The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 611: confirmed

  Chapter 611 confirmed

  Through the interpretation and research of professional lip language experts, Jiang Zhi obtained the complete conversation between Zhao Meimei and Lin Fengjiao.

  The guess was confirmed, Lin Qianxiao didn't recover for a while.

  Jiang Zhi hugged her from behind, gently kissed her slender and tender neck, Ba Yin softly comforted her: "Don't worry, I won't give her another chance to hurt us."

   "But she will hurt other people, isn't Zhong Qin almost killed by her?"

  Jiang Zhi is indifferent and cold-blooded in his bones, and the life and death of outsiders is not in his consideration at all.

  But in order not to upset the woman in his arms, he said along the way: "I ordered someone to monitor her 24 hours a day, and her every move is under our control."

  Lin Qian turned around with a smile, raised her head slightly and looked at him, her clear brows and eyes were full of distress, "But this is not the way, there is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days."

  Jiang Zhi clasped her waist with his palms, letting her body lean against him, his brows and eyes were gentle, but his words were extremely cruel.

   "Her fate is in your hands, Xiaoxiao, it's up to you to decide whether she lives or dies."

  Lin Qian smiled and thought about it, "It's better for her to be alive. If she is killed, if she is reborn on someone else, wouldn't it be more troublesome?"


   "But she can't be allowed to do harm to others like this. Let me ask Shu Yue. Wen Yu occupies her body and identity. Let her make the decision."

   After discussing it, Lin Qianxiao immediately called Shu Yue and asked her to meet.

  Wen Yu's existence is like a ticking time bomb, it might explode one day, so it has to be dealt with as soon as possible.

   Knowing that the person occupying her body and identity is Wen Yu, Shu Yue is also shocked.

  Although she has no connection with Wen Yu, she basically knows everything Wen Yu has done.

  Such a vicious and insidious woman survived with her own identity, and it was impossible not to feel conflicted in her heart.

  Shu Yue smiled bitterly at Lin Qian, "Do you really want to kill Zhao Meimei right now?"

  Wen Yu not only maliciously tarnished Lin Qianxiao's reputation, but also coveted Mrs. Jiang's position, poisoned Lin Qianxiao's food for a long time, and made multiple designs to destroy Lin Qianxiao's innocence.

   "No, I hope she lives, who knows if she will be reborn to other people after she dies."

  Shu Yue felt that Lin Qianxiao was too nervous, "It is already bizarre enough to encounter this kind of thing once, how could it happen again."

  Lin Qian smiled and shook her head, and reminded with a serious expression: "Yueyue, don't underestimate Wen Yu, this woman is evil, and her methods are vicious, we are Yu, there is no need to confront a rotten tile like her head-on."

  Shu Yue nodded thoughtfully, "It makes sense, don't worry, I won't act rashly."

   As she spoke, she hesitated, "Liuli, what do you think of her?"

   "I didn't think about it, Yueyue, she occupies your life, you decide."

  Shu Yue was not polite to her, "Okay, let me think about it."


  Shu Yue is not a procrastination person either. After serious consideration, she went to Zhao's house that night.

  Shu Yue is a frequent visitor to Zhao's house. Zhao's mother was very happy to see her, "Yueyue is here, sit down quickly, I'm preparing to make dinner, you can go back after eating."

  Shu Yue smiled, "Godmother, I'm here to make money, so you still want me to tell it? Save some face for me."

   Mother Zhao was amused, and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner with a smile.

  Zhao Minmin picked up the apple on the coffee table, peeled it, and handed it to Shu Yue after peeling.

  Shu Yue took it without politeness, "Your knife skills are getting better and better. You can peel the apples quickly and thinly, and you can still keep the whole strip unbroken. I don't know which brat will be cheaper in the future."

  Zhao Minmin was amused by her old-fashioned tone, so she pursed her lips and chuckled, "Oh, you are only two years older than me, and you always act like you are much older than me."

  The apple was fragrant and sweet, Shu Yue ate it with relish, and pretended to ask casually: "Minmin, hasn't your eldest sister been back recently?"

  The smile on Zhao Minmin's face faded, "She rarely comes back once a year."

  Shu Yue concentrated on eating the apple and didn't make a sound.

   When it was almost 7 o'clock, Zhao Hong came back from get off work and put a kraft paper bag on the coffee table.

  The air exudes a tempting aroma of roast goose.

  Shu Yue pursed her lips and chuckled, "From Gujing?"

  Zhao Hong hummed, "I don't have any food at home, and I didn't have time to go to the vegetable market to buy it. I happened to pass by this store and went in to buy half a roast goose."

   As he spoke, he looked at Zhao Minmin, who was looking at him eagerly, with a funny expression on his face, "Don't worry, I haven't forgotten your white-cut chicken."

  Zhao Minmin was so happy that his eyes narrowed, "Thank you brother."

  Mother Zhao fried two dishes, stewed papaya and crucian carp soup, plus crispy and mellow roast goose, tender and delicious white-cut chicken, a simple and rich dinner.

  After dinner, Shu Yue helped Zhao's mother clean up the dishes, and Shu Yue called the Zhao family into the living room.

   "Actually, there is something that I have kept in my heart for a long time, and I have never found a suitable opportunity to tell you..."

  Shu Yue told how Zhao Meimei framed Zhong Qin.

  Mother Zhao, Zhao Hong, and Zhao Minmin are all down-to-earth ordinary people. When they suddenly heard that their daughter (big sister) did such a dirty thing, they were all shocked and ashamed.

  The person Zhao Minmin admired the most since childhood was her elder sister.

  Because of family changes, Zhao Meimei had to work hard in the entertainment industry before graduating from high school to earn money to support her family.

   For quite a long time, the whole family was supported by Zhao Meimei alone.

  What she remembers most is that in the first year of junior high school, the school had to pay 600 yuan for teaching materials, but the family couldn't afford it, so she had to go to the elder sister Zhao Meimei.

  Before that, she always knew that her elder sister worked very hard to make money, but it really existed in her imagination.

That day was a rare cooling day in S City. She felt the cold wind and bones in a down jacket, but her eldest sister was soaked in cold water wearing only a thin skirt. Her lips and skin were black and purple from the cold, which affected the shooting effect. He bowed his head and apologized to the director and staff.

  At that time, she was in tears.

   Finally finished the work and got paid 800 yuan, the eldest sister gave her 700 yuan on the spot.

  In recent years, the eldest sister has become more and more popular, earning more and more money, and spending less and less time to go home.

  Although she and her family were unhappy, they couldn't blame each other for anything.

   After all, for this family, the eldest sister has already sacrificed too much.

  Zhao Minmin bowed her head uncomfortably, "Eldest sister must have some unavoidable difficulties."

  Before she saw the Weibo post by the older sister, she made a special call to care, but the older sister just said that she was too tired and wanted to take a break, so she hung up the phone.

  She never expected that the truth would be so unbearable.

  Shu Yue shook each other's hand comfortingly, then turned to look at Mother Zhao and Zhao Hong.

   Zhao Hong is a man who has been working outside for two years, and his thinking is relatively mature and calm, "Why did the eldest sister do this?"

  Zhong Qin is Zhao Meimei's bole, even the fans know this.

  He really couldn't figure out what was the motive for his elder sister to frame his manager.

   Zhao's mother was also full of doubts, "Yes, Meimei and Zhong Qin have always had a good relationship these years, is there any misunderstanding?"

  (end of this chapter)

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