# Past (6), Psychotherapy (3)

To a woman visiting a boy, psychotherapy was not just an excuse.

‘I don't want this child to suffer. ’

The sincerity flowing beneath Songshua's mask. She always blames herself. Am I being too selfish? To see the pain of winter, he wanted to comfort himself in the end. The mind of caring for the boy is secondary. In my defense, I was humble.

But it has already begun. There were as many bonds as there were. If you stop now, he will also hurt the boy.

I'm not sure what winter thinks of her. I don't know in one direction, but the depth of the boy was unusual. Even the real counselor who advises me is so crooked.

The results of several psychological tests conducted by women and boys, the counselor assessed:

“Obviously strange. ”

And he shakes his head.

“No, don't be surprised. Strange and problematic are different concepts. Statistically, it's strange once you're more than twice the standard deviation from the social average. which means it's not normal. So the abnormalities here can be psychotic, superficial trauma, extraordinary qualities. ”

So the woman at that time asked.

“Which do you think it is? ”

“That's …… I honestly don't know. It can be analyzed in the family area or in the sexual area with a suppressed model, which is very unique in its entirety. If it wasn't for the electroencephalogram, I wouldn't trust these results. He would have judged that he didn't mean it. ”

Seeing the woman's dark complexion, the expert adds to her views.

“I know why you're worried. because the past is the past, and the scars of adolescence go on for the rest of their lives. But that's not true. Acquired mental illness is not irreversible damage. There's about 75 percent resilience with the proviso that there's adequate counseling and treatment. unless it's extreme. ”

“Well, how much more extreme can this child be than his past? Optimistically, does that mean 25% trauma remains? ”

“Oops. You misunderstood. Ms. Grant, the human mind is not a precise code of conduct. And very few modern people are mentally ill. Everyone has internal injuries, and those injuries accumulate to form an axis of character. It's just that this child, this winter, is so unusual, it's just hard to conclude. ”

“So there's nothing for sure after all. ”

“I'm sorry to disappoint you. But let me tell you one thing: he didn't want to get mad at this kid, his parents. which is quite a lot of emotion. The next time you go, just float. The attitude of responding to the therapy seemed to be okay. ”

Psychologists receive video of women and boys' encounters every time. As a woman, I had no choice but to wear a mask, but my heart became heavy. Well, it wasn't very nice for the boy. Even if you do it in good faith. But she had no alternative.

‘I feel so anxious every day. ’

Since then, it's today.

After familiarizing themselves with each other, she used to ask the boy for a simple test every time she came. One thing at a time. So winter is still filling unfinished sentences. I hate the same test twice, but I just write it down without rest.

It was questions that didn't have the right answers. If you immediately fill up what comes to mind, that is the figure of the solver. One condition is required. Avoid stalling. It was a rule I was used to in winter.

Square. The sound of fountains of fountains with a sense of stability. The movement of the pens is like that of a boy.

She felt like she was listening to music.

"Parents and I"

I stopped playing when I met Gobi. Short static, but feels long. I thought about tapping my lips with a fountain pen head, and winter didn't change my face.

My parents and I broke up.

It was a short answer compared to other long and sincere questions. It was the same before. In the family realm, the boy tended to suppress himself.

What will be the meaning of that suppression melt?

After several troubles, the winter fills the rest easily and handes over the completed inspection papers to the woman. The woman took it and stored it in her private realm. Documents are broken into light.

Winter said.

“Go ahead.”

“Ugh, yeah? ”

“You look uncomfortable. Don't you have something to say? ”

The woman rebukes herself inside. First, I was embarrassed and stuttered. When she heard about the mask she was wearing, her advisor asked her to pay some attention. One of them is to not panic, not be nervous.

It is better than not to be late. The woman who quickly ruled herself seemed ashamed of her smile on the boy.

“I'm sorry. I must have bothered you. Yeah, I wanted to ask you something. I was hesitant that you might be offended. ”

“Well…. Don't you think that's important? I don't know what it is, but you don't mean it badly... …. You can ask, don't get me wrong. Instead, you don't have to answer if it's hard, right? ”

“Of course. Thank you for saying that. Then, um, actually, I have a question based on the results of the examination.... ”

She asked carefully. It was a primer that needed attention.

“Winter, did something bad happen with your parents before? I mean, it's usually pretty bad. ”


The boy's answer was so immediate, she almost shook again. Thankfully for her, the words of winter were not yet finished.

“Was that a difficult question…? I thought you would have guessed. The intention seems obvious from the inspection paper question.... Oh, that doesn't make it a lie. It's a different dimension to understand honesty and intention. ”

Then, winter asks her backwards.

