The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Vol 1000 Chapter 632: Repay you by being a cow or a horse (6000 words)

  Chapter 632 Repaying You by Doing a Good Job (6000 words)

  Lin Qian couldn't help but glow with enthusiasm on her smiling face.

  The feeling in the dream was so real that she felt hot and heartbeat just thinking about it, as if she had experienced it herself.

   I wonder if Jiang Zhi ever dreamed of her?

  Lin Qianxiao closed her eyes, clasped her hands together and silently made a wish, hoping that Jiang Zhi could dream of her.

   It is not possible to meet in reality, but it is also good to meet in a dream.


  Jiang Family Villa.

   It has been a full month since Jiang Zhi left.

  Jiang Zhi had arranged everything before leaving. Everyone thought that Jiang Zhi took his wife and children to live abroad and would not be back in a short time.

  Shi Yu moved to live in a villa. In order for the milk tea to go out to meet people, Shi Yu changed a new identity for the milk tea—Lin Lingqi.

  Lin Lingqi's household registration was placed under Shi Yu's name, and now Shi Yu is Lin Lingqi's adoptive father in the legal sense.

  Lin was taken from Lin Qianxiao's surname, and Qi was taken from Milk Tea's seven-tailed fairy fox. In the end, it became Lin Lingqi, which was purely a whimsical coincidence.

   "Xiao Qi, don't you miss your parents at all?"

   A month passed, and Shi Yu couldn't recover from the sadness that his brother and younger siblings went to another world, and he felt sleepy every day.

   On the contrary, milk tea, the left-behind person, no, little fox, still eats, drinks, sleeps, and has fun every day, without being affected at all.

  Milk Tea manipulated her own character and easily harvested the heads of the enemy camp without raising her head:

"I'm not a child anymore, and like our fairy fox clan, I was born with a lifespan of tens of thousands of years. Now that I have successfully promoted to Nanwei, my lifespan has doubled. Compared with the next hundred thousand years, my lifespan has doubled. Decades in the world are considered vacations.”

  Shi Yu: “…”

   "Can you consider my feelings when you speak?"

  Milk Tea glanced at him, and said earnestly: "Godfather, the most important thing in life is to be happy. You don't live long in the first place, and it's not worth wasting time on unnecessary sadness?"

  Shi·Life is not long·Yu: "Are you trying to **** me off so that you can inherit my inheritance as soon as possible?"

  Milk tea quit the game, "Are you hungry, I'll order takeaway."


  Even if you are angry, you have to eat enough to have strength, "I want to eat shark fin for rice!"

  After Jiang Zhi left, Uncle Xu fell ill.

   I am getting old, I can't bear to be separated and sad, and I haven't had a good rest these years. Although I am not seriously ill, my spirit has always been poor, so Shiyu took Uncle Xu for a long vacation.

  During this period of time, the family only hired part-time cleaning workers, and the two of them either had take-out meals or went home for dinner.

   After ordering takeaway, the milk tea stopped playing games.

   "Godfather, isn't it good now? If I leave too, what will you do alone?"

   A few words, Shi Yu almost burst into tears.

   That's right, Jiang Zhi even took away Lin Qianxiao's favorite orchids, but left only the milk tea.

  He was afraid that he would be too lonely.

Seeing that Shiyu didn't speak, Milk Tea moved to his side and patted him on the shoulder, "Godfather, don't think too much about it, get married if you want to get married, if you don't want to get married, and my cheap son will accompany you until you grow old, don't worry , I will not let you grow old without a home."

  Shi Yu's lips moved, "Milk tea, don't you want to return to the fairyland early? You are here, and you can't practice without companions. You are wasting time eating, drinking and having fun all day long."

   "Although the fairy fox clan has a long lifespan, it takes at least tens of thousands of years to cultivate a tail. It is pure luck that I can be promoted to the seven tails so quickly.

  I don't need to be like my mother, who needs to meditate in the fairy world full of aura. I can also practice in this world. "

   Shi Yu was dubious, "Then why have I never seen you practice?"

   "Although I belong to the fairy fox family, I also belong to the demon cultivator. The demon cultivator mainly cultivates inner alchemy by absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon."

   Shi Yu was confused, "So?"

   "I usually practice at night."

  Shi Yu showed his old father's concern on his face, "You are still in childhood, won't sleeplessness affect your growth and development?"

   "It's enough for me to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon. It's fine if I don't eat, drink or sleep for a few years."


