# Impact, Port Roberts (4)

Among the rounded arrangements of two, the best instructor, Sergeant Velázquez, raised his voice.

“Infectious variants are physically robust. But does it act as an absolute advantage in melee combat? No, it's not. Because they don't take care of themselves. ”

He was talking about taking a breath.

“You may wonder, Why is that a weakness? But don't forget that the mutants were originally human. It means that the strength has increased, but it has not disappeared to a critical extent. He'll endure much more pain than any mortal. However, there are no individuals that will survive the downhill hit, unless they are reinforced species such as ghouls or more. Look at the data screens."

The images projected by the two projectors simultaneously were bright enough even under the light. The glare is an edited helmet camera footage. Shows the stringency of the variants in succession. There were many familiar scenes that were recycled for educational and promotional purposes, but the method of editing was new. The variant slows down at the moment of rush, highlighting every possible critical impact.

“In practice, mutants will attack you like idiots. You just reach out your arms and run like hell. That is, the vital point of the whole body is completely open. Even if it's just for a few seconds, if you can remain calm, you're free to decide where to strike. ”

There were various methods of attack demonstrated by demonstration. stabbing with a gun, hitting the chin with the palm of the hand or hitting with the elbow, pushing down, using secondary weapons such as pistols and machetes, crashing into the head and shoulders when caught.

In the ensuing practice, winter gave way to the position of the allies. It's been a long time since I've had the opportunity to write "Tutorial." Ten ranks of "melee combat" have been the limit for humans, not genius, so the comments coming out of augmented reality were accurate and sufficient.

“When you stab with a gun, raise your arm a little bit more. Keep it parallel to your shoulders. Put your gun down and grab it. Think of it as fitting into the direction of empowerment. because the more the movement deviates from the center of the body, or bends as you squeeze, the easier it is to be pushed. You could cut the ligaments. Stabbing should be instantaneous. with the idea of being immediately taken out and fired upon. ”

When winter fixed his posture, the corrected man definitely improved. There was also a more motivating side. Sergeant Carver, a Korean instructor, was pleased to accept Winter's help.

“You teach well. It's a different matter of doing well than teaching others well. You seem to be a natural soldier in many ways. Too bad. You're better suited as an deputy than an officer... The youngest yarn of all time, assuming you were studying like this. ”

In the sergeant's words, the deputy commander prides himself on being the center of the army. To some extent it is true. The chief yarn of the deputy commander is more valuable than the colonel. Winter confirmed its pride.

“Thank you for the compliment. It was decided for a reason. ”

If you'd been on the normal path to a promotion, you'd be a sergeant or sergeant by now. You may not have the same command now, but there was something better about the deputy commander.

‘Cause you're probably the limit of my promotion. ’

It was a matter of fighting too well. You have the highest rank of officers you can fight in the first line. Winter will be difficult to ascend to the major while the Publication Office is being loved.

‘If the situation is inevitable, there will be a feeling that he has tried to get a promotion to stay in the field. ’

No complaints, of course. Winter was the idea, and command was just as important. Officers were also good at influencing refugees.

It's not like there's no promotion at all. If you are in the Special Forces, you can also fight in the front line as a British officer. However, you will be separated from the refugees.

The private conversation ended briefly. I was in the middle of training. Carver said he had never been an instructor, but wanted to do it responsibly.

During the exercise, a question came up from the Jin Squad.

“Commander! This move seems a little dangerous, don't you think? ”

Winter shifts away from his opponent's posture, demanding.

“Would you like to try the post again? ”

“Oh, yes. ”

I was just watching, and I could feel the questioner getting nervous. Winter felt like a strange force in the Jin Squad. I don't usually get a chance to experience it.

At least enough free space to use a gun in melee combat. At this time, the formula is divided into three steps depending on the degree of access and resistance, which are called posts, frames, and hooks in order.

‘The foundation of the foundation, it's not that great. ’

Skilled is all that matters. No matter how simple a skill may be, it is hard to use in practice without practice. It was the same for the winter when the technology was corrected. No matter how much you are calibrated, if you are nervous and your head gets hard, it doesn't lead to movement.

A moderately distant questioner takes a deep breath and informs the winter.

