In order to bring the little tiger to find someone to recognize his accent, Yun Yanhui took a few days off. On that day, he accidentally discovered the little tiger’s hometown in Daxiangguo Temple. He was overjoyed and immediately checked with people in Guangxi. Tigers are indeed the people there.

This range suddenly shrank a lot, and Yun Yan went back to find Zhao Yunchu. His idea was to borrow some guards from the palace and send the little tiger to the local area, and ask the local magistrate to contact the Miao people to find the little tiger's parents. If necessary, Yun Yanhui is also willing to send it in person.

Yun Yan found Zhao Yunchu back: "I know where the little tiger is from."

Zhao Yunchu was also surprised and delighted, "Have you finally asked?"

"I didn't ask, it was really godly," Yun Yan sighed back, "The method of cultivating grass fish in Daxiangguo Temple is borrowed from the method of the people in Guangnanxi Road and Guizhou. That day, I brought a little tiger. When he went to Daxiangguo Temple for dinner, he ate hehuayu and said that he also had it at home. I was suddenly stunned, and it seemed that he was from Guangnan."

It's just that he was abducted and sold thousands of miles away by human traffickers and picked up by them.

When Zhao Yunchu heard this, his face was a little unsightly, "Are you sure, Brother Yan, he is from Guangnan? And he is from Guizhou?"

"What's the matter?" Yun Yan replied in surprise, "Look at your expression, what's wrong over there?"

Zhao Yunchu replied: "You have been busy these few days. I probably don't know. The Tong clan chief in Guangnan has a bad relationship with Annan. Please attach Da Song to fail. Now Jiancheng is defending itself and attacking Song Tu. It is said that it was originally transferred. The Guizhou army went to quell the rebellion, but the Guizhou Miao people turned their backs, resulting in the lack of dispatching of troops, and the fighting situation is not good. The officials are now furious and are investigating the matter, preparing to choose generals from the DPRK. Therefore, now in Guangnan, Guizhou, in particular, is in chaos. It may be difficult to find relatives at this time."

"What?" Yun Yan fainted immediately when he returned. He didn't expect that Guangnan was in chaos at this time.

The Song Dynasty has always emphasized the North over the South, and there is no way to emphasize the South. First, the threat from the North is greater. In contrast, places like Annan and Dali can only be regarded as minor problems. Second, there are many ethnic minorities over there. Natural dangers, so the imperial court's ruling power over there has been relatively weak, and the decree cannot be issued. In that area, the ethnic minorities will make troubles from time to time. There are many factors inside. It is not excluded that Annan is also instigating.

It just happened to be messed up at this time, and Yun Yan went back and wilted all at once, "Isn't it impossible to send the little tiger back..."

"It should be true. The boy chief has been upset for a long time. I don't know when the fight will be finished now." Zhao Yunchu thought about it and said again, "It's stranger in Guizhou. The Han and the local Miao people have always had The trader, this time suddenly turned back, the timing was sudden, and it seemed to help the children, but..."

Yun Yan looked back at him hesitating, and then continued: "However, it seems a bit mentally retarded if you don't choose the Tong Clan of the Song Clan, isn't it?"

Zhao Yunchu shrugged, "This is what the officials are worried about."

The officials are now investigating why the Miao people would stay close and seek further distances to add chaos to the Song Dynasty, and they have not been noticed yet. Guizhou knows exactly what they eat.

"Hey..." Yun Yan sighed back, knowing that there was no major incident there and he would kneel sooner or later, so he didn't worry about the battle, but was a bit disappointed because he didn't know when to kneel. He felt that if he wanted to let the little tiger live longer, he didn't care, but the little tiger's parents might be dizzy, and his son might not recognize them if he saw them.

Yun Yan replied to save others by himself, feeling that if his son had been abducted for so long, he would definitely be heartbroken.

"Forget it, Brother Yan, you did your best." Zhao Yunchu comforted.

Yun Yan nodded back, "I know, just a little disappointed."

Yun Yan came back in joy and went back in defeat. He went home and announced that the little tiger will stay for a while. Fortunately, everyone likes the little tiger. Besides, his family is not short of money and can afford to raise a child, so there is nothing at all. Opinion, but some worry about how long it will take for the little tiger to be reunited with his relatives.

