The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 610: Mother and Daughter Have Their Own Minds (Third Watch)

  Chapter 610 Mother and daughter have their own thoughts (third watch)

  Zhao Meimei is not in a hurry, "Think about it carefully, whether to give up money to be free, or to sit in prison. By the way, you don't think that the Wen family and Shi family will forgive you after you have been in prison for so many years, right?

  I can guarantee that even if you behave well, it is impossible to get a chance to reduce your sentence.

   Calculated, you will be 77 years old when you get out of prison, and the premise is that you can live to this time. "

  So, even if you cling to the monstrous wealth and don't let go, you may not necessarily have a life in the end.

  Lin Fengjiao's face turned pale instantly.

   "Think about it carefully, and call me when you think it through."

  Lin Fengjiao looked at the other party hesitantly, "Do you know Wen Yu?"

  She originally wanted to rot in her stomach what happened 30 years ago, but after Wen Yu met her, she kept asking about her biological father. As a last resort, she had to tell Wen Yu the truth.

  Wen Yu has no reason to tell this matter to the outside world, but how did the person in front of her know?

  Zhao Meimei said a few more things about her and Lin Fengjiao conspiring against Lin Qianxiao.

   And these, originally only the mother and daughter knew.

  At this moment, Lin Fengjiao reluctantly believes that Zhao Meimei is her daughter.

  She looked horrified and excited, "You, are you really Xiaoyu?"

  Zhao Meimei smiled slightly, "Mom, you used to call me by my nickname."

  Tears welled up in Lin Fengjiao's eyes, and she choked up and said, "My dear, is it really you? You, how did you become like this?"

   "It's a long story, we'll talk about it when you come out." Zhao Meimei looked at her watch, seeing that time was running out, "From now on, you will be my godmother, and I will be your goddaughter.

  Mom, I need money urgently now, so you should transfer the real estate under my name to my name first.

  Don't worry, when you come out, I will take care of you. "

  Lin Fengjiao hesitated, "Then what should we do now?"

  Zhao Meimei explained the plan quickly, "I'll bring a lawyer over in a few days, you transfer the villa and shop to me first, and we'll talk about the rest when you come out."

  Hearing that she only wanted a villa and shop, Lin Fengjiao was slightly relieved.

  Annoyance flashed across Zhao Meimei's eyes.

  She knew very well that Lin Fengjiao would not easily return all her property to her, so she proposed only the villa and shop.

  After leaving the prison, Zhao Meimei immediately contacted a lawyer she knew well.

   At the same time, Jiang Zhi immediately received the feedback from the investigators.

   Right now, Jiang Zhi and Lin Qianxiao are nestling in the study of the apartment.

  Jiang Zhi was busy sitting behind the desk, while Lin Qianxiao was sitting in the hanging basket, reviewing last month's salary statement with her laptop in her arms.

  Under the new incentive system, the salary expenditure of the staff has more than doubled than before. This is a lot of expenses. As the president, she must take care of it carefully.

  After reviewing, Lin Qianxiao put down the laptop, raised her hand and rubbed her eyes.

  Seeing her movements, Jiang Zhi's eyes warmed slightly, "Do you want to go out with you for a walk?"

  Lin Qian smiled and tilted her head to look at him, "Where are you going?"

"what ever."

  Lin Qian smiled and thought about it, and said a little happily: "Honey, let's go to the movies, and we'll go to Yue Yue's restaurant for dinner tonight."

"it is good."

  On the way, thinking that she hadn't seen Bai Shuangshuang for a long time, Lin Qianxiao called Bai Shuangshuang.

   "Shuangshuang, are you free tonight? Let me treat you to dinner, Huang Shanghuang Healthy Soup Pot, and I will introduce you to a friend by the way."

  Bai Shuangshuang hesitated for a moment, "Ziming and I have made arrangements to go out for dinner tonight."

  Lin Qian smiled and blinked indifferently, "Can't you take him with you?"

"All right."