“Do you want to know what happened? ”

“No, no. You don't have to tell me that. It would help if I told you...... but what I want to know is what happened in the past. Why are you holding back the emotions caused by that? That's what I was wondering.... You know, if you keep accumulating old emotions, they become a disease in your mind. Telling someone helps a lot. ”

I don't want you to get sick. Winter heard that and nodded. And it's a conflict. Should we avoid the answer?

The conclusion with a sigh was negative. It was nothing.

“I don't want to complain. ”


“My parents, they're very bad people. I think you've done me a lot of wrong. But I'm not just trying to blame them. I think it's the wrong anger……. ”

Wrong anger? You don't blame me? Isn't it enough to be angry and cursed and shed tears? The woman waits for the next words with a confused feeling.

The space was not long.

“After coming here, I had a lot of time to think for myself. ”

The last moments of winter's life were the scenery of an O.R. that was white and cold. The end of the landscape was unclear. I fell asleep at one point, and by the time I woke up, it was already my own world. It won't get any heavier. The sad feeling of liberation that I felt at that time, still comes alive. I cried for a long time in the void where 10 million stars were shining. I didn't have to endure it. It is because there is no one here who is breathtaking in the tears of winter.

After that, I did nothing, just wasted time. No, time has passed.

“At first, the more I think about it, the more I hate it. I hate my father. I hate my mother. I think I'm here because I blame my parents for not loving me. But after raising so much hatred...... I felt like this is not enough. ”

The woman who was listening sped up her pulse. Does that mean you don't have enough people to hate? If the inflated hatred had a new direction, who would it have been?

However, her worries were faint. The words of winter were different from what I expected.

“My father, as a child, was an immature man. They lack responsibility, they lack restraint. And when it comes to self-empathy, it's rare to empathize with other people. My mother... It didn't get much better either. But have they been like this since they were born? You're not destined to grow up to be a bad parent, are you? ”

Haven't figured out her intentions yet, she blurs.

“I see... ”

“There must be a natural order to it. But you have to learn to be a person, and you have to mature in life.... I thought it was the world that gave me those parents. If my parents loved me a little deeper, my parents' friends were a little better, and my parents' teacher taught me a little better, this wouldn't be happening right now.... ”

“So what you're saying is... you have to hate everyone in the world to hate them? ”

“Yes, it is. That's what I thought at the time. There's a real cause, but I feel like I'm giving up hating my parents... It's childish, right?”

As you bite, winter smiles faintly. It was hard to tell the boy's smile apart. Is it real or fake? The story behind winter, with hard to know emotions.

“Because I hated my parents, I hated everyone, and I hated the whole world because people hated me so much. I wish this world would go away. I used to imagine that every day. ”

“Winter, so now is not the time? ”

“Yes, I shouldn't have done that. ”


“The people I love, we have to live in that world. ”

Winter clasps over your knees, looking down and speaking quietly.

“There are two people who want to be happy. If you come in here and you realize something new, you have to live among people. I don't think unhappy people can make other people happy. So you want people to be happier. I don't hate them endlessly. ”

One last quote from the boy.

“But it's very difficult. ”

The woman felt a deep pity.

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# Q&A

Q. Agrappa: How do I disclose the @ Harris case? If you continue dramatic reruns all over the United States, like in Santa Maria. A cast like Jeffrey will be a national actor! Blah.

A. There are many dramatic elements to the regiment commander. It's about time Jeffrey got something...

Q. Approximately how many quarters will it take to complete @ the stubborn? I hope that Yeon-Jae's life with me is long enough.

A. If you go that long, you won't be able to keep your work up. I don't think I can do that.

Q. Lifesaver: After paying for the @ drive-by, you look at it in two days. In fact, I recommended it to a friend, but he was too sympathetic and refused to read it twice. A friend who doesn't understand sympathy is sad. P.S. Amon whispered to the writer to drown out coupons, so I'll give you 27.

A. A lot of sympathy, so why don't you share it for free?... I need it from a writer...

Q. Jzelia: This is the most complete novel I've ever seen in Joara. And mulberry in many ways. I looked at this, and I read the Little Prince again, and I searched in the middle for terms. Is it just because I watched you get fucked up in Jorah? But what about sponsorship, raw material coupons? No, just post it in an account or a review, and I'll deposit the chicken every month.

A. We are only grateful for your support. An unfinished novel can always get out of the way.

Q. 14C2A58H2: @ Paper… unlimited? For example, a pictogram of Tunguska's concentric and antimatter is either a vacuum plasma museum or a sympathetic copy of the writer's handwriting.

A. I'm thinking of doing an event with a copy of my signature.

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