The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 590: 8 million orchids

  Chapter 590 8 million orchids

  Hearing Chen Liyan's words, Shu Yue sneered, "Why?"

  Chen Liyan looked at her calmly, "I owe her this."

  Shu Yue raised her hands lazily, "What does it have to do with me? I don't owe her anything. On the contrary, I wish her bad luck. The more miserable she is, the happier I am."

  Chen Liyan's eyes were gentle, "Yueyue, I beg you, is that okay?"

  Shu Yue stared at him and remained silent.

   Thinking that she would not agree, Chen Liyan continued to explain: "She is the only girlfriend I have ever dated, and the only woman I have ever owed. After helping her this time, the relationship between me and her is completely over."

  Shu Yue sneered, "It's over, what then?"

   "Then..." Chen Liyan picked up a piece of fragrant, glutinous and soft duck paw and put it in her bowl, "Pursue the girl I like now."

  Shu Yue tried her best to suppress the upturned corner of her mouth, but her tone softened a little, "It's none of my business."

  Chen Liyan looked at her with a smile on his eyebrows, "Actually, I know, you won't spread these photos."

  Shu Yue chuckled lightly.

   "If you really want to destroy her, you can do it directly instead of telling me first."

  Shu Yue slowly picked up the chopsticks, lowered her head to eat the duck feet in the bowl.

   The boneless duck feet, cooked for a long time, are very spicy and delicious.

  Seeing that she was eating happily, Chen Liyan continued to scoop up the duck feet from the pot into her bowl while helping her to rinse her belly, without mentioning this matter again.

  After dinner, Chen Liyan sent her back to school.



  Chen Liyan was interrupted by Shu Yue as soon as he spoke, "Don't call me Yueyue, I don't know you that well."

  Chen Liyan was silent, and changed his words: "A Yue."

  Shu Yue's lips moved, but she didn't make a sound.

  Chen Liyan smiled, and immediately returned to normal, "Yueyue, can you give me the photo just now?"

  Shu Yue didn't bother to argue with him about address, "What do you want to do with the photo?"

  Chen Liyan didn't hide from her, "I want to talk to her. Although I have nothing to do with her now, I don't want her to get deeper and deeper."

  Shu Yue snorted softly, turned her head out of the car window, and didn't say yes or no.

  Chen Liyan didn't continue the topic, "Why are you ignoring me these days?"


   "What are you busy with?"

   "Pick up little brother."

  Chen Liyan was silent for a while, "When will I be here?"

  Shu Yue didn't react for a while, "What?"

   "Don't you like teasing little brothers? When is my turn?"


  Chen Liyan continued to make amazing remarks: "Tell me in advance when the time comes, I will be ready."

  Shu Yue propped her forehead with her right hand, and tilted her head to look at him with a half-smile.

  She originally just liked Chen Liyan's face, but now, she suddenly finds him quite interesting.


  Being prostituted by Liang Zichao all night, although Zhao Meimei was angry, she did not give up the idea of ​​finding a backer, and continued to ask Wu Yan to help her match up.

  At the same time, she took the initiative to go to the company to talk to Zhong Qin about terminating the contract.

  Lin Qianxiao went abroad for her honeymoon, and she handed over all the company affairs to Zhong Qin.

  As for Xiaoju, her daily job is to raise Su Guan He Ding well.

  Zhao Meimei did not make an appointment in advance. When she arrived at the company, Zhong Qin went outside to meet the client.

  She was sitting in Zhongqin's office waiting boredly, when she suddenly saw Xiaoju walking past the door, a look of resentment suddenly appeared in her eyes.

  She believed that it was Xiaoju who betrayed her and told Jiang Liuli that she was in this situation.

  She got up and chased out quickly.

Back in the president's office, Xiaoju walked to the tea table, poured the water soaked in apple peel into the watering can, then screwed the lid on the can, and was about to spray water on the Suguanheding, when suddenly there was a high-heel tap behind her. The sound of hitting the ground.

  As soon as she turned her head, a slap fell heavily on her face.

  She couldn't stand steadily, and her body hit the coffee table.


  With the crisp sound of porcelain falling to the ground, Xiaoju was stunned.

   It's over!

  8 million orchids were dropped!

Seeing Xiaoju lying on the coffee table in a daze, Zhao Meimei thought she had been beaten into a daze, and immediately scolded: "Bitch, how dare you betray me, don't think I dare not treat you because you climbed a high branch how are you.

  Let me tell you, I want to kill you as easy as crushing an ant! "

   The two had a lot of trouble, and soon other employees of the company came to check.

  It's no secret that Lin Qianxiao bought a pot of orchids for 8 million yuan and put them in the office.

  A female employee surrounded by the door saw the broken flowerpot on the ground and exclaimed, "Oh my God, Mr. Jiang's flower is broken!"

  Zhao Meimei frowned and looked at the flower pot that fell on the ground, then turned her head to stare at the staff at the door, "Why are you yelling, what's the fuss about a pot of flowers."

  Zhao Meimei has been the first sister of the company for many years and has accumulated power for a long time. Seeing her lose her temper, everyone immediately fell silent.

  Xiaoju recovered from her sluggishness, got up and immediately took out her phone to send Lin Qianxiao a WeChat message.

  Zhao Meimei snatched her mobile phone and smashed it to the ground.

  Xiaoju was stunned, "Sister Meimei, what are you going to do?"

  Zhao Meimei raised her heel, stepped on the cracked phone screen, and crushed it back and forth.

  The mobile phone and the floor tiles make toothache sounds.

  Seeing Xiaoju's face turned red and white, Zhao Meimei felt very happy, "I gave you this phone when you were still working as my assistant, so what's wrong with me taking it back now?"

  Xiaoju is not a person who is good at quarreling, and she was so angry that tears rolled in her eyes.

  Zhao Meimei sneered, turned around with a proud face, and was about to leave.

  Xiaoju hurried forward to stop him.

  Zhao Meimei's face turned cold, "Bitch, do you dare to stop me? Haven't you received enough slaps?"

   As he spoke, he swung his palm again as a gesture.

  Xiaoju didn't back down, it didn't matter if she got slapped a few times, but Lanhua couldn't be so slapped for nothing!

   "Sister Meimei, you dropped Boss Jiang's orchid. I was about to spray water on the orchid, but you suddenly made a move on me, so I couldn't stand still and knocked down the orchid."

  Zhao Meimei took it for granted, "So what? How much is a pot of flowers worth, Xiaoju, have you left me so miserable? You can't even get the money for a pot of flowers?"

   As she spoke, she slowly took out her wallet, pulled out a few banknotes and threw them at Xiaoju's feet.

   "Take it to buy flowers, and the rest will be your medical expenses."

  Xiaoju laughed.

  Zhao Meimei's expression turned cold instantly, "What are you laughing at?"

  Xiaoju was extremely happy in her heart.

  She deliberately told the ins and outs just now, and Zhao Meimei also readily admitted that the staff at the door can help to testify.

  Responsibility for breaking the orchid, Zhao Meimei can't afford it!

   "Sister Meimei, I forgot to tell you that this pot of orchids is called Suguan Heding, and Mr. Jiang bought it for 8 million yuan."

   Zhao Meimei's first reaction was to not believe it, what kind of broken flower would sell for 8 million.

  She stared at Xiaoju with a gloomy face, "Are you blackmailing me?"

  The staff at the door whispered, "Sister Meimei, it's true, this potted flower really cost 8 million."

  (end of this chapter)

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