Let's talk about the work on the other side.

Yu Hao’s drawings have been revised. Yun Yanhui originally wanted to bring the drawings directly to show them to the big boss, but recently, Renzong has been busy dealing with Guangnan’s affairs. Yun Yan thinks about it again and again. Go in, what if you hit the gun?

Furthermore, Yun Yan is thinking about one thing, that is, since he is going to engage in real estate, should he also make out the sand table model?

Thinking about this, Yun Yan turned back to call Yu Hao altogether, and brought in a few folk artists to make a sand table together. In fact, Yu Hao's craftsmanship is particularly good, but firstly, there are many buildings, and secondly, Yun Yan recalled making some models to show the layout of the house, and he needed to make even the guys inside.

At this time, a lot of toys sold by small vendors, such as small furniture for children to pretend to be house wine, are lifelike. This kind of craft is suitable for making sand table models, but no one has done it before.

The earliest military sandbox probably appeared in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and it was also used by many people later. And there are always toys for children to pretend to be house wine, but no one combines the two like Yun Yanhui. It has both scale and exquisiteness, and its use is...selling a house for exhibition, very good, this is very Northern Song Dynasty.

Those craftsmen heard that they were going to make such a large model, and it was a bit staggering. However, Yun Yan was willing to pay back, so there was no reason for them to extrapolate the work.

Therefore, seeing the "high-rise building on the ground", Yu Hao and a few craftsmen worked together, using cardboard, thin wood chips, mud and other materials to restore Yu Hao's design in three dimensions.

When Yu Hao saw the entity, he was amazed. The effect of this kind of effect is not a little bit more powerful than the drawing.

Moreover, Yun Yan responded with a lot of requests. The grass and soil are real. Even the lake next to him, he asked to be dented, plant aquatic plants, put some stones, sinking wood, etc., and pour water in. More real.

After finishing the work, Yun Yanhui wrote "Pu Guanze" on the sign.

This is the name of their lake. This is a shallow lake. Because there are orchids growing in it, the locals call it Puguanze. The official name written on the document is Muze.

Yun Yanhui thought that the name was pretty good, and there was wasteland over there, and there was no memory point. In the future, for the convenience of publicity, it is estimated that these three characters will be applied to the name of the complex. Of course, this is just Yun Yanhui's idea. He is trying hard to get the boss to accept the name, and now he will use Pu Guanze as his representative.

When Yu Lian saw this, she liked it tightly, and decided to make a smaller set, or put it at home for decoration.

Yun Yan thought about it, girls and children probably liked it very much, so he asked Sister Lian to make an extra set, and he took it back and gave it to the little tiger.

By this time, more than ten days have passed. Renzong has dispatched generals to the Pingtong rebellion. As for the Guizhou Miao people, although they need to pass through Guizhou to go to the place occupied by the Tong tribe, it has not yet been revealed whether it will Let's do it together.

Today, Tokyo is still singing and dancing, and the public has not been affected by the events in the South of the Five Ridges.

Yun Yan returned to the palace with a model to beg for a meeting. It was a coincidence that Renzong was meeting with the clan. Poor relatives like to play the autumn wind, and the rich relatives of the Renzong family also like to play the autumn wind. All this is to drag the family and come to him to solve it. Employment issues.

Yun Yan brought a few little eunuchs in and carried the model in. Those clan families just happened to be sent out. A group of little kings and grandchildren in the future, etc., suddenly rioted when they saw them, and they all rushed over here, vigorously. Very much.

The little eunuchs panicked, and the things in their hands were so expensive and exquisite at first glance, and they were meant to be shown to officials. If they were knocked down, wouldn't it be over.

"Stay steady, stay steady!" Yun Yan screamed back, then gave up his life to save his life, and took a few steps forward, spreading his hands, blocking the group of children.

I saw five or six chubby piers running forward, bumping Yun Yan back one after another. Yun Yan returned to catch everyone, and then he was overwhelmed and sat on the ground. Overwhelmed by children, at a loss.

