"Yes, yes! Isn't Sun Li a doctor now? Just let him have a look! Since he is a doctor, there must be something he can do

A group of students echoed and completely forgot how they didn't believe Sun Li just now.

Luo Tianqi's eyes at this time began to patrol in the hall, trying to find Sun Li, completely ignoring Zhang Yue, who was lying on the ground and had begun to twitch.

"Where are the people! Damn it! Where is this man? " Luo Tianqi is angry at this time. No matter what he used to think, now he wants to believe that Sun Li is really an on-the-job doctor.

Sun Li and Lin Hua, who were watching the scene behind, saw that the scene was like a farce at the moment, neither laughing nor crying.

"Come on, let me see what's going on!"

Sun Li didn't wait for his classmates to call him, so he pushed aside the crowd and went up.

"Here you are, Sun Li! Come and see what's going on! Just now I was chatting with Zhang Yue. As soon as Zhang Yue picked up the egg tart and bit it, he fainted. "

Wu Jing's face came up with a flattering smile, but Sun Li didn't seem to see Wu Jing and walked by her.

Luo Tianqi also did not have the look of taunting Sun Li, obediently looking at Sun Li squatting beside the fainting Zhang Yue.

"The first thing to do is to determine the cause." Sun Li slowly concentrated his attention, his eyes focused on Zhang Yue lying on the ground.

"Can you do it?" Lin Hua next to Sun Li squatted down and bumped into Sun Li. He seemed worried: "if you can't, forget it. Zhang Yue fainted. It's retribution. Let's find an excuse to deal with it. This group of students are snobbish one by one, so that they won't laugh at you any more."

Sun Li turned his head and gave Lin Hua a steady smile: "it's OK, I'll try."

Lin Hua clenched his hands and was ready to help Sun Li cope with the ridicule of his classmates.

As Sun Li's eyes slowly swept over Zhang Yue's body, Zhang Yue's body structure began to appear in his eyes. However, with Sun Li's observation, his eyebrows also wrinkled. Sun Li didn't know what Zhang Yue had experienced in recent years, because in Sun Li's eyes, Zhang Yue's body was full of big and small hidden dangers, No organ in Zhang Yue's body seems to be intact. Although the hidden danger is small, it can't resist a large number. Once these hidden dangers break out, the consequences are extremely terrible.

Sun Li frowned and slowly shifted his eyes from Zhang Yue's body. Sun Li found that although there were countless hidden dangers in Zhang Yue's body, these were not the reasons why Zhang Yue suddenly fainted.

After Sun Li turned his eyes to Zhang Yue's head, but there was no movement, Luo Tianqi couldn't help it.

"Can you! If you can't, get out of here. Don't lose face here! Zhang Yue is still lying here. I'll think of another way! "

Luo Tianqi's eyes were full of disdain, and there was some anxiety in the deeper part, but the anxiety was obviously not because of Zhang Yue, but because of another reason.

"Sun Li is a liar! It's no use! Let's call 120! Zhang Yue's situation is not optimistic! " Wu Jing saw that Sun Li didn't move, and Zhang Yue's face on the ground slowly turned pale. She was very frightened.

At this moment.

"Shut up

An angry rebuke suddenly issued from Sun Li's mouth. In everyone's opinion, Sun Li's sudden outburst, which has been looked down upon, has played an amazing deterrent role. The whole audience suddenly quieted down. Luo Tianqi opened his mouth to find the face lost by Sun Li's shock. But when he saw sun Li's eyes, he cleverly closed his mouth again.

"What's the matter? What does Sun Li mean?"

After the strange silence, Wu Jing murmured softly.

"If you don't want Zhang Yue to have an accident, just shut up and watch me quietly!" Seeing the effect of his words, Sun Li lowered his head again and looked back at Zhang Yue's head. At this time, Zhang Yue's body began to twitch. Obviously, the situation worsened.

"Found the reason, but how to deal with it!" Sun Li looks at one side of the nerve in Zhang Yue's skull with a dignified look. The perspective eyes clearly see that there is a clot on this side of the nerve, and this clot oppresses the nerve, which is the cause of Zhang Yue's coma. In order not to make the students feel suspicious, sun Li puts his hand on Zhang Yue's head and slowly massages it.

The most important thing is that Sun Li would not be so cautious if it was just a coma caused by the compression of blood clot, because if it was for this reason, as long as it was still too late to call the first aid, the reason why Sun Li was very dignified was that the wonderful location of the blood clot and the compressed nerve would affect the blood supply to the brain, and the influence was very deep, In this way, Zhang Yue will become a vegetable! And now it's too late to call first aid!

Sun Li looked up and looked around, trying to find someone or something that could help him. Except for Lin Hua, who was worried, the rest of the students were totally indifferent. Luo Tianqi, who was not worried at all, held his chest in his hands.

"What should we do!

Sun Li was a little worried, but the more anxious Sun Li was, the more he could concentrate. Sun Li slowly entered a different state. In this state, Sun Li's spirit seemed to be in a trance, and he could obviously feel a clear flow from his pineal gland to his eyes, And Sun Li himself seems to have become an extremely calm state without any subjective feelings, just like a robot.

"The diameter of the clot is 5 mm and it is irregular. It oppresses the nerve endings and blocks the efferent nerve. If it is not handled in time, it will lead to paralysis and serious vegetative formation."

The knowledge in Sun Li's mind is like a waterfall in front of his eyes, and the corresponding solutions appear. However, there is no way to solve the current situation.

But around Sun Li, suddenly there are thin lines that can't be observed by naked eyes. These thin lines seem to be real and illusory. With Sun Li's deepening concentration, these thin lines slowly become solid, and the source of the thin lines is Sun Li's eyes!

The thin thread from Sun Li's eyes follows Sun Li's eyes, slowly probes into Zhang Yue's head, passes through Zhang Yue's skull, and slowly comes to the place where the blood clot in Zhang Yue's skull is. Sun Li doesn't know all this.

"If only something could move the clot a little bit!"

When this idea suddenly appeared in Sun Li's mind, Sun Li suddenly found that the blood clotting block pressing the nerve in Zhang Yue's skull suddenly beat, and at this time Zhang Yue also gave out a groan at the same time.


"Zhang Yue just made a sound!"

"Is Zhang Yue going to wake up?"

The students who heard Zhang Yue's voice exclaimed, but when they saw Sun Li who was still squatting beside Zhang Yue, they closed their mouths again.

"Is it true that these eyes don't just bring me perspective?"

Sun Li exclaimed in his heart. In an extremely calm state, he analyzed the truth at the first time. At this time, Sun Li cooperated with his own vision again and issued the order to carry the clot with his own consciousness.

Winding the thread, he slowly removed the clot from the nerve endings. In Sun Li's opinion, it was like a pair of invisible hands slowly lifted the compressed nerve clot.

"Yes! My eyes really have more than perspective! These eyes surprise me so much

Sun Li is very excited!

And at the moment when the clot left the nerve, Zhang Yue also opened his eyes with a "cry".

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