The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 631: Spring Breeze Once (4000 words)

  Chapter 631 Spring Breeze Once (4000 words)


  Shenjun Ronghua still doesn’t know that his daughter mistook Yuxu for Ziyang.

   Before Rong Hua could finish speaking, Zi Yang interrupted softly: "The Immortal Master misunderstood."


  Rong Hua looked at "Shangshen Yuxu" suspiciously.

  Ziyang imitated Yuxu's style, with slanted eyebrows and a wicked smile, "I am the one who bet with Ling Ai."

  Rong Hua was stunned for a moment, and quickly reacted and clasped his fists together, "My little girl is reckless and rude, I am here to apologize to God on her behalf."

   Ziyang lifted his long sleeves lightly, and a majestic and soft force straightened Ronghua's body, "No problem, Lingai has a pure character, and the fairy master and madam have raised her very well."

  Hearing God Yuxu boasting about his daughter, Rong Hua was both terrified and proud, and humbled himself.

  The two came and went, chatting very speculatively, and they arrived at the place where the banquet was held before they knew it.

   In addition to Rong Hua, the companions are several other gods from the fairy world.

  After introducing everyone one by one, the banquet officially started.

  In this kind of occasion, singing and dancing are naturally indispensable.

  A group of beautiful dancers in tulle skirts walked slowly to the dance floor in front of them.

  The fairy music started, and the dancers began to dance with their hips and waists twisted.

  The tea that Ziyang just drank into his mouth almost didn't spit out.

  "Little Apple" square dance.

  Others watched it with gusto, after all, they had never seen it before, and found it fresh.

  Seeing that "Shangshen Yuxu" had a different expression, Rong Hua explained with a smile: "This dance was specially arranged by the little girl for Shangshen."

  Lin Qianxiao felt from the bottom of her heart that for someone like Yuxu who was tired of work and liked to have fun, he should like the funny square dance like "Little Apple".

  Ziyang sent out a compliment against his will, "It's very interesting."

  Rong Hua signaled to the maidservants to bring up the prepared wine and food.

  As the light blue wine was poured into the cup, a strong aroma of wine permeated the air.

   "This is Neeko's self-brewed spirit rice wine. It is added with purple ginseng and Tianxiang bamboo. It not only nourishes qi and nourishes the body, but also is sweet and mellow. Let God try it."

"it is good."

  Zi Yang picked up the wine glass and drank it. After savoring carefully, his eyebrows and eyes stretched, "The taste is soft and the aftertaste is sweet. It is indeed a good wine."

  Rong Hua beamed with joy and quickly motioned for the fairy servant to go up again.

   After tasting the wine, it's time to eat delicious food.

  At this level of cultivation, eating is no longer to satisfy appetite, but more a form and etiquette.

  Seeing the delicacies served one after another, Ziyang suddenly felt that only 45,000 years of sealing Yuxu was too little.

  Honey sauce pork ribs, fried spring rolls, fruit loaf, steamed buns, tea eggs, all the foods he used to make for Lin Qianxiao, but now she makes them as they are to please other men.

  Seeing his calm expression, Rong Hua thought that he didn't like these things, and explained: "These are all little things that the little girl fiddled with. If God doesn't like it, I'll ask someone to remove it and replace it with something else."

   "It's okay, it looks quite novel."

   After speaking, Ziyang picked up a small steamed bun and ate it.

  Ronghua felt relieved and took a small steamed bun to eat.

  Although he has eaten a lot in the past few days, he never gets tired of the things his daughter made.

  Satisfied with wine and food, Ronghua personally led Ziyang to the resting place, "God has come from a long distance, and the journey has been tiring. After you rest well, I will bring my wife to visit you."

   "I'm fine, you can bring Mrs. Ling over in half an hour."

  Rong Hua was both surprised and delighted, so excited that he couldn't even maintain the demeanor of the fairy master, "Then, then I will bring my wife over in an hour, so that God can take a rest."


  Watching Rong Hua leave happily, Zi Yang's lips curled slightly.

   Afterwards, he waved his hand to close the door, and placed a restraint casually. In the next second, the person had disappeared.


   "Oh, princess, you embroidered wrong again! The eyes of the phoenix should be made of gold thread, but you used red thread by mistake."

  Hearing Qingju's reminder, Lin Qianxiao threw down the embroidery needle annoyed, "Forget it, I won't embroider today."

  Qingju didn't force her, she put away the embroidery frame with a smile, "Princess, don't worry, God Yuxu is willing to travel thousands of miles to treat the mistress' injuries, and your request will definitely be granted."

  Lin Qian smiled dejectedly, holding her chin, "Shangshen Yuxu was entrusted by His Royal Highness the Holy Son to heal your mother. You don't even know how hateful this person is..."


  Qingzhu stepped in from the door and softly interrupted Lin Qianxiao, "Now God Yuxu is in the Kunlun Palace less than ten thousand miles away, be careful that the walls have ears."

  Lin Qian smiled guilty and closed her mouth.

  Qingzhu placed the freshly baked peach blossom cake and fruit tea in front of her, "Princess is tired after doing embroidery for a long time. This is specially baked peach blossom cake according to the method you taught. Princess, try it."

