Sun Li took a look at Zhang Yue and said calmly, "I work in Yanjing hospital now."

"Oh! Yanjing hospital! This is a top three hospital! Really good! How about the internship in Yanjing hospital? It's said that it's very difficult for Yanjing hospital to become an official doctor. I happen to know some people in Yanjing hospital. Please come to me. Maybe I'll help you as soon as I'm happy! "

Luo Tianqi said to Sun Li with a mocking tone.

"Oh, no, I'm already a doctor."

Sun Li glanced at Luo Tianqi.

At this time, Wu Jing suddenly came over and walked around Sun Li with doubts in her eyes: "is that you who I just saw under the hotel?"

Sun Li raised his head and wondered why Wu Jing suddenly mentioned the question "when? What's going on downstairs? "

"It's the man just next to the pole. I think it's the same as the clothes you're wearing."

The doubt in Wu Jing's eyes is more and more heavy, and there seems to be a trace of disdain in her eyes.

"You're the one who locked the bike by the pole, aren't you? Yanjing hospital official doctor treatment so bad? Are you still riding a bike It turned out that Wu Jing was the one who had just seen Sun Li lock the car downstairs.

Sun Li was a little confused. He raised his eyes with a clear conscience and said, "yes, that's me."

"No? Yanjing hospital official doctor's treatment is so bad

The rest of the students began to whisper.


Luo Tianqi is full of disdain of smile voice, he waved his hand: "what official doctor, what ghost thing, cheat people also don't you so cheat?"? Still a doctor? At least the treatment of doctors is not so bad, right? Can't afford a better car, buy a motorcycle? When are you going to ride a broken bike and brag about being a doctor? Are you kidding?, I guess you don't work in Yanjing hospital, do you? Come on, you don't have to stick with it. It's boring! "

After Luo Tianqi finished speaking, other students looked at Sun Li with questioning eyes.

"That's right. Although I'm a section member now, I drive Buick! How can he still ride a ragged bicycle? "

"Are you finished? Our Sun Li likes cycling and environmental protection, can't we? Who can I show you a look of contempt? "

Lin Hua suddenly stood in front of Sun Li, angry.

"Ha ha"

Luo Tianqi glances at Sun Li with a slight sneer, embraces Zhang Yue and turns around.

"I don't want to talk to you anymore. It's really cheap."

Zhang Yue also turned his head and looked at Sun Li with some ridicule.

Lin Hua came up to Sun Li and said, "Damn it! Why should they! What a low look! What a fire

Sun Li looked at the back of Luo Tianqi and Zhang Yue, and thought with a smile: "let them go, so what can she do."

"This bitch and Luo Tianqi are together now. I really want people to beat them hard!" Lin Hua is still angry: "this ghost student party is really boring. I'm going to leave. Sun Li, please come with me! Don't be angry here

Sun Li nodded gently and was ready to leave. Today, Sun Li's mind has become very good after he put down the past. Especially after he found that he has perspective ability, Sun Li is full of confidence. After 30 years of Hedong and 30 years of Hexi, Sun Li is full of confidence in his future!

"Let's go then!" Lin Hua took Sun Li to the elevator entrance, ready to take the elevator downstairs.

"Call 120! Someone fainted! Call 120 Just as they were about to leave, a group of students' urgent shouts came from behind.

"What's the matter? Someone fainted? " Sun Li suddenly stopped and frowned.

"Whatever! These snobbish things! Whatever they do! " Lin Hua is going to leave with Sun Li.

"Let's go and have a look! After all, it's our classmate Sun Li called Lin Hua with a reluctant face and walked quickly towards the students who gathered together slowly.

"I don't know! I just found that Zhang Yue's face is not very good, white a little scary! Who knows just said two words with me, but she didn't do anything, so she turned her eyes and fainted! It really has nothing to do with me

From a distance, Sun Li saw Wu Jing's sad face in the middle of the crowd. Sun Li stepped forward to see the situation, but he was blocked by his classmates.

"What's the matter, what's the matter!" Luo Tianqi came after hearing the news. He impatiently pushed away the crowd and saw Zhang Yue fainting on the ground: "what's the matter with Yue Yue! Why are you still lying on the ground! "

"I don't know! She was still alive, but suddenly she turned pale and fainted


Luo Tianqi's stunned look flashed by, "don't let the boss of Jinghua hotel know about it. The boss of Jinghua Hotel let me rent this whole floor has already given me great face. It's said that the most annoying thing for her now is trouble. If she faints, I hope nothing happens, or how can she help me in the future?"

Just now Luo Tianqi left in advance, Wu Jing came up to try to get close to Zhang Yue. Who knows, Zhang Yue suddenly fainted while chatting. Wu Jing's face was full of reluctance, but she couldn't help it. Zhang Yue fainted when she was with her.

Lin Hua stood on tiptoe and saw that Zhang Yue fainted on the ground. He turned his head and gloated and said to Sun Li, "ha ha! Zhang Yue is such a snobbish woman! Now it's time to be punished! I don't like her any more! "

Sun Li shook his head with a smile, and suddenly heard a classmate in the crowd say, "what are you still standing here for? Zhang Yue fainted! Don't call 120 for an ambulance as soon as possible! "

Luo Tianqi also heard the voice from the crowd. He jumped up like a cat with its tail trampled on: "what are you doing? What an ambulance! What's the ambulance? Don't you all study medicine? Go and see what's going on! It's certainly not a big problem! "

Luo Tianqi went forward and stood next to Zhang Yue, who fainted. He didn't look anxious at all, but he didn't allow everyone to fight 120.

"What's wrong with that! Is it food poisoning? "

"No way? Food poisoning also did not see can let a person faint directly! What's going on

"It's been a long time since I graduated. My family has been looking for a job, and I've forgotten all the things I learned. I know the basic things. I can't cope with this unexpected situation!"

"You still forget that I didn't study hard when I was in school! What can we do? "

Zhang Yue fainted as the center of the circle around the students in Zhang Yue side whisper, they have learned things have forgotten almost, the immediate emergency is no clue.

A moment later, a classmate with glasses stood up with worry on his face: "Tianqi, Zhang Yue is your girlfriend. Why don't you even make 120 emergency call? Although it doesn't seem to be a big problem, we really don't have any way. It's better to make 120 for them to be more professional!"

Luo Tianqi raised his neck and looked ferocious: "no one is allowed to hit 120! Damn it! Zhang Yue also said that her classmates are good at learning, thanks to you all learning medicine! I didn't expect that you're all rubbish. You can't help at all! "

To say strange, today's society is indeed very strange, bullying is a common thing, Sun Li and his classmates were humiliated by Luo Tianqi, fingers almost to the face, but even a fart did not dare to put, one by one shrugged his head.

At this time, a voice suddenly rang out in the crowd: "Wu Jing, you were not in the best position to deal with this situation at school! Go and have a look! "

"How can I! I've forgotten! " Wu Jing responded excitedly, then immediately lowered her head, and turned her eyes under the eyes of poor quality. In order to hide her incompetence, she even attracted the fainting sight when Zhang Yue was with her. Wu Jing suddenly looked up: "eh!" Yes, yes! Sun Li doesn't mean that he is a doctor in Yanjing hospital now! Let him have a look! "

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