   Also, fairies grow up drinking dew, and the fairy fox grows up by absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, so there is nothing wrong with it.

  The two chatted for a while, and the takeaway arrived.

   Two servings of shark fin rice, one serving of fried rice with crab roe, one serving of roast goose, one serving of boiled chicken, two servings of stir-fried vegetables, and one serving of soup.

  Looking at the sumptuous table of meals, Shiyu looked at the milk tea with chopsticks, "Didn't you say that absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon is enough, what else do you eat?"

  Milk Tea asked casually, "Then you are full after eating, why do you still smoke and drink?"

  Shi Yu: “…”

  So, absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon is for survival, and eating is for spiritual enjoyment?

   After dinner, the two of them didn't bother to clean up. Anyway, the trade union came at noon.

  At 3:30, the hourly worker hadn't come yet, but an unexpected visitor came.

  Nan Gongqian walked into the living room, stared at the milk tea on the sofa for a long time, and walked forward sullenly.

   "Brother 07, hasn't the milk tea come back yet?"

  Milk Tea glanced at Nangong Qian, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart, but her face remained calm, "He must be busy."

   Nangongqian kicked the carpet under her feet, pouted her mouth in dissatisfaction, "What is he busy with?"

   "Busy playing."

   As we get closer, I feel more and more that the little brother in front of me looks like her milk tea.

  The eyebrows are similar, the eyes are similar, the mouth is similar, and even the tone of speech is similar.

   Except for the difference in height and age, the others are like carved out of a mold!

  Nan Gongqian subconsciously walked over and sat next to the boy.

   "Brother 07, why don't you even play games when the milk tea is out of the country?"

  In order not to reveal his secrets, milk tea doesn't even play with the king, and now he is addicted to eating chicken.

   "Maybe there are other more fun games."

  Nangongqian was so depressed that she was about to cry, "Would you also meet other more beautiful girls and forget about me?"

  Milk Tea was taken aback by the question, and when he recovered, the game screen was already grayed out.

  He quit the game casually, comfortingly said: "Qianqian, you will also meet a good-looking boy who treats you well in the future."

   "But they are not milk tea!"

   Seeing the other party tearfully sad, the milk tea is also very helpless.

   "How can you not cry?"

   "I want to see milk tea."


  Sitting in front of you with such a big size, you can’t recognize it yourself, don’t blame others.

   "Another request."

   Nangongqian wiped her eyes, looked up at him with wet eyes, "Brother 07, do you have a girlfriend?"

  Milk Tea looked at her warily, "Why are you asking this?"

   Nangongqian showed a little shyness, "Can you be my boyfriend temporarily?"

milk tea:"…"

   It tastes really sour to be green yourself.

  Milk Tea sternly refused without hesitation, "You are Milk Tea's girlfriend, do you want us brothers to castrate the wall?"

   Nangongqian quickly explained: "I just want you to pretend for a while, and Milk Tea may contact me if she knows that I have a crush on him."


"He won't contact you." Milk Tea said seriously, "Now, I won't hide it from you. As soon as Milk Tea went abroad, she met a new girl. She is a royal princess with snow-white skin and golden curly hair. , born noble."

  Nangongqian cried more and more as she listened, and finally she cried and ran away with a "wow".

  Milk Tea felt guilty for three seconds, then happily continued playing the game.

   Don't ask him if his conscience hurts.

   Just kidding, does a fox have a conscience?

  The happy mood of milk tea did not last until the next afternoon, because Nangongqian came again.

  She seems to have been specially dressed, with a star hairpin on her head, a beautiful fairy dress on her body, white piles of socks and small wine red leather shoes on her feet.

  Milk Tea couldn't help but glanced twice, and then the game screen turned gray again.

  He coughed uncomfortably, "Why are you here again?"

  Nan Gongqian walked in front of him, her small face showed a seriousness that did not match her age, "Brother 07, I have decided to pursue you from today on."

  The milk tea almost choked on my own saliva, "What do you want to do?"

  Nangongqian's pretty face was full of anger, "I can't spare this heartbroken milk tea! In this life, even if I can't be his wife, I will be his sister-in-law!"

milk tea:"…"

  Milk Tea finally got rid of the identity of Nangongqian's boyfriend, so she is not willing to be locked up again, but no matter how firmly he refuses, she can't shake Nangongqian's determination in the slightest.

