# Impact, Port Roberts (3)

On the dull morning of February 3, the Military Operations Department dispatched training instructions. It was a five-day melee drill for refugee relief workers. The two allies were summoned to the top of the list of refugee troop resources.

To deliver the news, and to lead the troops, winter found the first barracks of the alliance early in the morning. After a meal, the fighters were quickly gathered.

“Yes? Are we going to school? ”

Yura Squad's Appointed Marksman Jang Seul's Question. It was a misunderstanding born by the name of the training (Combative school). Winter made a small smile once and cleared her of her misconceptions.

“It's just a name. We're not going to have a school, we're going to have five days of education here in Fort Roberts. but it's a little different when it goes up. I don't do advanced courses or instructor training, I go to separate training centers. ”

“Where is it? ”

“Fort Benning. He's in Georgia. ”

The reaction was dramatic.

“Georgia?! Then it's east of the blockade! Oh, my God, I want to go! ”

The fighters roam. Winter understands their cravings. A conversation comes to mind in the Black Mountains. Jinsuk complained of terrible fear. I dream about being chased and bitten by mutants every night. Even if there was a difference, he would not be the only one who had nightmares.

“Commander, when do you receive such advanced training? ”

Hanbyol's question is being asked again. Winter corrected her new misconception.

“Not everyone gets it. I need a recommendation from the commander. ”

“Really? Oh, that's good.... ”

sigh and murmur. However, she was likely to be selected for sniper training. Everything else was so immature, I admired your marksmanship. Miss Trigger Happy, or Trigger witch. A nickname given to her by American instructors.

But winter did not tell us about this. There was no need to make me look forward to uncertainty. It may be burdensome to send refugees from the U.S. military beyond the blockade.

‘The White House was worried about my escape. ’

This is the story of the journal at the time of the commendation. Winter might have reconsidered the journal if it had been possible to take a walk in snowy Washington DC.

“Let's move on. It's not going to look good on time. ”

Jinsuk and Yura aligned their squads. However, the neat lines, as soon as they leave the barracks, slip for a moment. It was because of the cold and harsh wind. Weather is burdensome, even if we are friendly.

Hurricane Carissa has drifted away, but this year's fourth hurricane, Damaris, has not yet left California.

The indoor gym where the training will take place was located on the western edge of the base. The same block had the only restaurant on the base called The California Lookouts, but it has been closed for a long time.

“You usually live over there, don't you? ”

Yura asks on the way. She was pointing to the officers' quarters. Diagonal northwest relative to indoor gym. It is about 400 meters by foot through the Camp Roberts Museum of History and several residences. I can't see very well from the mist now.

“Yes, it is. ”

“Well, I'd love to go. I wonder how the commander is doing as usual. ”

After a short silence and calculation, winter nods.

“You can come. It's going to be a tough day, and I'm going to watch it after work tomorrow. ”

“Yes? …… No, no. I shouldn't have said that. Hahaha.”

Yura hides her awkwardness with a smile. Are you worried you might get misunderstood? Winter was no longer a recommendation.

Despite his relaxing arrival, the indoor gym was crowded with refugee relief workers from other nationalities who arrived first. The atmosphere is not good. There was as much hostility as there was a split group. Supporters from Southeast Asia appear to be united because they are unable to win back rice for Chinese and Japanese refugees.

Even though they can't get along.

They welcomed the appearance of winter. One person hurried to come and salute me. When winter comes, I put my arms together again and bow my head.

“Lieutenant, please take good care of yourself today. ”

When I shared the construction materials, I saw him once or twice. Was he Vietnamese? I didn't even get to say hi. I know why. I'm responding appropriately.

“It's not my education. How have you been? ”

“Of course! Thanks to Lieutenant Han. After you brought in the U.S. police and swept them away so badly, the Chinks won't be able to live anymore. ”

Speaking English was quite natural. Nevertheless, for the Chinese, it comes from the incantation of the native language. Correcting it in English was once again an incantation. What a habit.

He was afraid that winter wouldn't know the meaning of the word, but he could understand the expression without correcting Vietnamese.