“Then let's get started. ”

The target masquerading as a mutant rushes forward forcefully. The questioner blocks the target with an open hand. Posts blocking behavior here. Hold with your left hand and shoot with your right. Sticking the gun in your arm, tucking it close to your body, pulling it as far back as you can and firing a bullet at the target.

But now it's training. We can't handle the speed and mass, assuming the arm is broken. At this time, the frame restrains the opposing Pokémon once more from the narrow distance. Winter pointed to a single mistake and an uneven connection.

“My hands went out too quickly at first. Then the mutant would want to bite your hand first. You have to measure the distance well. I feel like I'm hitting you rather than stopping you, as soon as I can. ”

“I understand.”

“It's not good to be too forceful. You're not trying to fight the mutants, are you? If you want your arm to bend, just bend it. We're going to have to take that into account and bend it a little bit. It's better to be able to run all over yourself. ”

“So instead of trying to stop it completely from the beginning, are you asking me to be satisfied with slowing down? ”

“In case it's too much to stop. Your name is Doyun, right? ”

“Yes, that's right. ”

“Frames are more than just holding back. It's a single strike. When you move from the post to the frame, you also need to push your torso forward. Why?”

“To strengthen the blow? ”

“Half. The other half is the center of gravity. When it hits a mutant, you have to push it back, right? Losing weight makes it harder to load and easier to fall. ”

What you will learn in the afternoon is what to do when you fall. It was a curriculum that reflected the flow in practice.

“I know what you mean, but I actually find this pose very dangerous. However, if a mutant bites me, it's over. I can't help but hold my hands or elbows under my chin... The mutant will try to bite it somehow.... ”

“The melee battle itself was extremely dangerous. You have to take some risks. And if you do it right, it's okay. It doesn't have to last very long. All you have to do is create the time you need to shoot. Do you want me to show you? ”

Since many people have already seen and heard the situation, winter has decided to demonstrate it. Leave the Mutant to Doyun. The target takes over the training gear and wears it five or six steps away from the target in winter. After removing the magazine from the rifle and pistol and checking the empty medicine cabin, winter finally nods.

“Come to the power. ”

With power, Yoon hesitates to spread more distance to other couples' understanding. Then I got into position like a sprinter. Winter waits with your arms down.

Yoon swarmed forward. Don't forget to mimic the variant. Winter slapped him in the chest with an open hand. I'm holding on. But no matter how much I calibrate, I can't handle the speed and weight.

‘If it were a real situation, I would have shot him by now. ’

The gun was already aiming for the heart.

This is a drill. The moment you want to push, you bend your arms, bend your torso, and strike with your elbows.


The sound was very loud. Elbows strike the chest guard and press down on the neck as far as the wrist. It's hard to bite like this. Here's another shot. Huff! The empty sound of a ball hitting an empty medicine cabin. The second death of a mutilation played by Yoon.

And winter pushed him away. Rotating your elbows to the point, grabbing the sides of your face, forcefully extending to the left.

It didn't matter if I held on to my body because I was on my legs.

Aim the pistol at the fallen Doyun and ask for winter.

“Do you know what happened to him? ”

“Oh, um, yeah. I think I do. ”

“If you get caught, be like me. Pull your head back and let it through. I'm not just emptying my hands. Take it when it's not enough. Just as with posts and frames, all the postures and movements that Sergeant Velázquez demonstrated were originally made up of one flow. ”

Sergeant Carver demonstrated the same thing on the other side.

Winter changed people and allowed them to practice.

Training ended at 11: 30 a.m. Meals were combat food driven to the gym. The reinforcements sigh. Next time, I tried to line up a little faster. I tried to avoid a tasty menu. Like the cheese omelet of winter.

The instructor supervising the distribution asks.

“…… are you sure you want to do that? You might want to switch to a different menu. ”

“Someone has to eat. Is it inventory? This menu appears prominently. ”

As winter pointed out, the composition of the combat food that was loaded was extremely unbalanced. It's just a bunch of menus that the U.S. military doesn't like. This is all the refugee relief workers have dealt with so far. It's just an exception that's out of specification for winter alone.

‘It's a good thing the Allied Forces are now legitimate. ’

As an instructor, he sighed and changed his share of battle rations.

Meal time is an hour and a half.