  From this day on, Nangongqian ran to Jiang's villa every now and then.


  Baiju was too late, and a month passed in a blink of an eye.

  Lingluo took nine Great Returning Pills, and the injuries in her body were completely recovered, and her cultivation was also restored to the level of Linghuang. It only took one step to step into Lingjun.

   And the Lingjun is further up, and it is the Shenjun.

  With Lingluo's talent in cultivation, maybe ten thousand years later, she will be able to step into the ranks of the gods.

   Throughout the Six Realms, the Immortal Realm ranks first in terms of strength, and it is also the interface with the largest number of gods.

   Now, the wife of the fairy master has received the blessing of the **** Yuxu, and her cultivation is advancing rapidly, and her promotion to the gods is just around the corner.

   Couples who are of the same heart can break gold.

  There are Ronghua and Lingluo, the divine couple, sitting in the fairy world, when will the rest of the world have their day?

  People from all walks of life came to Kunlun Palace one after another to be guests because of jealousy or jealousy, or out of desire to make friends.

  Ronghua received warmly and arranged them properly, but he never responded to the requests of the visitors who expressed their desire to see God Yuxu, both openly and secretly.

  Of course, this is also Ziyang's instruction.

  He recuperated his injuries in his dormitory during the day, and went to Sanssouci Palace to sleep with Lin Qianxiao at night. He lived a comfortable and happy life, and he didn't want to be disturbed by idlers.

  But outsiders don't know his purpose of staying in Kunlun Palace, let alone his true identity, and everyone still flocks to Kunlun Palace in an endless stream.

  For the Six Realms, a powerful person like Yuxu Shangshen is rare.

  If the other party takes a fancy to him and accepts him as a disciple, wouldn't that be a great opportunity?

  Even if the other party doesn't like it, it's good to be taught a thing or two along the way of cultivation.

  The Kunlun Palace was so big after all, it was packed quickly, and even the nearby mountains were fully occupied by people from all walks of life, and they even went to war because of the territorial dispute, causing chaos all day long.

   It is not an option to go on like this, and sooner or later there will be trouble.

  Zi Yang called Rong Hua, "Meeting is fate, since everyone has come, it's not good to let people go away empty-handed.

   Lord Lao, let me know that tomorrow I will set up an altar to preach on the peak of Kunlun Mountain for three days, and I will leave after the sermon is over. "

   Rong Hua was not surprised when he heard that "Shangshen Yuxu" was leaving.

  The other party has lived in his Kunlun Palace for more than a month, which has greatly exceeded his expectations.

  Rong Hua respectfully bowed to Ziyang, "This is a great kindness from God, and I thank God for his generosity on behalf of all walks of life."

  Ziyang accepted the ceremony with peace of mind.

  Rong Hua hesitated for a moment, "God, please forgive me for my unfeeling request..."

  Ziyang's heart is clear, but his face is indifferent, "Tell me about it."

   "It's about the little girl..." Rong Hua showed a bit of shame, "I have no way to teach my daughter, even though she doesn't know what to do, she married a mortal man..."

  Rong Hua briefly explained the matter, "Right now, because of that mortal man, my little girl doesn't think about food and drink, and can't sleep at night..."

   Thinking of Lin Qianxiao, who gnawed on two rabbit legs last night and lay in his arms sleeping like a pig, Ziyang tried hard to hold back his smile.

  Ronghua continued to sell miserably, "I have lost a lot of weight, and I really can't do anything about it. With just such a daughter, I can't let her go.

   Alas, I will become a father when I become a god, so I will understand how I feel. "

  He and Xiaoxiao's daughter...

  Ziyang thought slightly, "Let her come to see me."

  Rong Hua originally prepared a full-hearted rhetoric, intending to move it with emotion and reason, even if he knelt and begged, he asked God Yuxu to help his daughter achieve her wish.

  Of course, it was because he had been in contact with the other party during this period of time and found that the other party was a very easy-going person, so he dared to be so confident.

   It turned out that he had just started, but the other party agreed.

   Surprises come too fast like a tornado.

  Ronghua was dumbfounded, "God, you, you mean..."

   "I know a thing or two about Lingai and ordinary men. It is not impossible to help her, but it depends on how sincere she is."

Rong Hua opened his mouth to help his daughter, but Zi Yang raised his hand to interrupt him, "Since it's her business, let her come to me and tell me, if she doesn't even have the guts, then her feelings are mediocre, Immortal Master What do you think?"