  Lin Qian smiled a little interested.

  She celebrated Jiang Zhi’s birthday before, she learned how to make a birthday cake, and wanted to eat it, but she was lazy, so she wrote down the method of making the cake and gave it to Qingzhu.

  Qingzhu's culinary attainments are outstanding. I just read the recipes she wrote, and she was able to bake soft and fluffy cakes.

  I think it took her almost a week to learn to use it.

  Lin Qianxiao picked up a piece of peach blossom cake, and was about to bite it off, when everything around her fell into a still state as if the pause button had been pressed.

  Ziyang appeared out of thin air, and walked up to Lin Qianxiao.


   After staring tenderly at the longing face for a long while, he lowered his head and covered the other's bright red lips.

  After the kiss, her black eyes fell on Lin Qianxiao's ruddy and slightly swollen lips, and she couldn't help but chuckle.

   Don't blame him for being anxious, it's been a long time since I saw him, and I miss him so much.

  Fingertips stroked gently, and Lin Qianxiao's lips immediately returned to normal.

  After that, Ziyang hugged him for a while, and was about to leave reluctantly, when his eyes suddenly fell on the peach blossom cake in Lin Qianxiao's hand.

   After a while, everything returned to normal.

  Lin Qian smiled and touched her lips in a strange way, so strange, why did she suddenly have a feeling of joy and excitement when kissing?

  Unable to figure it out, she shook her head and was too lazy to think about it. She lowered her head and was about to eat the cake, but found that someone had bitten her.

   "Qingju, did you steal my peach blossom cake?"

   "No." Qingju defended with a blank and aggrieved face, "Sister Qingzhu baked a big plate of peach blossom cake, even if I want to eat it, I don't need to grab the princess."

  Qingzhu confirmed: "Qingju has been by my side just now."

  Lin Qianxiao stared at the peach blossom cake in her hand that had been bitten by someone, puzzled, "I haven't eaten it yet, why did I bite it?"

   "Probably met a glutton."

  Lin Qianxiao is usually quirky and playful, Qingzhu Qingju thought she was joking, so she didn't think much of it.

  Lin Qian smiled and smacked her mouth twice to confirm that she had never eaten peach blossom cake, and her mouth had no taste at all.

  But she couldn't find any other reason, so she simply fed the peach blossom cake to Xiaoqing.


  According to the predetermined time, Ronghua took Lingluo to visit "Shangshen Yuxu".

  Looking at Lingluo Fairy Fairy, who was almost similar to Lin Qian's smiling face, Zi Yang subconsciously softened his tone, "There's no need to be formal."

  Ziyang inquired carefully about Lingluo's injuries.

  Before that, he actually knew about it from Lin Qianxiao, and also knew that Lingluo took out the ginseng fruit that she had kept for herself, and brought it to Lin Qianxiao for him to eat.

   With this kindness, he will try his best to heal the other party.

  After some careful investigation, the situation was similar to what he expected.

  Lingluo is a spiritual cultivator, and married the fairy lord Ronghua. When she gave birth to twins, her vitality was seriously injured. Later, she gave birth to Lin Qianxiao, the daughter of a fairy body.

  It’s like an airbag with a crack. If the crack is not repaired, the airbag will leak light one day.

   "This is Da Huan Pill. There are nine pills in total. Take one every three days. After a month, the injury will naturally heal."

  Ronghua and Lingluo were both stunned when they heard that it was Da Huan Dan.

  Da Huan Dan is not inferior to the sacred object of the fairy world - ginseng fruit.

   Not only has the effect of bringing the dead back to life, but it can also heal all internal and external injuries, and one piece can increase the cultivation base for thousands of years.

  For those cultivating immortals, the Da Huan Dan is simply a god-given medicine.

  And "Shangshen Yuxu" took out nine at a time!

  Ronghua pulled his wife Lingluo and was about to kneel down towards Ziyang, but Ziyang quickly blocked her back.

   "Thank you God, I, I really don't know how to appreciate God's generosity, but if I have any assignments in the future, I will definitely die."

  Ziyang said calmly: "Da Huan Dan is made by Ziyang."

  Ronghua was a little stunned.

   It's Ziyang High God again! ?

  God Ziyang saved his daughter, and now he saved his wife. Could it be that he did too many good deeds in his previous life, so he has such good luck in this life?

   "Then, after my wife's injury recovers, I will take my wife to Yuqing Realm to thank His Royal Highness Shengzi in person?"

   "No need, he is currently retreating, and will not leave the retreat in a short time."

  Rong Hua said hastily: "Then I would like to trouble God Yuxu to convey my thanks to His Royal Highness Shengzi. If I have a chance in the future, I will definitely go to Yuqing Realm to pay my respects."

  Ziyang's jaw should be lowered.

  After that, Rong Hua said some words of thanks again, and then he took his wife away.

  Ziyang placed the restraints casually, his face paled visible to the naked eye.

  He ate the holy blood fruit during the calamity, forcibly broke through the seal, returned to the holy land, and caused the retrograde flow of qi and blood.