The omelette, the main diet, smells just fine. It's hard to get used to a rough meal even in winter. Visual spit by someone, tastes worse than it looks. Every time I swallowed it, I felt awkward. I'd rather eat the energy pack I had in my life.

Was it curiosity or coincidence? The menu Yura brought was like winter. She gets nauseous on her first mouth, never touches her again. I only eat with dessert and drinks.

After finishing the meal, winter comes to Rieling. As the boy officer approached, the action men who had smashed the grueling meal quickly got up.

“One thing, what's going on? ”

They were wary of winter. On the other hand, it was damp. Winter made a soft smile.

“It's been a long time, Kuntao. How was your boo-boo? Sorry to interrupt your meal. I'd like to speak to Miss Lee for a moment, please. Can you tell her? ”

It was a snack. Kuntao looks back at the midwife. Sitting on an unprecedented street, the mistress looks at the winter with her eyes and split her stance with her head.

Iring gets up from her seat and takes on winter.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Han. I didn't get to say hello after meeting you today. Forgive my rudeness.”

“You're welcome. I hope you'll forgive me. ”

“…… I don't know what you mean. ”

To her who quietly turns away, what winter says.

“Really? Well, that's not bad. If you'll do me a favor. ”

After a while, Iring sighed.

“Teacher, it's too late to say anything now, isn't it? ”

The Triad and the Winter Alliance were in a partnership, but they had to warn the police in advance. Winter pierced her grief.

“Weren't you worried that the Chinese would become a political victim? You may have been victimized by the police right now, but your biggest concern is that you've lost weight. ”

Iring looks depressed. The words of winter follow.

“Crime is a bomb as it builds up. How long are you going to hold her? If the current flows according to Sauger's concerns, the U.S. government will one day say, The Chinese are a bunch of drug killers. Let's wipe them all out! Do you want to see people cheering there? ”

“So you're saying it was for us? ”

“A concubine. I don't think we should kill all criminals. If things get out of hand, I will inevitably kill you. ”

So a warning not to cross the line.

“...... I've told you this before, but it's hard to tell whether a teacher is good or bad. ”

She sighs longer than before and asks if she can fix her body.

“So, what are you going to tell me? ”

“Tell Richingen Nosa. I'll see you tonight. ”

“Can't you just tell people what to do? ”

“I wanted to make sure that Lee Sawyer was still concerned about that and how you accepted what happened last time. ”

Iring frowned quietly, saying that she had tested herself. Winter greets her before she asks anything more.

“I'll be going, then. Rest well. Have a good afternoon. ”

Still curious, Iring doesn't hold out for winter.

Artwork Reviews

# Installment payments

The Naver Store launch was originally scheduled for the last week of September, but was postponed due to a variety of circumstances. We appreciate your patience.

# Q&A

Q. ASA2289: Is love getting cold these days… or is compassion running out…? It's hard to see often...

A. Sympathetic depletion is half as physical. It's easy to stay awake until dawn, but there are lots of construction sites nearby, so it's noisy since 6 am. Hahahaha.I want to set it on fire.

Q. Hot Stars: @... Have you been surprised by the comments you made before? I was shocked, too, because Paige stopped and kept pressing, and that was a disaster. You can use it slowly.

A. I'm not surprised. We're about five livers down. And thank you. Slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly.

Q. Spinemidt: @ Does the second job of puncturing my stomach involve my nick?

A. No way. Next time, ask a healthier question.:)

Q. Echi: I'm curious about @ Jacquard. Zombie babies, half-zombie worldview.

A. A writer has never thought about it… Well… something like that is possible…

Q. Figu Cigarette: @ If I buy a paper book later, I want you to give me your swimsuit bromide as a special treat. If I put a size 1: 1 full-body bromide at the door of my house, I won't steal, I won't fix my broken washing machine, and I won't have any flaps.

A. Report the thief to the police, the washing machine to the U.S. Knight, and the Twinkle to plastics. It's true that it has an undeniably ominous effect on the writer's bromide, but you can't just sell it for a book.

Q. October: Is this your first commercial work, @ writer? If it's a masterpiece, I'd like to buy it and see if you publish it.

A. It's my first time at the Ossuary. I had a lot of discussions with publishers before, but I was expelled every time.

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