# Impact, Port Roberts (5)

A promised evening, an unwelcome guest, and a repressive wrath from Richingen. Sturdy gaze and silent mouth. It's a difficult position to look weak inside and out, so I don't think I can afford to smile. Lost weight better than before. I sit in the owner's seat and stare at the guest. Winter stood still until he recommended a seat.

“Finally, you're making this old man disrespect. Sit down, sir. ”

Licingen points at the diagonal chair with his hands spread out.

“Thank you, Master. ”

Winter greets you as politely as before, and sits sideways with the old giant. An elderly man who has been associated with a crime expresses his discomfort in a manner that is not a criminal.

“Don't blame me for lack of preparation. We're not like we used to be. ”

“Well, isn't that what you think? ”

Licinsen glares at his daughter in the winter news.

“I heard what you said to that boy. There was a reason.But I can't deny your lack of good faith. We made a promise to help each other, and you didn't keep it. I don't think this is going to change your mind. ”

Now, Richingen's anger is a little more explicit.

“But I had hoped to see you come alone and see if you were willing to avoid responsibility for just a few words, you made a big mistake. I am not my daughter. Don't look so easily like a retreated bitch. Face to face is sometimes more precious than life. I, and the brothers I shared blood with, are prepared to hold you accountable. ”

“Are you trying to kill me? ”

“If you ignore us to the end, something worse might happen. ”

An indoor, densely plummeting flesh. For winter, it was a clear warning of all kinds of senses. You told me not to blame it on the lack of preparation, but the other side seems to be working hard.

As far as winter is concerned, Richingen is not going to let things go like this. Therefore, this situation would mean that Licingen's position is not so good.

‘Is it so different...?' ’

As Rieling watched, he was depressed. Like it or not, she was also an executive of a criminal organization. A body tied to its ridiculous virtue. There doesn't seem to be any courage against the boss and father's decision. A life of inertia? Winter felt a thin strangeness in her.

‘No, it's not like I was then. ’

I accepted a brutal deal in the past winter because I had someone to protect.

“That's strange. I thought I was being ignored. ”

“What kind of ulcer is that again? ”

“It's not an ulcer. Do you remember the conversation we had the day we first met? ”

“Conversation? What kind of conversation? ”

A Richingen reminiscent of the past, wary of winter's awe-inspiring attitude. But there is no doubt about his face. It's a clueless color. Winter gave me the answer.

“Then I said, If you want to continue to cooperate with the Winter Alliance for a long time, don't pursue unfair gains anymore. You probably remember that. because I said it in an uncomfortable atmosphere at the time. the Triad's covering up reinforcements. ”

“Umm…! ”

Licingen groans in boiling water. The only reason we can't understand here is to die together. I want to avoid the end even if I'm prepared.

It is as if they have already accepted it at the point of hesitation. Winter did not give him time to settle.

“I think you're upset that I should have given you the arrest information in advance, but if you hadn't ignored my request in the first place, the Triad wouldn't have been harmed. Honestly, I'm sorry.I 'm not kidding, but he's been ignoring me for a long time. ”

We know each other is not really sad. However, the one who brought up the face-to-face story first was Richingen. I have a lot of ears. Do you want to die because of them? Winter was familiar with the Chinese narrative, and he assumed he had nothing to say to the gangster boss.

Indeed, I was curious about what Licingen said.

“I didn't ignore it. It was too vague a request. It wasn't a specific agreement, so it's not something you should be worried about. ”

“Then I'll ask. Did I neglect anything specific at the time? ”

“ ……. ”

“The merit that you initially spoke to me and the merit that I hoped for was not different. At least I think so, but I wonder how you're doing. ”

Flawless logic. Licingen is speechless. I'm angry, but I have no reason to be. It's not an opponent that can be suppressed. Against criminals who blushed in anger, winter continued to persuade them to be prepared.

“There were other reasons. If you're trying to trick an enemy, try cheating an ally first. If I had already told you, could you have assured me that the secret would have been kept completely secret? ”

“Watch your tongue! Are you questioning our brotherly friendship and unity? ”

“Unfortunately, yes. At least the people who were in the hangar and the hatchlings didn't feel the same way. Didn't Lee say she didn't want to follow him because he was a faithless person? I was worried when I heard this story. I'm afraid of leaking information.”