‘In this world view, the first thing you learn about other languages is profanity and contempt. ’

In a situation where nationalities are so mixed, it doesn't seem like a living world.

“By the way... is your name... Mr. Toutton? Is that correct?”

As winter read the nameplate, he reintroduced himself.

“Yes, that's right. It's Nguyen van Toen. ”

“Hm. How many people are here with you? ”

“Oh, I'm the only Vietnamese. ”

His smile shook momentarily. I guess it sounded like you were gonna talk. Long-standing damage ritual. Winter asked again, pretending not to know.

“Do any of your relatives speak English? ”

“Yes? …… but not more than me, but about a dozen. They're all listening, and they're learning to write and speak. But why do you ask... ”

“I need it. What if I want to find Mr. Toucan in Vietnam? ”

“We know the names and faces of people from the same country in narrow areas anyway. You can come and use my name and everyone will understand. ”

“Okay, thank you for your answer. We'll see you soon. Or send someone. ”

The tongue was puzzled, but winter did not explain the recommendation. It was not something to brag about. It's a shame to throw away any light misconceptions that will occur in the order in which they are taught. Anyway, I think I can balance my nationality properly.

Now it's winter to see the crowds again. Again, there are the most Chinese. There were also Triad groups and Rieling. She turns her head ignorant, even when she sees winter.

‘I'm glad I don't have to go alone. ’

After today's work, the winter when I was going to visit Richingen, I thought it was a good time.

Among the Japanese, Ryohei Tadaatsu, the head of the Yakuza, who asked to be called a nationalist, stood out. I was looking this way before I met him. Winter was first to be baptized. Ryohei complains about raising one hand.

The Japanese led by Ryohei were strangely muscular together. The bodies are impossible without the chaotic nutrition.

Over time, the instructors moved around and seated the soldiers. One of the instructors spoke to Winter.

“I knew you were a Korean leader, but do you watch the training? ”

“I don't think it's bad to watch. Most of all, don't I need this training? Even if you're a lieutenant, you know you've never had normal training. Officer education was a trait.”

Speaking of which, the Sergeant in charge of the Daily Instructor giggles and laughs.

“He's a good joker. Who has dealt with the five Ghouls in melee warfare, and now receives basic melee training? And I thought I was getting tired of that video. ”

What the sergeant mentioned was a battle in Santa Maria. Battle records back then, they reruns like popular TV shows.

“Still, you have a qualification. ”

“Qualification? You don't have to worry about that. because the content of the training was fragmented. What's the use of traditional fighting styles? One bite and we're done. We received our new manuals just a week ago. It wouldn't have mattered even if you were a level IV qualifier. I think it's going to change a lot. ”

“I suppose so. ”

“Anyway, take as much time as you want and rest as you want. Call me if you have anything. ”

The sergeant smiles at those who share the conspiracy. He must have accepted that the boy officer would be here. Winter did not try to deny it.

“Thank you. Thank you, Carver. ”

The sergeant now turns to face the noisy soldiers.

There are seven instructors in the gym. Melee combat training is intended to be performed with no more than 20 instructors. Education efficiency is also efficient, but the purpose of accident prevention was greater. Seven is a strictly compliant number.

However, Winter felt that the commander's thoughts were a little short.

I think we need more.

This is not enough to gather various national reinforcements and train them to fight. There will be one instructor in each platoon to provide basic training. I could put in as much as I wanted. Looks like we'll have to deal with it ourselves.

‘Today. Nothing will happen. ’

Winter's judgment was the weight of the bullet. Other people may not know it, but winter is almost always armed.

In addition, there are many things to lose if you wreak havoc here. There is a low chance that combat training will become a real combat. It was only a question of whether they were able to control the situation when it came to them. In the first place, an army is a group in case of the worst.

“Quiet! I will begin my training now! ”

The strongest instructor shouts forcefully. It was also the highest rank among instructors.

The introduction of education was ritualistic. The process of turning on a projector and giving an overview of the fighter's history. It's a predetermined procedure, but the Chinese are particularly bad at it. I see obvious blindness or deafness. Even the person who was in charge of translating for some parts that were impossible to invite.