  Rong Hua dared to say no.


  Knowing that "Shangshen Yuxu" wanted to see her, Lin Qianxiao was both surprised and delighted.

  She called her maidservant to dress and comb her hair.

  After tidying up from beginning to end, Lin Qianxiao took Qingluan to Kunlun Palace.

  Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered the Kunlun Mountains, I found that the majestic and picturesque Kunlun Mountains in the past are now full of people, just like a vegetable market.

  Lin Qian smiled a little stunned, and turned to ask the fairy servant beside her, "Why are there so many people coming to Kunlun Mountain all of a sudden?"

   "Everyone learned that Yuxu Shangshen was a guest here, and he generously donated Dahuan Dan to treat the mistress' injuries. People from all walks of life came here to pay homage to the Shangshen."

  Lin Qian smiled suddenly.

  The blue luan bird is huge in size and gorgeous in feather color. The place where it passes is shining brightly, attracting the attention of everyone in the Kunlun Mountains.

  Although the blue luan bird is not as noble as the mythical beast Suzaku, it is rare in the Six Realms.

   "What a beautiful green luan bird!"

   "I heard that when Princess Liuli was born, the Celestial Clan specially gave a blue luan bird as a congratulatory gift. After Princess Liuli became an adult, the Immortal Lord gave the princess this blue luan bird as a mount."

   "Princess Liuli's biological mother is the most beautiful woman in the fairy world. I think Princess Liuli must be beautiful. If I can see her beauty, I will have no regrets in coming to Kunlun Mountain."

  This is the outskirts of the Kunlun Mountains, and the people who were placed here were low-level immortals, and naturally they were not very cultivated.

  After some discussions, someone really called out his mount and chased after the blue luan.

  If there is one, there are two.

  Suddenly, countless figures rose out of thin air, chasing after Lin Qianxiao's back.

  There was a lot of movement behind her, so it was naturally impossible for Lin Qianxiao to be unaware of it.

   But she has no cultivation now, so she can't stop others.

  Besides, the visitor is a guest, and she will only bring trouble to Immortal Realm and Father Jun if she makes a rash move.

  Since you can't hide, you can only run.

   "Xiaoqing, hurry up!"


  Following a clear cry, the blue phoenix flapped its wings, and instantly threw away the mob behind it.

  Lin Qian smiled and stroked the blue luan's feathers happily, "Nice job."

  The blue luan bird shook its neck triumphantly, and closed its long and narrow phoenix eyes, as if expressing its contempt for the group of people behind it.


  At first I thought those people would give up, but after Qingluanniao speeded up, everyone chased even more vigorously.

   Everyone stayed in Kunlun Mountain for a long time. Kunlun Mountain is the territory of Kunlun Palace, and there is also a God sitting in Kunlun Palace, no one dares to make mistakes.

  But it was so exhausting, and everyone was very unwilling.

   Now it is time to test the Kunlun Palace's attitude by chasing the little princess Liuli.

  Someone even teased loudly: "Princess Liuli, Xiaoxian is more than 19,000 years old this year, Daluo Jinxian is a closed disciple under the head of the Xiaoyao Sect in Tuocang Mountain, and has not yet married.

  Xiaoxian has admired Princess Liuli for a long time, and sincerely wants to marry Princess Liuli as his wife. If Princess Liuli is willing, I will send a message to the teacher immediately, and I will come to propose marriage in a few days. "

   "Fuck you, you're only a 19,000-year-old Luo Jinxian, and you dare to ask Princess Liuli to marry you. Why are you so thick-skinned? A toad is not as ugly as you!"


  Deafening laughter erupted all around.

  Lin Qian smiled so angry that her cheeks swelled into puffer fish, these people are so annoying!

  The accompanying fairy servant cautiously persuaded: "Princess, you are precious, so there is no need to argue with these vulgar people, and you have dropped your status for nothing."

  Lin Qianxiao had no choice but to urge Qingluanniao, "Xiaoqing, fly faster."


  Seeing that they were about to reach the entrance of the Kunlun Palace, and the people chasing behind them were gradually pulled away, Lin Qian smiled slightly relieved.

   At this moment, there were endless screams behind him.

  Lin Qian turned around with a smile, and saw the people who were chasing her fall down from the sky like dumplings.

   Not even their mounts were spared.

   And this is not the worst, a large swarm of poisonous bees and butterflies flew out from nowhere, they would pounce on anyone and sting them.