   Make an appointment with Bai Shuangshuang, and Lin Qianxiao asks Shu Yue, "You can bring Chen Liyan here too, I happen to be acquainted with Shuangshuang and Wen Ziming."

  Shu Yue readily agreed, "Which store do you want to go to?"

  Lin Qian smiled and thought about it, "Which store has the best environment?"

   "It's almost the same, the one on the pedestrian street, the store over there is newly renovated, and the parking is convenient."

   "Okay, you give me the address, and I'll send it to Shuangshuang."

   After watching the movie, Lin Qianxiao and Jiang Zhi went directly to Huang Shanghuang.

  Shu Yue is a student and has a lot of time, so she arrived at the store early to arrange private rooms and dishes.

  Bai Shuangshuang and Wen Ziming just got off work and are driving here.

  This will be the rush hour for get off work, and the road will be relatively congested, and it will take about 40 minutes.

  Shu Yue took Lin Qianxiao to get her nails done, and left Jiang Zhi and Chen Liyan in the private room to drink tea.

   "Honey, I booked a yacht yesterday."

  Lin Qian smiled a little surprised, "Do you like to drive a yacht?"

  Shu Yue's peach blossom eyes provoked a smile, "I didn't open it, it was a gift."

  Seeing the other party's rippling smile, Lin Qian understood with a smile, "To Chen Liyan?"

   "Uh huh, his birthday is on the 21st. The seller said that it will arrive in half a month. I hope it will arrive in time."


  Lin Qianxiao suddenly thought that next month is Jiang Zhi's birthday.

  She asked Shu Yue to help her with what gift she wanted to give Jiang Zhi.

  Shu Yue thought for a while, "Your man has a wealth of wealth, a harmonious family, and a harmonious life. The only thing missing is probably a son? I mean his own."

  Lin Qian smiled and replied casually, "It's not like you can get pregnant if you want to."

   "As long as you have money, you can get pregnant if you really want to. How about it? Do you want to get pregnant quietly and surprise everyone?"

   Now the technology of test tube baby is very mature, not only the success rate is high, but also the gender can be freely determined.

  However, she has a different constitution, which cannot be solved by ordinary medical technology at all.

   "Forget it, I don't want to have a baby yet."

  Shu Yue didn't persuade much, and blinked ambiguously, "Then why don't you also buy a yacht? We will make an appointment to go to sea to fight sea battles together in the future."

  Lin Qian smiled for 0.5 seconds, "Okay."

   While doing manicures, Lin Qianxiao successfully placed an order for a large luxury yacht with three floors and 6 rooms. She can take several families out to sea at the same time.

  The total price of the yacht was 11 million, and she didn't have enough money in her wallet. In order to surprise Jiang Zhi, she didn't use Jiang Zhi's credit card, but borrowed some from Shu Yue.

  The two returned to the box, Bai Shuangshuang and Wen Ziming had already arrived.

   After introducing each other to the two parties, the meal officially began.

   I don't know if it's because there are so many people and the atmosphere is good, or because the flavor of the health-preserving soup pot is strong enough, Lin Qianxiao drank five bowls of soup in one night, and her belly was full.

  Back home, Lin Qian smiled and lay on the sofa, asking Jiang Zhi to rub her stomach.

  While rubbing, Jiang Zhi told her about Zhao Meimei.

  Hearing that Zhao Meimei actually went to prison to meet Lin Fengjiao, Lin Qian sat up from the sofa with a smile, "Honey, is she really Wen Yu?"

  Seeing that she was nervous, Jiang Zhi held her face in his palm and comforted her softly: "Don't worry, her every move is under my control, she can't do anything."

  Lin Qianxiao frowned slightly and held his big hand on the side of her face, "Honey, she can't hurt me now, but I'm afraid she will hurt you.

  Wen Yu is a lunatic, I really can't figure it out, she is such a sinister and vicious woman, she can be the protagonist in the book, God is blind, right? "

  The next day, Jiang Zhi took advantage of Chen Haibing's relationship to get the surveillance footage of Zhao Meimei and Lin Fengjiao's meeting.

   End of the third update~

good evening



  (end of this chapter)

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