"It's beautiful!"

Sun Li said with a smile.

"What?" Scorpion did not hear what Sun Li said, silly asked: "what do you say?"

"I said you were beautiful!"

Sun Li looked at the scorpion's eyes and said seriously.

Scorpion for the first time with a panic, she did not know what to answer Sun Li, eyes panic of her left and right.

"Ha ha!"

Sun Li laughed when he saw the scorpion's reaction.

Scorpion found that Sun Li seems to be laughing at her, can not help but White Sun Li.

The police and 120 finally came. The 120 who was on duty this time turned out to be the ambulance of Peking Union Medical College Hospital. The doctors on the ambulance were shocked to speechless when they saw the battle. What kind of people were there? So many famous doctors of Yanjing hospital are here. What else do they want!

Li Weixing came forward to say a few words, and the emergency doctor came forward to examine Zhao Fengyi's body.

"Sudden cerebral hemorrhage, may be caused by excessive excitement, the deceased is more unfortunate, cerebral hemorrhage just oppressed on the nerve, leading to the brain unable to give breathing orders, leading to hypoxia and death."

In a few words, the cause of Zhao Fengyi's death was determined, and the emergency doctor shook his head.

"The pupil of the patient has already diffused and lost vital signs."

Li Weixing came forward to communicate with the doctors, pulled Zhao Fengyi's body into the ambulance and left.

When the police came to the scene, they found that there were a large number of people at the scene, and everyone's status was relatively high. They realized that it was unrealistic to bring all the people back to the police station, so they took notes at the scene. Because the cause of the death was accidental death, even the police left after they had a general understanding of the situation.

Dog King watched the police car leave, turned to look at Sun Li: "Mr. Sun, I don't know how long I haven't seen the police. I didn't expect to see them again today!"

"Mr. Sun, you have your plan. Fortunately, we didn't make a rash move just now!"

Dog King grinned at Sun Li and said.

"Old man! What are you talking about! You don't really think that Zhao Fengyi's death has something to do with me, do you? How is that possible? Don't guess, old man

Sun Li looks at the dog king with a smile. He won't admit that Zhao Fengyi's affairs have anything to do with him.

The dog King took a deep look at Sun Li, and his fear of Sun Li deepened. He killed a man so quietly. He thought it was cool to think about it!

"By the way, old man! Is our charity party still going to be held? "

Sun Li tilted his head and asked.

"Just a moment, Mr. Sun. I'll take care of it."

With a smile, the dog King stepped onto the main stage, turned on the microphone and said, "ladies and gentlemen, I'm really sorry that this incident has ruined everyone's mood. Everyone who comes to the party today can get a 10000 yuan" Yinyan Palace "consumption card as compensation."

"What's more, the original intention of this charity party was to find more excellent doctors. In fact, I'm a little selfish. I've been in poor health for some time, so I also want to find a doctor who can help me treat my body, but now I've found one! So maybe this charity party won't continue, so this charity party is the last one. I hope you have a good time! "

The dog King took a look at Sun Li and then said, "you may not have seen Mr. Sun's miraculous medical skills, so you have some doubts about him. But here, I can use my personality to guarantee that Mr. Sun really has great talent! It's worthy of my respect, so I hope that those who have doubts about Mr. Sun won't be suspicious any more. In addition, I hope that all the things that happened in today's party will be known to you, and don't spread them. On behalf of all the staff of "dog grave", thank you

"I hope you have a good time!"

The dog king said and walked down.

Sun Li sighed in his heart that he was really the king of dogs. He dealt with this matter without any leakage. He not only blocked everyone's mouth and did not let them go out to talk nonsense, but also protected himself. In order to avoid Zhao Fengyi's death bringing bad influence to the party, he simply cancelled the party to eliminate the influence on "Yinyan Palace". Jiang is still spicy!

Sun Li watched the dog King walk down slowly and said thanks.

"Thank you, old man, for your trouble!"

Dog king saw Sun Li thank him, and looked up at Sun Li, this kind of sensible, powerful young man, where the end of the future, he could not imagine!

The party continued to sing and dance, as if Zhao Fengyi's incident had no impact on the party just now. Everyone deliberately forgot what happened just now, and in the case of intention, everyone tried to get close to Sun Li one after another.

Sun Li became the center of the whole party!

Just as Sun Li is dealing with the flattery of a large group of people, Hong Jian and Yue Wanqing come to him.

"Boy, I'll discuss something with you!"

Hong Jian pushes away the crowd and comes to Sun Li. Yue Wanqing stands behind him with a big mask.

"Is your medical skill as powerful as Mr. Yuan said?"

Hong Jian was simple and rude, and said straight to the point: "I want to ask you to treat a disease!"

Scorpion was standing far away, and she didn't like such a busy situation. However, when she found a person with outstanding temperament and good figure coming to Sun Li, her beautiful eyes suddenly flashed, and she walked slowly to Sun Li's side.

"Little red! Why are you here! "

Sun Li found the scorpion came to his side, with a dirty smile on his face, looking at the scorpion said.


Scorpion cold hum a, didn't speak, but still straight stand beside Sun Li.

Sun Li touched his nose and turned his eyes to Hong Jian: "ah, if I remember correctly, you seem to have come to Yanjing hospital to see me."

Hong Jianshen said: "yes, last time I was introduced that there was a doctor in the emergency room of Yanjing hospital who was very skillful, so I went to see you. Just like the situation now, I want to ask you to treat me!"

Sun Li scratched his head and glanced at Yue Wanqing beside Hong Jian. He stretched out his hand: "is it to treat her?"

Hong Jian nodded: "the condition is complicated, so you may need to trouble Dr. Sun. You have to worry."

Sun Li squinted at Yue Wanqing and said, "you just helped me, so don't worry. I'll help you with this disease."

When Hong Jian saw that Sun Li didn't ask about his illness, he dared to go to Haikou. Even with the guarantee of the dog king, he was full of doubts about Sun Li: "if you don't ask about his illness, you can guarantee that you can cure it?"

"That's too much for you!"

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