When Zhang Yue opened his eyes and woke up, Luo Tianqi was obviously relieved, while the students were surprised,

Even Lin Hua accidentally pulled Sun Li's sleeve: "ah, what's the matter? How can they suddenly wake up? I don't think they can do anything about it. You used to massage twice and then they woke up. Just now I saw this man's whole body twitching and he was almost dead!"

Indeed, Zhang Yue's reaction just now is really worrying. Their classmates even think why Sun Li is so amazing. When they hear Lin Hua's question, they raise their ears to hear the reason.

Sun Li was obviously aware of the students' doubts. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Sun Li gave a low-key smile: "in fact, it's not a big problem. It seems that the situation is caused by Zhang Yue's brain's lack of blood supply. If there is no way, just give her a little massage to make the blood flow smooth, and naturally Zhang Yue will wake up."

Speaking of this, Sun Li thought of the clot that was still in Zhang Yue's head although he moved it away. He kindly reminded Zhang Yue: "but Zhang Yue, I don't know whether the judgment is accurate, so you'd better go to the hospital for examination and take a brain CT, which is the safest way."

Who knows that just sober Zhang Yue did not appreciate at all. With the help of Luo Tianqi, he didn't even look at Sun Li, let alone respond to Sun Li's words.

"It turns out that's the reason, but it's unscientific. Does it mean that the problem can be solved by massage due to the blockage of blood vessels and insufficient blood supply?"

There are still some sober students, slightly aware of the clue of the problem, but he did not understand the truth, had to shrink his neck and say nothing, the rest of the students did not even understand the situation, do not say to question.

"So Sun Li really has two brushes? Let's not talk about the medical skills first. Anyway, it's not a problem to judge the condition! "

"Sun Li, which department are you in Yanjing hospital! I'll go to the hospital and ask for your help in the future! "

Some of the students have begun to support Sun Li, and others believe that Sun Li is an on-the-job doctor.

As soon as Luo Tianqi sat down with Zhang Yue, he heard Sun Li's reply and the voices of his classmates. Luo Tianqi was worried that Sun Li had robbed him of his fame. He turned his blistering eyes and straightened up. First, he disdained to say "the official doctor of Yanjing hospital?", Then his eyes swept the hall with pride: "do you know why I was not in a hurry just now and why I didn't let you call 120? I tell you, because I have long seen that Yue Yue's fainting is not a big deal. I have long seen that Yue Yue's blood circulation is not smooth. I tell you, I have long known! Even without Sun Li's massage, Yue Yue will wake up soon! "

"Then why didn't you say earlier that we were so worried about Zhang Yue? Even if you saw the cause of Zhang Yue, it doesn't matter, but you didn't feel worried at all. That's too much!"

Luo Tianqi, who is behind the scenes, has finally aroused the dissatisfaction of the students and can't help choking.

"Who says I don't care about Yue? I tell you, I care about Yue more than any of you Luo Tianqi looked down at Zhang Yue: "how can I not care about you?"

Zhang Yue also looked up at this time. She was still a little dizzy when she was just sober. She also felt that she was not just short of blood supply. However, seeing Luo Tianqi's confident appearance, Zhang Yuemei replied with a smile: "of course! Tianqi is the best to me

Luo Tianqi got a positive answer, and even looked down at him with his nostrils in the sky and small eyes in contempt: "for this classmate party, I set a whole floor hotel for you, but you didn't go to me, to Sun Li? Are you kidding? Even if he is the official doctor of Yanjing hospital, what can he do? I'll tell you, do you know how I book this floor hotel? Because the boss of Jinghua Hotel asked me to find a relationship to help her in Yanjing hospital! I gave her a chief physician to help him! What can Sun Li do even if he is an official doctor of Yanjing hospital? Who just said that he had to go to Yanjing hospital to find Sun Li? Don't come to me in the future! "

Zhang Yue looked up at Luo Tianqi like a coquettish: "Tianqi! I'm fine. You let other men move my head! How can you let other men touch me

Luo Tianqi lowered his head and touched Zhang Yue ', I didn't stop it. Maybe I haven't seen a woman! What's more, Sun Li's little medical skill has something to show off. I can see the disease at a glance. I don't know what he's proud of! "

"What are these things! Zhang Yue is a little too much. Anyway, Sun Li saved her! "

In addition to Wu Jing, Sun Li's classmates are dissatisfied with Luo Tianqi and Zhang Yue, muttering behind them.

Only Wu Jing's face was full of joy: "Wow! Tianqi, you know so many people. How amazing

"Of course," Luo Tianqi raised his head, his face full of pride.

Sun Li slowly got up at this time. Just after removing the clotting block from Zhang Yue's brain, he felt dizzy. It seemed that using this ability had no effect on Sun Li. Lin Hua, who was beside him, couldn't listen to it any longer. At the beginning, he could bear to scold sun Li, but Lin Hua couldn't bear it, I don't want to take Sun Li's girlfriend away. I didn't think Luo Tianqi would take such drastic measures against Sun Li. Zhang Yue, the mean woman, insulted Sun Li all the time. Lin Hua was angry and had to be angry.

"You really don't clean up the damn thing!"

Unbearable Lin Hua rolled up his sleeve and rushed up to beat Luo Tianqi.