   It's strange to say that these people seem to have been banned in their cultivation, and they can't use any spells, so they can only run away with their heads in their hands.

  The screams of the immortals and the neighing of the mounts resounded throughout the Kunlun Palace, which startled Rong Hua, thinking that something serious had happened.

   Knowing the ins and outs, Rong Hua sent the immortal guards to treat the injured immortals out of face, but he felt muttered in his heart.

   Those who have this ability must at least have a cultivation level above the level of a god.

  In addition to him, there are several gods and emperors visiting the Kunlun Palace, but who could it be?

   "Thank you, father!"

  As soon as she got off Qingluanniao's back, Lin Qianxiao happily threw herself into Ronghua's arms.

  Ronghua didn't explain much, and patted her head lovingly, "It's because of my father's negligence, which almost made you wronged, but fortunately, you are fine."

  Lin Qian smiled softly, "Xiaoqing's speed is beyond their reach!"

  Rong Hua still wanted to comfort her, but Lin Qian smiled and pulled him towards the palace gate, "Father Jun, take me to see God Yuxu."

  Looking at her daughter's anxious appearance, Rong Hua couldn't help feeling sour.

  However, his beloved wife is in good condition, and his mood has also improved, and he is not as repulsed as before about his daughter marrying a mortal.

  After all, when the daughter grows up, she always wants to marry.

   Recruiting a son-in-law at the door, the daughter is happy, and he is at ease, there is nothing better than this.

  Thinking about it, Rong Hua also subconsciously quickened his pace. Now he also wants to quickly see what his son-in-law looks like, so that he can fascinate his daughter.

   "God, I will bring my little girl to meet you."

"come in."

  After speaking, the originally closed palace door opened automatically, and Lin Qianxiao followed Rong Hua in.

   When she saw the man leaning on the couch, she was so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, "It's you?!"

  "Yu Xu" raised his eyebrows slightly, and smiled evilly.

  Ronghua finally realized that he forgot to tell Lin Qian about it, but now is not a good time to explain.

   "Smile, don't be rude, hurry up and greet God Yuxu."

  Lin Qian smiled and saluted ignorantly, with a confused look on her face, "Are you really the God of Yuxu?"

  Ziyang sat upright, picked up the tea beside him, "It's true."

  Lin Qian smiled angrily, "Then how did you lie to me?"

  Ziyang drank the tea, put the teacup back on the tea table, "Immortal Lord, go back first, I have a few words to talk to the princess alone."

  Rong Hua hesitated for a moment, then bowed his hand and resigned, "If the little girl's words and deeds are unreasonable, please God not to care about her, everything will be borne by my father."

  Ziyang smiled lightly, and suddenly understood why his smile was so delicate.

   I grew up spoiled...

  In order to comfort Rong Hua’s old father’s heart, Ziyang did not close the door, but only placed a transparent restriction.

  Outsiders can see the scene in the room clearly through the open door, but they can't hear the conversation between the two.

  Lin Qianxiao calmed down a bit, but her tone was still somewhat dissatisfied, "Since you are not Ziyang God, why didn't you make it clear at the beginning?"

   "Did I say that I am Ziyang High God?"


  Lin Qianxiao thought about it seriously, and the other party really didn't say that.

   "Actually, I'm also curious, why did the princess mistake me for Ziyang High God?"

Lin Qian smiled and rolled her eyes, "It is said that Ziyang Shangshen is the most handsome man in the world, I think you are handsome, your cultivation is mysterious, you look very strong, and you are from the Yuqing Realm, so I guess you It's the Ziyang God."

  Hearing the first sentence, a smile appeared on Ziyang's lips, and when he heard the latter sentence, the smile turned into a sneer.

   Only sealing Yuxu for 45,000 years is really light.

  Yuxu in the Tower of Conferred Gods: Damn!

  Although Lin Qianxiao was stupid in mind, she had a keen sense of perception.

  Mingming was still laughing just now, after hearing what she praised him, how could he be unhappy instead?

   Could it be that he heard her against her will?

   Forget it, whether he is Yuxu or Ziyang, finding a husband is the most important thing.

   "You cured my mother's injury. You are the great benefactor of our entire Lin family. When the brothers come back, you will definitely repay you like a cow."

  The three brothers of the Lin family who were rushing back to the Kunlun Palace after receiving the news: "..."

  (end of this chapter)

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