The letter of the White Paper line has been etched with rumors of winter. Licingen makes an unpleasant face. It was clearly not a malice towards winter.

“... This is a rumor. ”

“There is a Korean proverb that says," Do you smoke in chimneys? "Don't you have a similar proverb in China? Avoid the possibility of danger. Besides, as I explained earlier, I was hoping that you would do me a favor. ”

And winter approached with a different perspective.

“One more thing. I don't know how much the Triads have lost in the last arrests. But is it still a loss? The Triad's competitors must have suffered a lot more damage. I put the party in charge myself. When the Triad executives were in a row in an accident, I heard that the suspected mastermind was the Anvil Workshop and the Job Aid Party...... Am I mistaken? ”

Iring shudders, because she was the one who told the story to winter. Licingen notices her daughter's agitation and realizes it's useless to deny it. Hereinafter, the words pressed against the forehead.

“So, you want me to give you weight and take a bone? ”

In the attitude that Licingen has shown so far, it was sufficiently difficult to "spot". Pretending not to know winter.

“If you can. We're here to help. ”

And now I have the real business. Licingen glances at the Distribution Country Recommendation Letter on the table with suspicious eyes. After a while, there was a noticeable change in the glowing look on his face. Rapid changes in chickenpox attract the attention of executives, including ironing.

“A recommendation from the Central California Refugee Service will be made shortly. ”

An old criminal shaking in his words.

“I never heard of a military agency being set up. ”

“It's probably still confidential. Maybe.”

“Confidential……. ”

“The letter of recommendation, if I just write down my name and submit it, will be appointed as it is. There's no judging. You know what this means, right? As the great Sage has said, this time I want to believe in the friendship and unity of the Triad brothers. It doesn't have to be nice to be recognized outside of a privilege like this. ”

Of course, my mind is different. It didn't matter if it was a public secret. As long as the letter of recommendation is used as a means of trading to gain influence, the story must leak somewhere.

But Richingen will never know the depths of winter. As a means to negotiate easily, winter brought back the brazen bravado.

In the end, Richingen couldn't resist the urge. I sweep through the ranking executives with sharp eyes. Winter felt a small satisfaction in that action.

‘You were too crowded to threaten me, so your judgment isn't normal. ’

There's no guarantee he didn't do drugs. If a person becomes numb in a short period of time, he should first try to suspect drugs.

Like Min-wan's expectations, there may be a relationship between the women.

Richingen, who lost his cool, tells the story of winter.

“Hahn, what the hell is this? How could you possibly possess such authority? Is that really okay to believe? ”

“You don't have to doubt it. Colonel Laplin commissioned me. ”

“Huh, you've been playing with me from the start. I can't. I can't. ”

Triad members who say that but express their cats. Before his expectations were so inflated, winter announced appropriately.

“I'm sorry to disappoint you, but it won't be possible for the Parliament Master to enter directly. ”

“Why is it so hard? ”

“You're the leader of the Triad. The U.S. military doesn't want civil servants from criminals. ”

With the flow this far, Richingen asks for alternatives rather than disappointment.

“Yes. Even though Americans are selfish, lazy, stupid pigs, they don't know my face or my name. I understand. But what are you going to do? If you refuse to be a criminal, which one of our brothers can enter? It's the Americans who treat each other like criminals because the Koreans help each other. I think one of the teachers has something in mind. ”

The Winter Pre-Commanded Excuses were captured as natural smoke.

“Few people are free in the refugee zone anyway. Even I get my hands dirty. Nosa is only troubled because she is so well-known, and her daughter Rieling fragrance won't be a problem. And so will the rest of the staff. ”

“Are you guaranteeing this? ”

“Sure. Consider it my intention to keep my promise. ”

The words of winter that remind the beginning of the conversation. The old rascal finally bursts into laughter.

“When I first met a teacher, I argued about her marriage. I thought I said your youth was new... I feel the same way today. I wonder if this is how the water in the Vigor changes. Good, good. Let's do that.”

“Then please select a department. I'll give your daughter the seat you want. except for the inspector's office.”