Only then did the servants of the children trot over and picked up the child who was pressing on Yun Yan.

Renzong almost squirted his tea when he was not far away. He stood up and Shi Shiran approached him and said jokingly, "Let me see, what toys did Yun Xiaolang bring?"

It is dangerous to make such a large model building complex, so beautiful that it can be seen by these children?

Yun Yan looked back with food, got up, patted the dust, saluted, and watched the group of children see his green eyes, and said with fear, "Help the official..."

These children can only match the little tiger in weight and strength, but it is conceivable that they will never be as sweet as the little tiger. It can be seen that there is a Zhao Yunchu in the clan, and it is indeed the only one.

Renzong smiled and said, "He is from Kaifeng Mansion, called Yunyanhui. Alright, let's go back."

Yun Yan replied: "..."

All the little kings and grandchildren were taken away, and looked at Yun Yan reluctantly. With Renzong's words, I think they know where to find Yun Yan in the future.

Yun Yan was about to suffocate, "Isn't this drinking poison to quench thirst, official, you should ask them to go back and order someone to do it."

Renzong said with a stern face, "Isn't it good to give you a chance to be a good person? You introduce them to craftsmen."

Yun Yan replied, "...It turns out that you are doing it for my own good. I'm so touched."

As soon as Renzong waved his hand, the little eunuchs moved the sand table over and put it on the table. Renzong bent over to take a closer look. The top floor of the housing complex is uncovered. You can see the layout inside, as well as small tables, chairs, vases, and paintings. They are very meticulous and make people want to buy a house. .

"Okay, yes, very ingenious." Renzong was very happy, "Finally, it makes me feel better."

Yun Yan knew that he must be unhappy because of Guangnan's affairs, and heard that those children were still very fierce. On the side of the table, there was a large stack of memorials, two of which were spread out and glanced at them inadvertently, both of which were written by Guangnan.

Yun Yan took out the drawings and combined them to introduce the design to Renzong.

Renzong nodded frequently, and finally pointed out a few points of his dissatisfaction, but he didn't need to change it.

Yun Yanhui had prepared for this a long time ago and nodded.

Renzong sighed again, "It would be good if everyone is as easy as you are. A group of wastes in Guizhou, unable to manage the state, still push people over there alive... alas, the talents are not enough, but... Guangnan, Guangnan..."

Yun Yan didn't speak back. Although Renzong said to him, he was obviously complaining and didn't mean to discuss with him. This kind of military and political affairs, he has nothing to do, nor can he interject indiscriminately.

However, the few words of Renzong made Yun Yanhui a little clear that the court still wanted to comfort the Guizhou Miao people, and they were different from the Tong Clan.

Moreover, when Yun Yan heard some of these keywords, he was inspired. Although he doesn't have any ideas, maybe the system of later generations can give Renzong some ideas?

You should know that after the Song Dynasty, the government used the chieftain system to manage ethnic minorities, selecting powerful leaders from local ethnic minorities, granting them official positions, and managing the local area. There were even chieftains who were reused and went to other places to serve as officials. Chaos or something. In this way, the power of control was gradually improved, and this system only had a rudimentary shape in the Song Dynasty, and everyone just got a little clue.

Yun Yan borrowed to go to the bathroom, got some ink and a wooden stick, and wrote a sentence on a piece of paper. Yun Yanhui's hard pen writing is actually very good, much better than his brush writing, and the handwriting is completely different.

Out of various considerations, Yun Yanhui decided to be an unsung hero, and after writing it secretly stuffed it into the pile of memorials that Renzong saw.

After Yun Yan returned and left, Renzong, who continued to review the memorial, looked at it, and suddenly saw a small note in a memorial that had nothing to do with the content of the memorial, and the handwriting was completely different.

In the memorial, an official was impeaching an official to indulge his domestic slaves, but the note reads: the world has its own land, the world governs its people, the world governs its soldiers, hereditary duties, the world governs its place, the world Into its flow, the world is sealed by it.

Renzong's eyes were stagnant for a moment, and then suddenly lit up and called Chen Lin, "Go to Yushitai, look at..." He glanced at the memorial, and Fang said, "Call Li Zeyun."

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