mouth to answer, when Jiang Zhi next to her said in a flat voice, "She doesn't drink anything outside."

  Lin Qian smiled and turned to look at him, then quietly closed her mouth.

  Qin Heng chuckled lightly with a half-smile, pressed the landline and told the secretary outside, "Bring three cups of coffee and a glass of grape juice in."

   After finishing speaking, Qin Heng resumed his serious work attitude, and handed the printed equity transfer agreement to Wen Ziming and Jiang Zhi respectively.

   "This is the terms of the agreement drafted according to your request, sign it directly if there is no problem."

  While Jiang Zhi and Wen Ziming were looking at the agreement, Lin Qianxiao moved two places to Qin Heng's side. Jiang Zhi beside her glanced at her, said nothing, and continued to look down at the agreement in his hand.

  Seeing Lin Qianxiao actively approaching him, the smile on Qin Heng's face deepened, "Mrs. Jiang wants to ask for a contract termination letter?"

   "Yes." Lin Qianxiao nodded hastily, "Jiang Zhi said that he has already paid you the lawyer's fee. Lawyer Qin, please give me the contract termination letter."

Qin Heng was stunned for a moment, and was about to say that he didn't receive it. Jiang Zhi, who heard the conversation between the two, looked up at the two of them, and said slowly, "I'll write you a gift voucher later. Time to use."

  Qin Heng's face turned dark, and he blurted out: "I'm **** you!"

After scolding, seeing Lin Qianxiao next to her with her eyes widened in shock, Qin Heng adjusted his glasses in embarrassment but politely, "Mrs. Jiang, you have to take good care of Boss Jiang. This kind of robbery is not a good thing. Get out." They will be crushed with sacks."

  Lin Qian smiled and nodded in agreement, "Lawyer Qin, I think the reminder is right."

  Qin Heng gave Jiang Zhiyang a smug smile, and then he heard Lin Qianxiao turn his head, and said to Jiang Zhi seriously: "Please invite two more bodyguards, take them with you when you go out, they can protect you."

  Qin Heng's smile froze: "..."

  Jiang Zhi smiled bigger than Qin Heng, raised his hand and rubbed her head, "Okay."

  Diagonally opposite, Wen Ziming silently watched the interaction between the two.

  The girl's eyebrows were curved, the light in her apricot pupils shone brighter than the stars, her smile was sweet and bright, but it hurt his heart deeply.

She is a precious and precious flower, who deserves to be loved and cared for, but he treats her as worthless and discarded like a shoe. At this time, under the protection of another man, she is blooming her beautiful youth , reminding him once again how stupid and ridiculous he used to be.

  Qin Heng stared at the young couple who looked like no one else in his heart, and got up to look for the contract termination letter.

  Wen Ziming came back to his senses, and said quietly, "I have no objection to the content of the agreement."

  Jiang Zhi turned to look at him, "Then sign it."

"it is good."

  Jiang Zhi put the agreement in front of Lin Qianxiao, took a signing pen from the pen holder, stuffed it into her hand, pointed to the place where signature was needed, "Here, sign your name."

  Lin Qianxiao was still dazed and didn't react. Seeing the "Equity Transfer Agreement" on the agreement, and Wen Ziming who was signing with his head bowed, he turned to Jiang Zhi in confusion.

"what is this?"

  Jiang Zhi said concisely, "Wen's shares."

   Paused, then added, "One of your dowry."

  (end of this chapter)

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