The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 591: Let her pay 20 million

  Chapter 591 Let her pay 20 million

   "Yes, Suguan Heding is a very rare orchid species, and it is difficult to buy outside."

   "I heard that when this flower was first cultivated, it was sold for a sky-high price of 15 million."

  Hearing the staff's chattering additions, Zhao Meimei hurriedly turned around to look at the orchid that fell to the ground.

  A small plant with crystal-clear petals, beautiful flowers and elegant appearance.

  Although Zhao Meimei is not short of money, but if she really wants to spend 8 million, it is undoubtedly cutting flesh and blood.

   Now she is blocked by Jiang and Shu, she can't even get a job, and now she can't go in and out every day, she doesn't even dare to buy luxury goods casually, so she is willing to spend 8 million to pay for this pot of flowers.

  She turned around and pointed at Xiaoju sternly, "You threw the flower on the ground yourself, so what's none of my business? Go away!"

  Of course Xiaoju will not let Zhao Meimei leave.

  The 8 million flowers were dropped, and I can't afford to sell her.

  She grabbed Zhao Meimei. Zhao Meimei was not a vegetarian either.

   "Mr. Shi."

  Hearing the greetings one after another, Zhao Meimei and Xiaoju looked towards the door at the same time.

  Seeing Shi Yu holding a delicate and beautiful little boy in his hand, standing at the door frowning, Xiaoju ran forward as if he had found a backbone, and explained the ins and outs with red eyes.

  Zhao Meimei defended herself with an ugly face, "I just came in and said a few words to her, who knew that she didn't stand firm, and she fell and knocked down Lanhua."

  Xiaoju complained angrily: "It's obvious that you attacked me suddenly, so I didn't stand firm."

   As she spoke, Xiaoju parted her hair, revealing the left side of her face.

  A pink palm print appeared impressively.

  Zhao Meimei had calmed down at this time, and sneered at Xiaoju: "You said I hit you, what evidence do you have? Who knows if you slapped yourself and tried to blame me."

  Xiaoju never expected that the other party would be so brazen, and she was so angry that tears rolled in her eyes.

  Lin Qianxiao and Jiang Zhi went on their honeymoon, and left the milk tea to Shi Yu to look after.

  The kindergarten has been mowing the lawn for the past few days, and there are no classes. Shiyu has a meeting today, so he went to Jiang's with milk tea.

  Milk Tea is young and curious about everything. After visiting Jiang’s office building, he wants to visit the place where his mother works.

  So, after the meeting, Shi Yu took him around, who would have thought that this would happen.

  If it was an ordinary flower, it would fall if it fell, but this pot of orchid was bought for 8 million. Lin Qianxiao took good care of it every day, and posted it on Moments from time to time to show off, it is more precious than treating her son Milk Tea.

   Shi Yu also had a headache for a while, took out her phone and planned to talk to Lin Qian with a smile, to see how she could solve it.

  Milk Tea knew how much his mother liked this potted flower, so he was a little jealous at first.

  Later, my mother said that she would cultivate the orchid into a spirit and treat him as a "sister".

  He thinks his sister is a good thing, and he is looking forward to her becoming a refined person.

   But now, his "sister" was thrown!

  Milk Tea's little face was tense, and her black jewel-like eyeballs shot at Zhao Meimei like arrows.

  This bad woman deliberately sabotaged mother's wedding last time, and now she has dropped mother's favorite flower, his "sister", it is simply hateful!

   "Old aunt, you said that sister Xiaoju slapped herself, what evidence do you have?"

  Who raises a son like whom.

  Although Milk Tea is usually silly, she is no less eloquent than Lin Qianxiao.

  Zhao Meimei was so angry that her face turned blue.

  The difference between her and Xiaoju is only 3 or 4 years old, and she is well maintained. She has received water-based injections and medical aesthetics for many years. Her skin is white and thin, so tender that water can be squeezed out, and she looks younger than Xiaoju.

  But Xiao Pohai actually called her Old Auntie, and Xiaoju called Sister?

   It's unreasonable!

  Xiaoxiao Film and Television is in the entertainment industry, and the internal office atmosphere is not as serious as Jiang's. Hearing that something happened here, many employees came to watch the fun, and soon alarmed the other two vice presidents of the company.

  He Xue arrived at the scene first. Seeing the employees gathered together, she frowned, "What are you doing here? Are you done with the work?"

  Seeing He Xue, the staff instinctively panicked.

  He Xue is in charge of personnel administration. She formulates the company's rules and regulations by herself, and she is very authoritative in the company.

  The most important thing is that He Xue can decide their salary and treatment, and no one dares to mess with her.

   After everyone dispersed, He Xue walked into the office and was taken aback when she saw the broken flowerpot.

"what happened?"

  Xiaoju told the story again.

  After listening, He Xue looked at Zhao Meimei at the side, and then at Shi Yu.

  Seeing that Shiyu was on the phone, she didn't disturb her.

  Subsequently, Yang Jian and several other senior managers also came.

  When they came, they heard people say that Zhao Meimei made a big fuss in the CEO's office and dropped the orchid that Mr. Jiang bought for 8 million.

   It is not too surprising to see the mess on the ground.

   "Meimei, tell me, what can't be said about you, what can I do now, this pot of orchids is Mr. Jiang's favorite, and it fell like this, this, can this be saved?"

  Hearing Yang Jian's words, Zhao Meimei's mind cleared up.

   That’s right, just break the flowerpot, and find another flowerpot to plant the flowers in, right?

  Thinking of this, Zhao Meimei immediately took out her mobile phone and asked her assistant to find a gardener to come to the company.

  Here, Lin Qianxiao was taking a shower, and it was Jiang Zhi who answered the phone.

  After hearing what happened, Jiang Zhi's eyes showed a cold look, "Tell Zhao Meimei, either keep the 20 million compensation for the loss, or see you in court. If it goes to court, I guarantee that she will pay more than this amount."

  Shiyu took a breath.

  Good guy, is this a scam on Zhao Meimei?

   Flowers purchased for 8 million yuan have almost tripled after half a month?

  Shi Yu knew that his brother was ruthless and good at doing business, but he opened his mouth to claim 20 million, which greatly refreshed his bottom line.

  Shi Yu turned around, covered the microphone and whispered, "Does it have to be so ruthless?"

  Jiang Zhi snorted coldly, "She wants to hit the gun herself, so she can't blame others. It's also good for the people in the company to remember. Not everyone can break into her office."

   Speaking of this point, Shi Yu made it clear that Brother Dog took it seriously.

   Well, anyway, this matter has nothing to do with him, he is just a messenger.

  He Xue and Yang Jian and several senior managers are paying attention to Shiyu's movements.

  Seeing that he finished talking on the phone, Yang Jian asked quickly: "Mr. Shi, what did Mr. Jiang say?"

  Shi Yu collected himself, met the eyes of everyone, and said calmly: "Zhao Meimei, Ah Zhi said, either you lose money or see you in court."


  Poor concentration couldn't help but gasp.

  Yang Jian was also shocked, "Compensation is based on the original price of 8 million."

   Shi Yu touched his nose, "No."

   Not good enough.

  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

   Unexpectedly, Jiang Zhi was rumored to be indifferent and cruel, but in fact he still had a bit of a human touch.

  Although the flower pot fell, the damage to the flower seedlings is not serious. Please ask a good gardener to cultivate it well, maybe it will bloom again next year.

  (end of this chapter)

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