Zhao Fengyi also knows that the current situation is not suitable for him to stay more, so he wants to take a step to leave, but is stopped by Zhao Zhen's strong arm. Zhao Zhen anxiously looks at Sun Li and says: "doctor sun! Really let him go like this? "

Sun Li waved his hand, "let him go now! I don't want to see him again! "

Seeing Sun Li's reaction, Zhao Zhen clapped his hands and was full of disappointment.

"Hum!" Zhao Fengyi takes a provocative look at Zhao Zhen, and he is about to leave.

Sun Li took a deep look at Zhao Fengyi's back, with a smile of unknown meaning at the corner of his mouth.

There's a reason why Wang Fushu didn't go with Zhao Fengyi. Just now, he suddenly remembered that when Sun Li diagnosed Ning Lele's illness, it was just like this. So Wang Fushu judged that Sun Li was not so simple.

However, Wang Fushu saw that Zhao Fengyi had already left the house and was about to leave. Sun Li still had no reaction. He regretted that he had left him here alone. He was afraid that Sun Li would not dare to find Zhao Fengyi's trouble and take it out on him!

Wang Fushu's ear also heard the voice of complaining about Sun Li's cowardice.

"Sun Li was so powerful just now. I thought there would be some big news! I didn't expect to be a egghead

"Yes! So cowardly! I don't know why Dog King respects Sun Li so much

Qian JUANJUAN came to Xu Hui, who had been sitting on the ground. She looked at Sun Li disdainfully and said, "is this still a man? He'll let them go when they've killed him! "

Xu Hui shook his head and felt that this matter was full of oddities. He looked at Sun Li deeply and didn't know what he was thinking.

"What a good play! Ups and downs, this Sun Li is really a man without eggs. That's too much advice. Even if he is really good at medicine, I really despise him just because of his character! "

Hong Jian turned his lips and looked disgusted.

"Miss, let's not go to see him! How can such a person be a good doctor if he has no courage

Yue Wanqing did not speak.

"Mr. Sun! You are... "

The dog king also felt that it was not right and finally spoke.

Sun Li, huffing, looked at the dog king and said in a low voice.

"Old man! I'm a doctor! I know I'm good at medicine! Then surely it can save lives and heal the wounded! "

Here, Sun Li's lazy voice suddenly changed. Next, Sun Li's voice was cold like a bloody wind blowing from a wet prison across the main hall of the party, which made the guests shiver.

"But who says that doctors can only cure? Doctor! He can kill people, too! "

Sun Li's face was solemn and his eyes were cold.

The dog king looked at Sun Li's cold face. Rao was used to seeing the dog king, and he could not help shivering.

At this time. A panic voice suddenly rang up: "Zhao Fengyi fainted!"

Everyone's shocked eyes turned to the door. There, they saw Zhao Fengyi lying on the ground. Zhao Fengyi's eyes turned white and his body kept twitching.

"What's the matter! Go and have a look

I don't know who yelled, but Wang Fushu rushed up and came to Zhao Fengyi very quickly.

However, even if the discovery is so timely, Wang Fushu, after exploring Zhao Fengyi's situation, still with a look of despair, opened his mouth and trembled at all the people present, saying: "the pupils have spread, and the heart has stopped!"

In just a few seconds, Zhao Fengyi, who was still alive and arrogant just now, died like this?

The scene of the party was as silent as death. A quiet needle fell on the ground and could be heard clearly.

Everyone, all the people at the party, slowly turned their heads to Sun Li, who was standing in the middle of the party hall.

Sun Li shrugged his shoulders and showed a sunny smile on his face: "Hello! What are you looking at me for! I'm kidding you! I don't know what happened to Zhao Fengyi! "

Sun Li's sunny smile made everyone shiver!

Everyone can't say a word. Looking at Sun Li, it's like looking at the God of death who controls life!

"Hello! I said it! Look what I'm doing! Everybody's dead! If you don't call the police immediately, call 120 if you call 120! "

Sun Li scratched his head and expressed his innocence to everyone!

After Sun Li's reminder, everyone moved, but no matter when they were protecting the scene or calling 120, they all looked at Sun Li with strange eyes!

Xu Hui and Wang Fushu stupidly looked at some of what happened in front of them, and were stunned for a long time! The reaction of the two people almost at the same time as the rabbit ran toward the direction of Sun Li.

"Mr. Sun!"

"Dr. Sun!"

"We didn't do anything sorry for you," they cried with one voice! Don't blame us! "

Sun Li looked at them strangely. Before he spoke, they said at the same time.

"Dr. Sun, we didn't say what you did, but we realized our mistakes! I think we didn't know Taishan just now. I blame you! Please don't blame us

Two people stand together, one is thin and the other is fat. They look very happy. However, their nervous hands and feet are shaking. They are too worried that they will die so unknowingly. This situation is really frightening.

Two people's waist is very straight, pitifully looking at Sun Li, for fear that Sun Li will not forgive them!

"You are smart."

Sun Li shook his head with a smile. He waved his hand and said, "go ahead, there's nothing more to do with you."

"What? Why are you still standing there? "

Sun Li found that the two men were still standing in the same place and asked.

"No, nothing! Dr. Sun, we're not going! How dare we go without you? "

Two people respectfully said.

They were really afraid that they would fall to the ground just like Zhao Fengyi and never wake up again.

"Dr. Sun! I used to blame you! When we get back to the hospital! I will treat you to a good meal and make amends! "

Wang Fushu was smiling and shaking all over. He said to Sun Li.

Sun Li shook his head helplessly, no longer in charge of the two nervous people.

He went to the scorpion, with an unidentified smile on his face, pasted on the Pink Jade neck of the scorpion, and said with a laugh, "how about it? Are you still disappointed now? "

Scorpion's neck was tickled by Sun Li's breath when he spoke. She glared at Sun Li fiercely: "Yinyan palace has killed people! It will definitely have an impact on the future business! "

Sun Li looked at the cruel scorpion, showing a little girl's posture, with a funny smile on his face: "I said to make you wear sexy. I didn't expect you to be so obedient. You really wear so sexy today!"

Scorpion listen to Sun Li's words, ears root red, but the mouth hard of her jade neck, mouth hard said: "where have! What did you say! Can I choose this dress myself? "

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