   Later, he went to Yuxu to settle accounts, forcibly performed the Conferred God Technique, and exhausted his energy to refine the Great Return Pill, and then went to the Blackwater Swamp and Wuwutian to rescue the two disciples Guangcheng and Tingyue, and then came all the way here.

  At this time, he was seriously injured and needed to recuperate.

   Fortunately, the things that should be done have basically been done, so he can stay with his Xiaoxiao and help her practice while recovering from her injuries.

  After a little breathing adjustment, Ziyang came to Sanssouci Palace again.

  It was already midnight, and the white moon stone made the Sanssouci Palace look beautiful and quiet.

  Ziyang quietly appeared in front of Lin Qianxiao's bed, and placed restraints casually.

  In the haze, Lin Qianxiao felt as if she had fallen into a familiar and warm embrace.

  She opened her eyes sleepily, and sure enough, she saw the face of the man she had been thinking about day and night.

  At this time, she thought it was a dream, subconsciously leaned into the man's arms, and whispered: "Husband, I miss you so much..."

  Ziyang hugged the person in his arms tightly, kissed her forehead lightly, and coaxed softly: "I miss you too, go to sleep, good night, my smile."


  Lin Qian smiled and rubbed against his chest, then closed her eyes with satisfaction.

  With Ziyang's cultivation base, he has long since gotten rid of the shackles of a mortal body, even if he does not eat, drink or sleep for tens of thousands of years, he will be fine.

  But holding the one he loves at this moment, he feels unspeakably tired and relieved.

   Have a good night's sleep.

  The next day, the sun was high, Lin Qianxiao woke up suddenly, and immediately stretched out her hand to touch her side, feeling empty, feeling extremely disappointed.

   It's really a dream.

  The dream is too real.

  If she knew it was a dream, she shouldn't have just slept last night!

  At least I have to have a sexual dream...

  After breakfast, Lin Qianxiao set up the embroidery frame to embroider the wedding dress as usual.

  Tired from embroidery, I went to the back mountain to pick spirit fruits and came back to learn wine making.

  In the afternoon, Lingluo was busy with the affairs of the Hall of Liangyi, and came to give her instructions on embroidery, and by the way, told about the Great Return of the Pill.

  At this time, Lin Qianxiao didn't know that it was Yuxu who bet with her, and Lingluo didn't know the oolong.

   Knowing that Ziyang Shangshen took out Da Huan Dan, which was comparable to ginseng fruit, to treat Lingluo, and even nine pills in one shot, Lin Qianxiao was stunned.

   After redeeming her son, Ziyang, the **** of death and decline, will not use this as a condition to force her to marry him, right?

   "Mother, did High God Yuxu say what conditions High God Ziyang has?"

Lingluo shook her head, and seeing Lin Qian smiling with panic, she couldn't help comforting her, "Although the God of Yuxu doesn't talk much, he is easy-going. In a few days, your father will find a way to mention you to the God of Yuxu , it might work.”

  Lin Qian smiled and thought about it, "Mother, I'm not in a hurry, let's wait until your injury recovers."

  Anyway, she will not marry Ziyang Shangshen after she dies.

  Even if the other party wants to go back on his word at that time, the Da Huan Pill has already been eaten by mother! He can still force his mother to spit it out!

  Lingluo thought that her daughter cared about her body, and secretly made up her mind to help her achieve her wish no matter what.

  After Lingluo left, Lin Qianxiao was in no mood to embroider her wedding gown, and lay down on the beauties in the bookstore in a daze.

  In the evening, Ziyang searched for his breath and found the bookstore. Before he got close, he heard Lin Qianxiao, who was sleeping soundly, raving: "Ziyang, you are a badass, I will never marry you even if I die..."


  He understood almost instantly that Lin Qianxiao must not know Yuxu's identity yet.

   A moment later, he walked up to the beauty's bed, bent down to carry her back to the bedroom, but Lin Qianxiao who was on the bed suddenly opened her eyes.

  Ziyang was slightly stunned, but before he could make a sound, Lin Qianxiao suddenly grinned.

   "Ah, husband, I dreamed about you again!"


  Lin Qianxiao raised her hand to hook his neck, and climbed up his body with her legs, "Honey, I want to have a sexual dream tonight..."

"…it is good."


   The next day, Lin Qianxiao was woken up by Qingju.

Seeing her eyes opened, Qingju smiled and squatted in front of Beauty Tuo, "Princess, you have been getting more and more sleepy lately. You slept until the sun was up yesterday, and you have been sleeping until now today. If I don't call you, will you have to sleep?" Did you sleep until noon?"

   "What time is it?"

  As soon as she opened her mouth, she found that her voice was so hoarse that Qingju was so frightened that she thought she was sick.

   It wasn't until drinking the honey tea that moistened the throat that the voice slowly returned to normal.

  After dinner, Lin Qianxiao lay drowsily in the yard basking in the sun, still thinking about last night's dream.

  Clearly there is no discomfort in the body, but the voice is hoarse.

   Could it be that she accidentally yelled out while dreaming?

   Today I’m working on the submission of new articles, it took me a while, and 4000 more



  (end of this chapter)

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