Iring sat upright. But she doesn't look good either.

On the contrary, the Japanese nod and ask others to listen.

The instructor's explanation of the fighter's developer was based on Japanese martial arts. So the instructors don't point to the attitudes of Chinese reinforcements, but they do give a rough lecture.

“…… the attempt to bring Japanese martial arts to the exercise began at the junction. Captain Alan Smith, who was the instructor of the infantry school at that time, learned to guide in the Codocan, Japan. Meanwhile, President Roosevelt himself learned to lead. We built a practice room at the White House. ”

In other words, the point was that the U.S. military's pre-approach system was greatly influenced by induction.

It was originally a 30 minute presentation, but the instructor finished in 10 minutes and went straight to the next course.

‘You didn't want to do this. ’

Winter felt a sigh from the best instructor of the sergeant class.

“Whether the opponent is human or dead, the most important principle of melee combat remains unchanged. What are the principles? ”

The instructor who looked around the left, answers his own question.

“Simple. It's best to use a gun at all costs. ”

The reaction was uneasy. The instructor said quietly.

“This instructor is not joking. Other means of melee combat are unnecessary and should not be resorted to where firearms are available. Because it's useless. Forget about what led you to martial arts earlier. No matter how great the technology is, it's probably best for you not to actually use it. Especially against infectious variants. ”

Because it was realistic, the reaction is better than before. The Winter Alliance's combatants will come closer thanks to their practice in San Miguel.

“From now on, you will learn how to use a gun in melee combat. Remember, the simplest things work best. ”

And the instructor clapping his hands.

“All rise, then! Make a team of two. If there are any remaining personnel, report them to the nearest Instructor. I will pair you up with others or give you a demonstration with an instructor. Execute!”

The room became noisy like it was the first time.

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# Q&A

Q. Pumpkin: You don't know love because @ is almost an old sympathy.

A. I don't think I know love. They sell it at the convenience store for 10,000 won per four cans. Paulaner, Chrombacker, Tsingtao, Pilsner Urkel, Guinness -- there's a lot of love in the world.

Q. Name thief: @ I have a few questions for you. First, I want to know the approximate age of winter. I also want to know where the winter personality flaws appear from the writer's perspective. Finally, despite winter's poor home environment and trauma, the 'appearance' of winter itself seems unrealistically mature. So I wonder if there's a special reason why winter is acting this way.

A. I was 17 years old when I was insured. But the character in the 27th World View is also 17 years old. This was an age setting, like a device that was trying to show that your mind hadn't run out of time since you lost your body.

Winter doesn't know exactly what it wants, and there's a contradiction in it, but it's not a personality defect. But does it have to be flawed? He was an Omaju character, so he didn't consider any personality defects from the beginning.

Pain matures people. Do you know "I want to know, sweetheart"? The writer was very influenced when he came up with this piece. I have personal experience with writers.

A nine-year-old girl got sick, and her parents refused to operate for religious reasons. What he said was very impressive because it was so logical and mature at that age.

"I'm old enough to go to school. I'm old enough to go to school. I'm old enough to run. Be happy in this world, if you're happy in heaven."

There is no other reason. That's why the life of winter is what it is.

Q. Haegol: How many volumes do you expect from @? I saved it, I read it in a queue, and it's already empty.

A. Well. The author is not very good at forecasting quantity, so he's definitely over 200, probably over 300, I don't know, up to 400.

Q. Missouri: I've read dozens of times as many books in my life (most of them are fiction traps), but I've never written anything so exciting, so fascinating, so empathetic. I drive for a few hours a day, and my eyes are killing me.

A. Thank you. You must be a sympathetic creature, too, to be so moved by this novel. Again, the Earth is a beautiful planet.

Q. Zhang Xiangbaek: How close are you to your blind father, @ K'Tulu?!

A. You're sleeping right next to him.

Q. thecrazy: Are there any refugees from other countries besides @ China Japan? There's a lot of people there. I don't think there are any other countries out there.

A. Once in Port Roberts, there are very few other nationalities outside of the Czech refugees. On the other side of the camp are Russian refugees. Western European refugees are coming to the Atlantic.

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