The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 589: can you let her go

  Chapter 589 Can you let her go

  As soon as Shu Yue walked out of the school gate, she saw a familiar and low-key black Mercedes parked on the side of the road.

  She paused for a moment, then turned to talk to Zhao Minmin beside her, "You go to the restaurant and wait for me first, and help me order tomato fat beef rice. I have something to do, and I will come later."

  After Zhao Minmin left, Shu Yue walked unhurriedly to the side of the Mercedes-Benz.

  The window of the car was lowered, revealing Chen Liyan's elegant and handsome side face.

  He turned to look at her, "It's not convenient for me to show up, you get in the car first."

  Shu Yue clapped her hands lazily, squinting at him, "What are you doing here?"

   "Looking for you."

   Noticing that someone was looking this way, Chen Liyan took the mask and hung it on his face, "Get in the car first."

  It was noon at this time, and there were people coming and going at the school gate. It seemed that someone had recognized Chen Liyan, and wanted to come over excitedly and eagerly.

  Shu Yue thought it was troublesome to pull the back seat of the car and get in.

  Chen Liyan raised the window and drove away.

  At the school gate, several girls who recognized Chen Liyan stomped their feet regretfully, "It's definitely Chen Liyan, if I knew I should have gone up to ask for autographs just now, I wasted the opportunity!"

   "What is Chen Liyan coming to our school for? I know that girl just now. She is Shu Yue from the Department of Preschool Education. She seems to be quite rich. She wears famous brands all over her body. She usually drives a Ferrari to school."

   "Sure enough, the male gods belong to other people..."

  Shu Yue didn't know that she and Chen Liyan were being discussed.

  She didn't ask Chen Liyan where she was going to take her, but just lowered her head and sent a message to Zhao Minmin on her mobile phone, so that he didn't have to wait for her.

  Afterwards, she swiped through Weibo and found a new mailbox in her mailbox by accident.

  She thought it was spam, and was about to click delete, when the car braked suddenly, she swiped her finger, and the mail was opened.

   "Sorry, a car jumped into the queue just now, are you okay?"

  Seeing her complexion, Chen Liyan turned his head and explained in a low voice.

  Shu Yue's complexion was indeed very bad, but it wasn't because of the sudden braking.

  She raised her head and looked at the other person with no expression, "Where are you going to take me?"

   "Dinner, it will be here soon."

  Shu Yue pursed her lips and stopped talking, staring at the photo on the phone screen, her eyes were cold.

   Ten minutes later, Chen Liyan took her into a hot pot restaurant.

   Like Bai Shuangshuang, Zhao Meimei especially likes spicy food, but in her previous life, as an artist, she had to maintain her figure. Hot pot, which is heavy and easy to get angry, is a luxury for her.

  In this life, she doesn't need to worry about these anymore, and often goes to the newly opened hot pot restaurant with friends and classmates to taste delicious food.

  Chen Liyan chose an authentic Sichuan-Chongqing hotpot restaurant on purpose.

  In the private room.

  Shu Yue looked expressionlessly at Chen Liyan who poured tea for her, "What do you want from me?"

  Chen Liyan smiled.

  He already had a good face, but with such a smile, it was as warm and dazzling as snow melting in spring.

  Shu Yue forced herself to look away, lowered her head and picked up the teacup, just about to drink, Chen Liyan reminded softly: "Be careful of the heat."

  Shu Yue paused, then put the teacup back on the table, "I don't like drinking tea."

  Chen Liyan looked at her with a good temper, "What do you like to drink?"

"milk tea."

"wait for me."

  Ten minutes later, Chen Liyan bought the milk tea, inserted the straw and put it by her hand.

  Shu Yue took a sip and put it down, "It's too sweet, I forgot to tell you, I only need three parts of sugar."

  Chen Liyan got up without saying anything, "I'll go shopping again."

  I waited a little longer this time, almost twenty minutes.

  When Chen Liyan came back, he was carrying three identical cups of milk tea in his hand.

   "These three cups are three-point sugar, one without ice, one with more ice, and one with hot."

  Shu Yue paused for a moment, then picked the glass without ice.

  The dishes had already been served, and the bottom of the pot was opened. Chen Liyan put some hot pot dishes that needed to be cooked for a long time into the pot.

   Shu Yue felt both comfortable and uncomfortable.

   Any girl would not feel uncomfortable being served like a slave by such a peerless handsome man.

   And what makes her uncomfortable is that when she was dating Chen Liyan before, Chen Liyan didn't even pour a glass of water for her, but now he takes care of the little girl.

  Shu Yue has never wronged her temper. If she is upset, others should not want to be happy.

  After eating a few mouthfuls of hot pot, she took the initiative to open the conversation, "Is Zhao Meimei your ex-girlfriend?"

  Chen Liyan answered without much hesitation: "Yes."

   "Why did you break up?"

  Chen Liyan hesitated for a moment, "She mentioned it."

  Shu Yue sneered, "You agreed because she mentioned it?"

   "I don't want to delay her."

   Let your M's P, it's obviously my mother who doesn't want to delay you, okay!

   "But I remember that you were popular earlier than her, and you have such a good family background. You are fully capable of helping her career to a higher level, aren't you?"

   As if sensing her sarcasm, Chen Liyan looked at her silently.

  Shu Yue is not afraid at all, no matter how smart Chen Liyan is, he can still guess that she is the deity! ?

  Thinking, she hooked her lips, "If it was my boyfriend, I would spend money on him and make him the most popular star."

  Chen Liyan looked at her and smiled, "That's because you have a good brother who fully supports you."

  Shu Yue's face turned cold, "What do you mean?"

  Chen Liyan didn't intend to hide her past from her, "When I said delaying her, I didn't mean me personally, but because I was afraid that the people around me would hinder her career.

  At that time, I didn't have the ability to resist the family. Even if I continued to be with her, I couldn't marry her. "

  Shu Yue looked at him, speechless for a moment.

   Also, how could the Xiao family, a century-old wealthy family, let their grandson marry a starlet who didn't even finish high school.

  Shu Yue drank two sips of milk tea, suppressing the sourness and melancholy in her heart, "What about now, do you still like her?"

  Chen Liyan shook his head.

  Shu Yue stared at him for a while, then suddenly smiled, "Then do you like me?"

  Chen Liyan also laughed, "Is my performance not obvious enough?"

  Shu Yue picked up the milk tea, bit the straw and drank it one after another, looking straight at him with peach blossom eyes, "If I said, I want to destroy your first love, what would you do?"

  Chen Liyan was slightly stunned, "Why?"

  Shu Yue curled the corners of her lips viciously, "I don't like her, I feel uncomfortable when I think of you having a relationship with her."

   After a while, Chen Liyan put away his smile, "Shu Yue, are you serious?"


  Shu Yue directly handed the photos on the phone to him, "These photos are enough to ruin her reputation, and she won't even think about turning over for the rest of her life."

  As if he couldn't believe what he saw, Chen Liyan's gentle and handsome face was so shocked that it almost split open.

   After a long time, he asked her in a harsh voice, "Are these photos real?"

  Shu Yue said mockingly: "I'm not so despicable as to use PS photos to ruin a woman's reputation."

   After a long time, Chen Liyan said, "Shu Yue, can you let her go for my sake?"

   End of the third update~

   Has everyone gone to school recently? I feel so deserted (shivering.jpg)



  (end of this chapter)

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