Winter gave me a formal opportunity, thinking the choice would be obvious anyway. A grudge against the wrong choice will be directed at him in the future. It's good for making color.

‘The Chinese are too exclusive...... If we don't want to see them all die later, we have to build a relationship this way. ’

It is difficult to gain influence within an exclusive ethnic group.

While I think about it, the old rascal who carefully examines the military's overview makes a decision that never goes beyond expectation. Material greed. Winter has now called to its side.

“Well, Lee Sausage. Would you like to come over for a moment? Please tell us what you use your name for. ”

A somewhat wobbly eyeing noted down the favorable Hanja with extra blank paper and pen. Write down the English spelling as it sounds below. Winter moved it to her handwriting and wrote it down.

In the process of discussing the formation of people below grade 5, winter brought them back to the topic of hangouts and hatchlings.

Richingen, who heard the request, narrows his glabella.

“Lend me those teeth? What are you going to use it for? You won't be shorthanded. ”

“A power show. I want to show you that Koreans aren't the only ones with me. ”

If you ask me to hand it over, I'm sure I'll react. So winter reminded us that the hangouts and hatchlings in the previous conversation were anxious. It was a device for now.

It is also important that the affiliation does not change at all. The surface area of the Triad will not change if you just lend it to them. Min-wan's concern is overcome here.

‘If you don't want to, you can return it. ’

That's all the safeguards winter needed. Hangouts and hatchlings are criminals who eventually form the Triad. Even if the proportion of the family is high, and not the action zone, no one knows what the tendency is.

After a sufficient period of time, it was not too late to accept the situation.

Richingen hesitated and accepted winter's demands.

Artwork Reviews

# Q&A

Q. Bear Lord: Can't you see the word or Q&A anywhere else?

A. Maybe so, right?

Q. Habika: @ oh.... There are many different routes available! I know you can see Nobles as a way to pay per diem in addition to your pass. It's a system like a passport, so I think there's a limit... but if there's a bill per person at Naver Entor, do you want to open another payment on this side? I read a review you said you would complete in Novelis. Heh heh

A. In Joara, we will only play Novelis. If this novel is so slow on non-alcoholic fumes that it breaks down into pieces... it's literally going to be buried in the ground.

Q. Man Tree: Are you planning on posting to the @ Tutorial Noble?

A. None. What does it mean to end with a series of bites? I've used it before, and it's a little immature. The Ossuary's a little young, too.:)

Q. Windbreaker: I'm not the only one getting attacked in a world full of @ zombies. If you look at the game, the protagonist is only half infected, so zombies won't bite him, so he's enjoying life at the end of the century, so we recommend you take a look at it for novel reference or try Visual Novel. Does the main character, by the way, play Seks? Who would I fuck if I did?

A. I already know the novel. It was on the translation blog... it wasn't my style. And they don't want to be asked any direct questions about the adult audience part. Thank you for your patience. Haha.

Q. Watcher 24: @ fluctuations?? > Variants rush

A. I will correct it. Thank you for your understanding.

Q. Klurichi: Is there anything else on the site other than @ Naver? Lidi Books or Kakao page, etc.

A. I've been in your neighborhood, but you're later than Naver.

Q. QOEWH: @ writer, recent weather conditions have been cold and are prone to decline. I have some red ginseng extract coming into my house this evening, and I was wondering if you could write me an address so I could send it to you... I have a convenience store courier for you so I don't have to worry about exposing your identity.

A. Red ginseng extract... It's over KRW 100,000 per bottle, so QOEWH should eat it. Share it with your family.

I don't want to open a sponsorship account, and I don't want to receive gifts, because I'm worried that my novel will go away. If it's a gift that comes in after completion, I'd appreciate it... Haha.

Thank you for always being so thoughtful. Have a nice day.

Q. Bug: I heard Major Major's in charge of the Special Forces.

A. A Special Forces demobilisation was referring to the 'there is no way' in that part of the description.

If you do, you won't be able to stay away from the refugees in the winter.

The description is too vague. and we'll take that into account.

Q. Woo Sin-Yeok: @ Oh right... Did you plan to publish a paper book? Literature?

A. Yes. I'm sorry about the tree, but they say it's a paper book.

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