Seeing Lin Hua's action, Luo Tianqi showed a cold smile on his face: "Oh, what's the matter? Want to do it? I don't know whose people this place is

"Get the hell out of here!" Lin Hua is about to rush to Luo Tianqi. Luo Tianqi's look of panic flashed by.

At this time, a hand suddenly appeared beside Lin Hua and held him. Lin Hua turned his head and saw that Sun Li held him. Lin Hua said to Sun Li angrily, "Sun Li, you can bear it. Don't blame me for not recognizing you brother!"

Seeing Sun Li holding Lin Hua, Luo Tianqi laughed and said with disdain, "that's right! He who knows current affairs is a hero! You two have no power, no power, how to play with me! I'll tell you the truth, I'm here to insult Sun Li! Who knows Lin Hua, you also join in the fun, so don't blame me! "

Lin Hua looked at Sun Li with angry eyes. Sun Li shook his head to Lin Hua and said, "I'll solve it."

When Luo Tianqi saw Sun Li's action, he said with great interest, "Oh, what's the matter? What are you going to do? "

Lin Hua came to Luo Tianqi and said softly, "you've gone too far."

Luo Tianqi seemed to have heard some of the funniest jokes in the world, and he laughed wildly, out of breath: "ha ha ha, why are you so funny! Is that how you deal with it? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha? I just went too far! What can you do to me! "

After laughing for a while, Luo Tianqi finally stopped smiling. He looked at Sun Li darkly: "do you know why I can't see you? Because you are poor

At this time, Zhang Yue also stood up, his eyes were all disdainful, and said: "not only poor, but also powerless!"

"You two are wonderful. What can you do to me?" Sun Li suddenly laughed: "just talk about it, you two can say climax?"

Then Sun Li said to Zhang Yue with a smile, "Zhang Yue, don't be so arrogant. You are fainting now, but no one can help you!"

Luo Tianqi heard Sun Li's words and said with a sneer: "is it not a lack of blood supply? No one can help her yet? You look too high on yourself. Even if she faints again, what's the matter with you? Just now I want to see your skills. Will I give you a chance to show off this time? "

Luo Tianqi issued a disdainful hiss: "don't be shameful."

"Really?" Sun Li's eyes flashed, looking at Luo Tianqi with a smile: "are you really OK?"

"Ha ha." Luo Tianqi's sarcastic tone hasn't come out yet, but he suddenly finds that Zhang Yue, who has been looking at Sun Li viciously, suddenly turns his eyes and faints again!

"What's the matter! What's going on! "

Luo Tianqi had some accidents, but he obviously didn't take Zhang Yue's fainting seriously. He turned to Sun Li and said, "waste, I want you to see how I solved this simple situation!"

Sun Li first gently pinched his eyebrows, and then spread his hand to Luo Tianqi with a smile.

Luo Tianqi squats beside Zhang Yue with a proud look on his face and looks at Zhang Yue who faints on the ground.

"What's the matter? How did Zhang Yue faint again? Can insufficient blood supply lead to such frequent coma? If Luo Tianqi handles it again, won't he pretend to be successful? "

Lin Hua turned his head with doubts on his face.

Sun Li said to Lin Hua with a smile, "it's not so easy." After that, Sun Li pinched his eyebrows again, a little painful.

This time, Zhang Yue's fainting is not an emergency. It's Sun Li who uses his powers to move his hands and feet in Zhang Yue's head. A small hand and foot will cause Zhang Yue to faint, but Zhang Yue can feel what's happening outside, but he just can't wake up.

Luo Tianqi looks at Zhang Yue who faints on the ground with a relaxed expression on his face. But gradually, Luo Tianqi's face begins to become serious. He finds that Zhang Yue has no reaction after he faints on the ground. Then, Luo Tianqi reaches out his hand to learn from Sun Li and starts to fiddle with Zhang Yue's head, but there is still no reaction.

"What's the matter? Why haven't you woken up yet? Isn't it a lack of blood supply? Tianqi, it should be very easy for you to deal with this? " Wu Jing put her head together and looked strange.

Luo Tianqi stood up without saying a word, motioned Wu Jing to continue to massage Zhang Yue, but found that there was still no effect.

Then he pinched his nose and said to Sun Li, "forget it, I'm too lazy to wake up Zhang Yue. I'll give you face today. Go wake up Zhang Yue. I'm a little tired today, so I won't play with you!"

Sun Li buckled his chin: "if you can't, you can't, and you're still holding on?"

Luo Tianqi chuckled: "I can't? Why not? I tell you, Zhang Yue will naturally wake up after a while. I'm going to give you a step down. Don't give me any trouble. Hurry up! "

Sun Li shook his head with a smile and began to walk towards Zhang Yue.

Luo Tianqi raised his eyes and watched Sun Li get closer to Zhang Yue. Suddenly, he was surprised because Sun Li walked around Zhang Yue and came towards him.

When Sun Li came to him, Luo Tianqi clearly heard the voice from Sun Li's mouth: "don't you want to play with me? I want to play with you! You know what I haven't seen in you? "

Sun Li said: "because you are ugly!"

Finally, a huge fist appeared in front of Luo Tianqi's eyes, getting closer and closer to his face!


Sun Li punched Luo Tianqi in the face, and Luo fell to the ground.

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